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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. I can understand why you are so upset now that a loser like Trump, that you all can apparently relate to, is a convicted felon.
  2. He's not an elected official and not running for president, unlike the convicted felon. Nobody cares outside of wingnut land grasping at straws.
  3. I think they like it because it has all the British sports channels. I got it because of all their recommendations. It pretty much sucks for what I want, which is US movies and Netflix/Prime etc. The other thing everyone said is that it doesn't freeze as much in Thailand because they have Asian servers. If anything, I find that it freezes more in Thailand. I had to switch to their US servers at one point because it was freezing less than their Asian servers. This was in Thailand. It's not much better back home in Canada. I have 1Gb/s fibre so it's not my internet connection. Their UK channels don't freeze as bad as the US channels but they all still freeze quite a bit. I ended up having to pay for another service because the freezing on Wizz was so bad that most channels were unwatchable. I don't even use Wizz anymore even though I still have a few months remaining on my subscription. Waste of money.
  4. That is what it sounds like, and only a one-time extension allowed.
  5. I think that is an understatement. I did 2 visa runs on a 6 month multi-entry and got pushback after only 4 months total in Thailand. Wasn't even sure if they were going to let me back in the 2nd time. So there will most definitely be pushback.
  6. I have been watching the IQAir website very closely during burning season. They get triple digit days down south too sometimes. Probably mostly from palm tree burning in Indonesia. There is no escaping the bad air pollution in Thailand and it seems to be getting worse every year.
  7. I have been hitting various destinations there one at a time. Danang beach is one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. Next trip I am thinking of checking out Phu Quoc.
  8. Kuala Lumpur looks interesting. Cheap flights from BKK. Cheap hotel rooms. Good reasonably priced food. Penang also looks interesting if beach is a must.
  9. So you think it's only a one time 10k fee for the entire 5 years? Not including extensions and whatever unknown fees are associated with that.
  10. I think a lot of people are under the mistaken impression that they can use this new 5 year visa as a tourist visa. The way it's worded it doesn't sound like you can, so you will probably have to prove that you earn some minimum amount of income remotely or are doing one of the other occupations they listed.
  11. I think you can extend your tourist visa online now too.
  12. That would be convicted felon Trump.
  13. They probably all just copied the same news article, which apparently got it wrong.
  14. Are you talking about convicted felon Trump?
  15. That's scary: I mean, if they can convict Donald Trump of 34 felony counts for the crimes he committed, they can convict any criminal for the crimes they committed.
  16. I think you need to get your sarcasm detector checked.
  17. That is just what the lame street media wants you to believe.
  18. No no see it's obviously a conspiracy by the deep state....or something.
  19. "The video will not be shared in this article as it may offend sensitive viewers." So let me get this straight, someone willingly went on the internet and instead of clicking on their usual pornhub link or something else much worse, clicked on this headline through their own free will. Naturally the website feels the need to protect these oh so sensitive delicate flower internet people from being offended and running for the fainting couch?
  20. It's the same horse race politics media nonsense every 4 years. People have short-term memories so they fall for it every time. I think pretty much every incumbent president in recent history, that won a 2nd term, was behind in the polls at this time before the next election. Doesn't matter who they were running against. In other words, the polls right now are meaningless.
  21. He is a shoe in for the sequel to "The Smartest Guys in the Room".
  22. If it is done like a multi-entry e-visa, you would have to show airport immigration your visa printout, which would have the expiry date(s) on it. As long as the visa is still valid they would stamp you in for 180 days each time. It's still not clear to me how the payments every 180 days would work. You would most likely need to go into immigration to do that so you would need to make sure you are in the country before the expiry of each 180-day period.
  23. There are no coasts in Thailand? 🤔
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