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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. I agree with everything the OP said and no apologizing necessary.  People just love to complain about Thailand and especially Pattaya for some reason.  Probably because so many of the complainers live there.  I suspect they will never be happy no matter where they live and that is probably part of the reason they complain so much.  Because Pattaya attracts those types I guess. It promises to have it all (and in a lot of ways it does) so that would naturally attract people who are never satisfied with their situation and always looking to blame someone or something such as where they live.


    I would add one more thing about location which OP sort of touched on,.  It's close to the airport.  I would never consider someplace like Chang Mai or Issan because going to from would always have to be through Bkk which is just one more hassle and extra expense I don't need. With Pattaya, it's a short car or bus ride away and will be even more convenient when the high speed rail line is finished.

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  2. OMG this is so scary.



    The rapidly spreading virus has closed schools, cut blood donations to dangerous levels and prompted limits on hospital visitors. More ominously, it has infected as many as 26 million people in the United States in just four months, killing up to 25,000 so far.

    Influenza, otherwise know as "the flu".  But yea let's all panic and get hysterical about coronavirus instead which doesn't come anywhere near those numbers.

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  3. Just how far do you want to take this online worker argument?  Many tourists who come to Thailand probably check their company email once in awhile and perhaps reply to some of it.  Maybe make a phone call or two.  That could easily be considered online work.  Where do you draw the line? What are they going to do?  Start deporting tourists for checking email?

  4. I think in the early days it's better to be safe than sorry.  I have no doubt that things will loosen up over time but it will take awhile.  You don't want to be one of the first to go through the justice system and test the rules and current political climate.

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  5. Regarding PI Typhoons.  It's only a problem on the east coast as far as I can tell.  The eyes often come close to Manila and about the worst that ever happens is some flooding and power outages for a day or two.  The storms tend to weaken considerably by the time they they get to Manila or other places around Luzon.

  6. 9 hours ago, tifino said:

    all arisen out from the (volcanic) ashes...  a volcano on their

    PI can boast having a volcano handy near their doorsteps 



    Of all the things you could pick to try throw rocks and you chose that one?  The bashers around here are entertaining sometimes.

  7. The PI has one huge thing going for it that no other SE Asian country has.  They almost all speak and understand English.  As much as I love Thailand and have issues with the PI, that overrides everything else for me.


    You can get good food in the PI but you sort have to know where.  The supermarkets have good fresh fruits and vegetables and there are really good barbecued chicken places everywhere.  So not so bad if you live there and can prepare you own food.  Maybe a little harder if you are a tourist and don't know where the good cheap restaurants and takeout are.  Also, you can get good western food in the PI like Mexican, which I happen to love.


    My biggest issue with the PI is bad infrastructure. It's probably 10 or 20 years behind Thailand.  But the tradeoff is that a lot of things are cheap. I think the PI is moving into that sweet spot Thailand was in for the last couple decades where it was still sort of 3rd world pricing but more like 1st world infrastructure in some ways.  The PI is spending billions on infrastructure right now.  Elevated freeways, subways, the worlds largest airport (at least 5 years away though).  The new Clark Airport terminal will double their capacity in the next few months so it will be easier to avoid Manila.  They are building a brand new city from scratch "Clark City".  There is already a giant stadium and some gov't offices.  


    If you want to be near the ocean there is Subic and lots of world class beaches are a short cheap flight away from Clark Airport.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 16 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    What moral conditions will be characteristic of society in the last days of Pattaya?


    There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”



    Ah yes end times, but only in Pattaya.  It's not like every other city in the world doesn't have exactly the same problem.  Stay classy TV doomsayers.

  9. 4 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    Google is your friend, and it's been mentioned on TV many times.

    Yes it is and guess what.  No mention if it other than this which is hardly an announcement of anything.


    So I ask you again.  Show us this announcement of the location of the high speed rail station.  I don't need to ask about this hypothetical monorail because that is clearly just spit balling options and costs at this point.

  10. 11 hours ago, johng said:

    The existing station would be the logical place if they are using existing tracks.  Not sure if there is enough room around the existing station.  It would most certainly need to be completely rebuilt and made much larger.

  11. 35 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    Yes, especially when the price is mentioned.


    You can't stop innovation and development but other factors still need to be considered.


    Sure 500Baht is affordable for most foreigners but 99% of travelers in this country are Thai, IMHO their needs and ability to pay should be considered above nice for tourists.

    I love how people just ignore the fact tens of thousands of vehicles driven by Thais go from BKK to Pattaya every weekend.  Surely they can afford 500 baht. 


    But don't let that get in the way of your desire try spin everything negative. ????

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  12. On 10/25/2019 at 11:38 PM, scoutman360 said:

    So, if it takes 45 minutes to get to the station, another 1 hour to buy tickets and wait for the next train, what time have you saved?

    Seeing as how we are all just pulling numbers our of our <deleted> to try make a point. If you are stuck in Bkk traffic for 2 hours breathing exhaust fumes in the heat and then fighing with congested traffic on the freeway including truck drivers drinking red bull who haven't slept in 2 days, what time have you saved and how much more dangerous is it? 


    You must be some space alien from the future seeing as how you seem to know exactly how much time it will take to to get to some station in Pattaya that nobody even knows the location of yet and knowing exactly how much time it will take you to buy a ticket at any given time of on any given day.  Apparently it will always be 1 hour and apparently it will always take 45 minutes to get there wherever there is.  

  13. Such useless comments here sometimes.  NONE of you has the slightest clue were the train station will be, how long it will take, how much it will cost, and you are already complaining that it's going to be to far and are going to be rip off taxis and it will be too expensive and too slow and any other excuse you can think of to <deleted> and moan. 


    Some of you must be really miserable old codgers letting that stuff eat you up in side every day.  Just looking for stuff to complain about.


    It would be nice if someone had some actual info like where the train station in Pattaya will be.

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  14. I know that the same company that is doing the high speed rail line to Pattaya is also planning to build a huge mall somewhere in South Pattaya.  Possibly tying it in with the the train station.  But that particular location seems more suitable for a condo project than a mall.




  15. On 11/18/2019 at 8:43 PM, david555 said:

    Fair enough , it was 10 years ago an understanding so, maybe you where not in Pattaya yet ?? ????

    I have an unfrozen pension already more than 10 years....so I favor them drivers a little too.....as it is a real long ride ,but i can understand your position too .


    Besides i don't see it as a tip .., just a fair pay for a real long ride , must be because I come from communist's Europe as some Brits call it …..5555

    I have been told it was 10 baht from Jomtien to Pattaya Klang.  So three different people are saying 3 different things here.  One says Pattaya Tai (South), another says Pattaya Klang (Central), and another says Pattaya Nua (North).


    I have ridden from Jomtien to T21 at Pattaya Nua and only paid 10 baht.  But I think a lot of drivers will try get 20 for that.  Some may say something and some may not.

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  16. 5 hours ago, Max69xl said:

    The signal strength and coverage depends on where you're staying in Thailand. 

    Not just where you are in Thailand but where you are in the city/town/village.  Even what side of the building and what is around your immediate vicinity.


    If you know where you will be you can try checking cell coverage on a map using an app like "OpenSignal".  It may have pretty good signal strength and speed detail on your location depending on where you are.  Or it may be useless.  Then, when on the ground in that area, get their cheapest SIM with no minutes/data and check location of cell towers using that same app.  Can also check actual signal strength using an app like "Network Cell Info Lite" before buying adding a data plan to the SIM.


    A lot of people won't want to deal with all that and just buy whatever SIM and data plan they decide on and take their chances.  I'm just saying there is a not insignificant chance you will have signal problems with some providers and not with others, so this is one way you can try check some of that stuff beforehand.

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  17. 8 hours ago, HOAX said:


    Legally, highly unlikely, perhaps not even medically, but the availability will most likely increase and in distant future recreational use may become decriminalized for locals and/or in certain tourist areas/licensed bars.


    Sounds like some already are.  Just doesn't seem to be a lot of supply and clinics that are doing it yet.  That will probably increase quite a bit in the near future.  I think it will just be a rubber stamp like a lot of other drugs are now. So just another thing for medical clinics to make money on. Selling drugs is pretty much what they all do now so this is a natural addition for them.


    You probably won't even need any serious ailment.  Just say you have loss of appetite, nausea, any kind of pain, muscle spasms, anxiety, trouble sleeping.  Take your pick.


    It will be a short term thing anyways imo.  I'm willing to bet we will see recreational legalization after a couple more years.  That's not what they are saying now but nobody would have predicted they would legalize medical a couple years ago either.  So I think it's inevitable just like in other countries. 

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