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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. Good parking and security doesn't really narrow it down. There are lots of options for that in Jomtien at that price. ViewTalay 5 Pattaya facing side would be my first choice but everyone is different. Probably difficult to find a decent place at a decent price at that place in high season but low season would be no problem. If you don't mind staying where there are lots of families and like a really big pool then there are tons of options. Like Laguna 1, 2, or 3, or Seven Seas.
  2. You must not be in Thailand. Lemons are way more expensive than limes and harder to find here. Limes taste better here than back in the west where they are picked when not fully ripe and shipped long distances, so they are a good substitute for lemons. No need to put them in the fridge here since they are so cheap and you can get them everywhere. Even in 7-11.
  3. How about a link instead of just a rant? https://suvarnabhumi.airportthai.co.th/service/way-to-airport/detail/suvarnabhumi_airport_SAT-1 It says the total time for the trains, including wait time, is 3 minutes. Doesn't sound too bad if true.
  4. 10baht soda water from 7-11 with a 1/2 slice of lime squeezed into it is my goto drink in the evening.
  5. I doubt they would know. Probably never even been to Pattaya except maybe as an alcoholic/sex tourist. Those are the only ones who seem to thing that is all Pattaya has to offer.
  6. It is often cold enough that I want to put on a sweater. Many others on the bus do the same. Carrying a sweater for airports, buses, and vans is standard operating procedure for any seasoned traveller.
  7. I am running into more and more of them everywhere. It will only keep getting better.
  8. Wtf are you talking about?
  9. Trump trolls posting more and more desperate BS like it's gonna make a difference. I only wish the ignore feature ignored their garbage threads as well.
  10. He's an stoner who thinks he's smart that appeals to others that are the same.
  11. That can and does happen anywhere and everywhere. No need to beat your dead horse about Pattaya over it.
  12. Who'd a thunk that the "Leapards Eating Peoples's faces" party would eat people's faces.
  13. It's easy enough to say on here that it's no big deal. Totally different when you are in that situation yourself. I had a lot of my stuff in a rented room in Thailand so if I got denied on my re-entry it would have been a major problem. So yes, even just the possibility, standing there in that moment, was borderline traumatic. Not something I want to be put through again.
  14. Old thread but I read elsewhere that both of the two people mentioned here are no longer around. One moved away and the other passed away. Does anyone have any recent recommendations of someone still around?
  15. don't expect Texas to turn blue, but the fact it's closer than usual says a lot about nationwide sentiment. I don't care what some GOP run troll polling outfit says.
  16. Waaa...we support an unqualified convicted felon hitler fanboy for president and now everyone is calling us fascists and not taking us seriously some strange reason...waaa. 🤦‍♂️
  17. Most likely you are using the wrong user/pass so quadruple check that. Also, try using the browser in incognito mode to make sure it's not an extension or something being cached in the browser.
  18. I have always been able to use the app and the website and still can. I did have to go into a branch recently to have them re-enter my passport info to get the app working again, even though that has not changed.
  19. Millions of people have, myself included.
  20. What do you do with Excel that you cannot do with Google Sheets?
  21. I think the logic is that there is less chance of you getting hassled using an METV for multi-entry instead of coming and going multiple times using the visa waiver. Probably not much point paying for the single entry tourist visa anymore though.
  22. When I emailed my local Thai consulate about that requirement they told me that 2 days would be fine.
  23. 99 Average users will probably never run into any limitations. Google Docs/Sheets works pretty well too and keeps getting better. I am a power user of Sheets and can do what I need to better with Sheets than I can with Excel using things like Apps Scripts.
  24. Supporter of the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party is shocked that leopards would eat people's faces.
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