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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. When they show you who they are, believe them. Turns out they are all a bunch of scum bags, just like him. That is assuming they are not some sockpuppet account from Russia/China.
  2. Including all the other things right wingers are terrible at, I think we can safely include assassin to the list.
  3. Anyone who believes FEMA conspiracies are the dumbest people on the planet.
  4. Not all republicans are nazis, but all nazis seem to be republican.
  5. Because it's just so hard to tell with the Trump flags beside the nazi ones, or spending 5 seconds googling him?
  6. https://www.newsweek.com/swastika-flags-flown-donald-trump-boat-parade-florida-us-presidential-2042-election-1968426
  7. There will probably be a flood of first hand info once people start filing around Feb/Mar.
  8. You can live pretty cheap in Vietnam. The only problem is they don't have a retirement visa, so you have to be ok with doing border runs every 3 months.
  9. The video of him getting smoked by a drone will be the most watched thing he has ever done.
  10. As others have said, if you are there more than 180 days the onus is probably on you to file. It would be better to file even if you don't think you have to rather than having to deal with what may happen if you don't.
  11. So dignfied and presidential. The ALL CAPS really emphasizes that.
  12. That is not a solution. Neither are the suggestions to reduce screen size or use developer mode. I can't believe people would even suggest it. 🤦‍♂️ The most 'practical' solution I have read so far is blocking the HTML code in uBlock, and it's far from practical.
  13. 5G doesn't automatically mean higher speed just because 5 is a higher number than 4. Most of the benefits it brings are for the telcos not the end users, despite everything you may have read. I have been getting 100+ MBPS speeds with 4G for years now. The higher frequency channels 5G supports are not something you can use with an indoor hotspot because those frequencies can't penetrate walls.
  14. I have a spare smartphone I use for that. No need to buy a dedicated hotspot that can't do anything else. Putting the phone somewhere that gets better signal penetration, like near a window or door, is probably going to be more effective than an external antenna.
  15. Most of us would rather just point and laugh at you. Anyone still supporting the convicted felon fraudster is beyond hope.
  16. Not disappear, just doing this for the next 4 years. Maybe crawling out of their hole once in awhile to deny climate change or whatever other nonsense it is these idiots post about.
  17. Trial and error suggests something else to me.
  18. This account seems to average something like 20+ posts a day. All if it 100% pure garbage. Almost like it's their job. There are at least half a dozen accounts like this responsible for most of the garbage around here. Ignoring them doesn't prevent seeing their topic posts, so that feature is basically useless.
  19. So you are suggesting I alter the HTML every time I refresh the page? You can't possibly be serious!
  20. Someone call the fire department.
  21. These morons will be surrounded by constant fires and floods and rising sea levels and areas of the world becoming unlivable in a not-to-distant apocalyptic hellscape and still be denying climate change.
  22. I'm not sure if you can make blanket statements like that. I think it can vary from location to location and in different regions of the country. You are not always going to get the same signal strength from two different providers for any given location so that is another variable.
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