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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. So you found it confusing as well?
  2. The Rosa Parks of masks? Wow, heroically fighting oppression? Same advice to you. Grow up.
  3. The phrase that comes to mind is "Grow up".
  4. And with the number of generals in Thailand a colonel is probably the equivalent of a lieutenant in any other nation's army.
  5. It is a Christian church and religious elementary school in the city of Bell Gardens, California. Just called St. Margaret's to refer to both or one, the church runs the school. What was confusing about it?
  6. cdemundo

    Covid 4th shot?

    When COVID was very prevalent in the US I looked at the "off mainstream" Hermann Cain Awards reddit. Primary info, not interpreted, it showed FB posts of vaccine skeptics who said all the same things we always hear. Then they would stop abruptly or change to a play-by-play of COVID hospitalization and often death with posts taken over by family and friends. One of the things that the MSM never showed was the horrors of death by COVID. What is clear from Hermann Cain Award posts is that if you got bad COVID you didn't "go gentle into that good night". Something I learned is that a lot of people in the US think that when you die you get "angels wings" which I think is theologically unsound. Also, when you die you become a saint, people whose posts revealed that they were mean as a snake, after death were described as wonderful, kind, gentle people. Looks very much like COVID infections are not as dangerous now as with previous strains so the choice is very different now. For whatever reason the risk of infection is apparently much less now. I have multiple risk factors so I have had 5 shots, the last one was the bivalent which I got in the US. I would guess that most people have made up their mind by now. Up to you.
  7. But wait there's more! Now how much would you pay!?! JK, but does sound like an air fryer infomercial.
  8. Brings to mind "Michigan treasurer falls for Nigerian scam" who invested county money with a Nigerian prince. Crazy.
  9. Here are 9 and 10 year old boys living on the street with no parents and the big issue is that they are smoking ganja? Let's treat the symptoms, maybe the cause will go away.
  10. I understand they were made to pinkie swear in order to assure compliance.
  11. Same as Catholic priests "gravy train riders with a turned around collar" as Terry Malloy called them in "On the Waterfront".
  12. "He has not. What technical paper has he written? What invention has he created? What advanced technical degree has he earned? " I don't know the answer to your questions. "What technical paper has he written? What invention has he created? What advanced technical degree has he earned? " I have known engineers who published multiple technical papers, had numerous patents, and had Phds in engineering disciplines; All they ever were was employees in a corporation that sucked up government grants without very significant results to their research, like usable technologies. So too me those things are not a measure of achievement. What he has done is been very successful in several very competitive technical businesses. Space travel (is that the right term), electric cars, the tunneling company he is owner of. I confess I don't know if he is more of promoter/organizer type like Steve Jobs or a technical type like Bill Gates, but he definitely has something that is not common.
  13. I would be interested to see a video with sound of the exchange. The question "Where are your people from?" could be nice, neutral or nasty depending on the tone. (I don't know if the old aristocrat said that, just an example). The fact that the old gal couldn't just move on with the conversation suggests some aggressiveness. I am guessing that a person who wanted to be a "lady in waiting" is very attached to her aristocratic status. I doubt very much that she is just a harmless old dear.
  14. Point taken, but Musk has demonstrated technical intelligence of a very high order.
  15. Methinks he doth protest too much. A defender of 83 year old ladies? Or...
  16. We are participating in what is usually referred to as a "discussion forum". When you start a discussion people comment as they see fit. They do not become your servants with an obligation give you only the narrow answers that you seek. The fact that no one is directly answering your question might be food for thought for you.
  17. 'but either way, he did not "die of/from Covid". We've been down this Covid road long enough to know that hand-washing and social distancing are the most effective barriers. ' Huh.... learn somethin' new every day.
  18. True as stated, but estimates of percentage of Indians who speak English top out around 20%. So it has the largest population of countries that speak English, but low percentage speak English.
  19. If that were true the meme would be still be pointless.
  20. What about nominally "Christian nations", such as those that use churches and cathedrals as tourist attractions; do you find that all the residents there allow the meek to inherit the earth, the first to be last and the last to be first?
  21. I carry a photocopy of passport and driver's license, full size on letter size paper. I don't want to hand my phone to anyone who wants to see my documents.
  22. It always surprises me how these discussions about preferences veer towards the eternal words of Mick Jagger in Satisfaction: "He can't be a man cuz he doesn't smoke the same cigarettes as me..." Depending on what coffee some drink I am either a snob or a peasant. Oh well, life goes on regardless.
  23. "80% of UK households buy instant coffee for in-home consumption, particularly those aged 65 and older" This is a survey of UK households. I think of the UK as a nation of tea drinkers. If there was an instant tea available would people in the UK drink it? Additionally, it seems to say only that they buy instant coffee, is it what they drink at home on a daily basis? Again, I don't know but among my acquaintances in the US their coffee drinking habits have gone and continue to go in the opposite direction from instant. More people grinding beans, using uber-coffee makers, buying "artisanal" varieties of coffee beans, etc. Now I have been very wrong about people's coffee drinking habits in the past. When Starbuck's first started I used to ask "Who is gonna pay $3 for a cup of coffee?". Turns out almost everybody.
  24. "90% of coffee drinkers drink instant coffee at home. " It would surprise me if this was true. What is the source? In Thailand I find a surprising number of restaurants use instant coffee, and it is not so good.
  25. I am partial to what I make at home. A lot of coffee at 7-11, Dunkin', and (strangely popular) McDonalds that people swear by doesn't taste that great to me. However, I am aware that numerous blind taste test of wine, beer, cola, coffee people who express a strong preference often can't tell one drink from another in a blind taste test. Here is one with unexpected results: https://thebolditalic.com/guess-the-loser-of-our-blind-coffee-taste-test-the-bold-italic-san-francisco-145e59e4b7dc
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