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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. You need someone to tell you what your requirements are?
  2. Just removing the worries about an onward ticket makes it worth it for me. My airline actually checked the visa this time too. Now I can stay as long as I want until my return in under 180 days with no worries about extensions and border runs or any other BS. Doing all that stuff last year was a PiTA. That was the first and hopefully last time I ever have to do that.
  3. When did this site turn into a loony bin? A place where you can post the most ridiculous garbage known to mankind just as long as you don't spell anyone's name wrong.
  4. You need examples what word processors, spreadsheets, and email clients are used for? 🤔
  5. Old habits die hard. I ditched Office/Word/Excel/Outlook long ago. Most people don't need to use them anymore. Alternatives may work even better depending what you are doing.
  6. Something similar happened to me last year. A few people on here tried to tell me I must not have dressed nice enough or smelled bad...because they have never had a problem. 🤣🤣 I was gonna write off Thailand this year because of that incident....until they came out with the DTV. We shall see how things work out coming and going with that.
  7. Reality has a liberal bias. You wouldn't understand.
  8. https://abcnews.go.com/US/texas-man-arrested-allegedly-punching-poll-worker-maga-trump-hat/story?id=115165176
  9. There's a shocker. https://abcnews.go.com/US/texas-man-arrested-allegedly-punching-poll-worker-maga-trump-hat/
  10. The convicted felon fraudster is several fries short of a happy meal. Seems to be just barely holding it together and regularly soils his diapers. At least Reagan had the decency to remove himself from the public eye once his mind was almost completely gone. This clown wants nothing more than to continue humiliating himself in public. 🤡
  11. That is just people around here being too anal. Stating the speed is always assumed Mb even if someone types it as MBPS or whatever.
  12. One less MAGA terrorist (but I repeat myself) walking the streets. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/tempe-breaking/2024/10/23/suspect-identified-tempe-democratic-party-office-shootings/75806849007/
  13. Bottom line is it's just another way of reducing caloric intake that seems to be easier for some people compared to just eating less throughout the day. Seems to me it's just another diet fad imo. If you continue doing it your metabolism slows down so you can't do it too often otherwise you won't get as much benefit.
  14. I wonder if they furrowed their brows as well. That is when you know they are serious about it.
  15. Mein Kampf was probably the only book the convicted felon fascist ever read.
  16. I doubt it. He's too invested in the cult and still grifting them. If he were to let that go he's got nothing.
  17. I don't think it matters what you are watching. If you are using the Samsung UI and the TV is connected to the internet you will get the ads pushed onto your screen. https://www.samsung.com/us/business/samsungads/ You can set up a DNS proxy to block the ads but it's a PITA to try enter that using a remote control. https://gist.github.com/peteryates/b44b70d19ccd52f62d66cdd4bcef1e52 When I use a Firestick plugged into an HDMI connector it doesn't seem to be a problem because the entire Samsung UI is bypassed. At least until they start trying to inject the ads onto the HDMI video, but they don't seem to be able to do that yet.
  18. Ssshhh! We are not supposed to talk about that. Just keep pretending it's fake news only morons would believe.
  19. The right trying to turn him into another one of their boogeymen probably had something to do with it. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/22/us/elections/bill-gates-future-forward-kamala-harris.htm
  20. You can sell MAGA just about anything. Like bibles made in China.
  21. Everyone here is hating on Samsung TVs for all the wrong reasons. I think the quality is decent although you are paying a bit extra for the brand name. The biggest problem I have with them is the push ads. Those ads you see at the bottom/side of your TV every once in awhile during a program are not from the channel you are watching, it's from Samsung direct to your TV. There should be a legal requirement to have a feature to easily turn that off. I know about the workarounds. What I am saying is that it should be a built-in feature. Of course that is the last thing they want so they are fighting tooth and nail to prevent that.
  22. Won't happen. He will just put on a neck brace and say he got the sniffles again and ABRACADA! Released and pardoned for 'medical' reasons.
  23. I am sure all those Americans who can't afford insulin, constantly worry about going bankrupt if they get sick, and watch as billionaires buy politicians, fear the UK healthcare and parliamentary system far more. UK vs US healthcare system performance. UK system is 4th in the world US is 11th https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/mje/2023/05/26/a-comparative-analysis-of-the-us-and-uk-health-care-systems/ https://www.american.edu/sis/news/20240529-uk-and-us-different-systems-united-by-common-political-language.cfm
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