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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. I don't think citizenship determines your tax residency. At least not in Canada, but I am pretty sure it's the same in most other G20 countries.
  2. Back in Canada, there are public blood pressure checkers all over the place. I can't find anything like that anywhere in Pattaya. Anyone know of a way to get my blood pressure checked that does not involve buying a tester or paying to see a doctor? I think there used to be kiosks around that did that at one time, but so far I have not been able to find anything like that.
  3. I don't find Jomtien to be expensive at all. Maybe some of the night markets and nicer hotels but easy to find inexpensive options too.
  4. 5 million is when your marginal tax rate becomes 35%, so you would need to be making more than twice that for "most" of your income to be taxed at 35%.
  5. Not that straight forward considering that immigration and taxes are two totally separate gov't agencies with very different mandates. Even governments in the 1st world have a hard time collaborating and sharing data across agencies.
  6. Otherwise known as the marginal tax rate. A relatively simple but often misunderstood tax concept.
  7. DTV has nothing to do with taxes, other than allowing people to easily stay over the 6 month threshold at which point the tax rules apply. They are totally separate gov't departments as far as I can tell.
  8. The convicted felon fraudster only attracts the best people. Everyone says so. Ask anyone. His rallies are full of them. No empty seats.
  9. Hitler youth organizations across America must be excited at all these new prospects coming out of the woodwork. Should help keep them out of trouble I supposed. If it's not for that they would probably be shooting up a school somewhere. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/teenager-wearing-trump-shirt-charged-with-punching-harris-supporter-70/ar-AA1toYOi
  10. Imagine being so indoctrinated as to throw your life away for that low life orange scum bag. They can always join the hitler youth I suppose. Those people will accept anyone as long as they are white. https://apnews.com/article/machete-trump-florida-harris-arrest-32874969448c23ae1421cbd8b9dade48
  11. SMS verification will sometimes not pass the phone number security check if you use Google Voice. No way of knowing for sure until you try and that is no guarantee it will continue working. I couldn't find anything about international roaming on the paygo site so I am guessing it can't do that. So you would have to be in the US to use that service. Better off getting a US phone number from voip.ms, which can be done from Asia, and using their SMS-to-email feature to get a GV account set up. The most fullproof way to maintain a US/Can number, that should always work for bank SMS verification, is to use a SIM provider and plan that has the WiFi calling feature. That way it's a 100% legit mobile number that passes security checks, and avoids international roaming fees. Note that WiFi calling is not the same as VoIP services like google voice or voip.ms. It's done through your mobile SIM provider, so it's using a 100% legit mobile provider number.
  12. Did AseaNow go with a lower bidder troll farm or something because the quality of trolling around here sure has gone downhill lately. No real person is this stupid, to have this kind of response, thinking it's a gotcha or something, not even MAGA.
  13. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-rally-full-empty-seats-1235151596/
  14. I do, because he looks funny. He also appears to skip leg day, which makes him look even funnier.
  15. Another mind expanding show. Isn't he like 4'10 or something? You almost never see pictures of him standing next to anyone because it makes him look like a dwarf.
  16. The one man clown show continues. ptfw2djjvjyd1 - Copy.mp4
  17. Anyone who supports the convicted felon fraudster election denier and hitler fanboy is scum imo. It doesn't matter who is running against him.
  18. This is easily the dumbest thing I have read today. Then again this is AN and the day isn't over.
  19. Trump suggested that they try surrounding Cheney with guns at an Arizona rally, violating the conditions of his bail https://www.latintimes.com/trump-white-house-official-calls-trump-arrested-threatening-liz-cheney-he-just-violated-564356
  20. Another frivolous lawsuit by the convicted felon that won't amount to anything, as usual. Didn't CBS host The Apprentice at one time? There are supposedly a lot of really ugly out takes of him making an arse of himself on that show.
  21. You've look nowhere and found nothing, so clearly there is something to it and she really is the hamburglar. Seriously, is this the best you people can come up with in the final days to try distract from what a horribly unqualified fascist piece of garbage the convicted felon fraudster is?
  22. The so called 'unlimited' plans are good for people who don't want to have to worry about data usage, or maybe they have some app that is constantly trying to suck lots of data. The limited speed in the so called 'unlimited' plans will throttle that so they don't have to worry about it. For me, I want the max speed possible so I always go for the unlimited speed plans with a data cap. Looks like 10GB is good for a couple days based on my usage. AIS streaming really sucks even though I get a good 5G signal and average around 150Mbps up and down. Probably because they are throttling the streaming content. 3BB tech is coming today to hopefully fix whatever the problem is. Thank dog for having AIS as a backup otherwise it would have been a much bigger deal for me. I can live with freezing TV streams but I can't live without being able to work online.
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