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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. 37 minutes ago, shdmn said:

    Like the time he called McCain a loser for getting captured?  Is that a good example of praising the military at every opportunity?  Or the time he skipped Armistice day because it was raining?  But he did find time to pilfer a bunch of art from the US amabassadors house in Paris to take home with him.


    Speaking of unnamed sources.  Got any links for that rebuilding the military and straightening out the VA fairytale?


    There is absolutely no doubt that he thinks a lot of his supporters are losers and suckers.  What does that say about the people who still still support him?

    Or the time in 2017 when he threw a fit in a meeting with the Joint Chiefs including then-Secretary of Defense James Mattis (a retired four-star Marine general) calling them "a bunch of dopes and babies" and saying he "wouldn't go to war with you people".  Is that a good example of praising the military at every opportunity?

    • Haha 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, wazzupnow said:

    yeah nice this quarantaine hotels 30000 bht for 15 days check out these hustlers


    many times 30 000 u mean

    Starting at 30k which you probably cannot get because both rooms are booked, but you can get the "upgraded" room for 10k more.  Since everyone will go for the cheapest rooms they will be booked solid.  So then you are stuck with the "up to to 220K" rooms.  What a deal and totally not putting farangs in a position to be fleeced.  Sign me up.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Sujo said:

    Dont forget they all hated him until he got elected and started licking his boots.


    well those that havent been convicted.

    That's because they are lemmings who lack the critical thinking skills to think for themselves.  I don't think there are that many that hate him.  I think most supported him from the beginning and still do.

  4. 35 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    And yet trump says ivanka should be vp and the next pres. But he himself wont appoint her vp.

    Anyone know why Republicans always get behind some of the dumbest people they can find?  This is like Sarah Palin v2, electric boogalo.  Now with even more stupid. 


    The only criteria for women seems to be that they need to be somewhat attractive.  For men, it used to be that they had good hair.  That was pretty much the ONLY thing that got Reagan elected and to this day when they talk about how they think he was it's really (subconsciously) about his hair.  But I guess hair doesn't even matter anymore if you are a big enough ahole.  Nobody has worse looking transplanted hair than trump and now the bald spot has been moved from the top of his head to the back.

  5. I think it is pretty silly that the Gov't put themselves in this impossible position where the only acceptable number of infected is 0.  That's simply not going to stay that way regardless of what they do or don't do.  Tourists or no tourists.  Quarantine or no quarantine.  So now it's like they are frozen in fear because any change to any of their policies now will almost certainly result in more cases showing up. 

    So it is kind of like they need to just keep going with these silly polices to save face now whether they still make sense or not, no matter how much economic harm it causes.  Doing anything else will make them look bad no matter what and it's their own fault for setting this totally unrealistic expectation that 0 infected is the only acceptable number.

  6. 5 minutes ago, leicesterguyuk said:

    It does add up, it makes perfect sense. It seems you're the one that needs to think about this a bit more. 


    If the virus existing and then all cases were managed and eradicated (other than those still in hospital or in state quarantine), then there is no virus left to spread when the lockdown is eased. That's the whole aim for the world over! 

    Lockdowns were for one thing and one thing only.  To try flatten the curve.  They may, may help do that but they most definitely do not prevent the spread or lessen the rate if infection longer term and that is 100% irrefutable based on all the current data. 


    You are trying to imply lockdowns are to eradicate the virus which they are 100% not going to do and nobody (besides you and other poorly informed people apparently) claims that is what they are for.

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