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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. 6 minutes ago, KhunKenAP said:

    The Pattaya Bay beach widening looks terrible. Who wants to relax under the beach trees with a 1/4 mile or more walk over hot sand to get to the water. STOP and save money for the starving people in Pattaya.

    Lol.  When it was all washed away everyone was complaining that it was too small.  Now you're complaining that it's too big?  Too funny. ????

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. It's all relative.  One cell tower may give you great speeds, another may not.   Maybe one provider gives you better signal strength over another in your location.  Also depends time of day sometimes too.  You cannot generalize too much by asking questions like is AIS any good.


    Pricing is also kind of a mute point these says.  They all try stay in line on pricing so there is usually very little difference other than the occasional short term promotion designed to try get you to switch.

  3. 27 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

    Is this a real story or just a meme?

    It's really meme.  That's probably why he's doing it.  For the attention.  It could also be a ploy to take votes away from democrats but since he's too late to get on ballots in most states that's not going to happen.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Curmudgeonly59 said:

    Watch a Thai when they're presented with a restaurant bill. They go through it item by item, with no qualms about taking their time and asking for clarification on specific items as the waiter/waitress stands there. Just saying.

    Thai customers are often treated differently than farang customers so you should not try compare.  That's just the way it is in Thailand and you need to accept that.  Whatever you do, you should never cause any sort of commotion that causes a loss of face.  It's more accepted for Thais to do it but not farangs.  They will just clam up and not try do anything if you cause too much of a stink.  If you can't accept that you should not be in Thailand.  It's frustrating sometimes and I think it gets to all of us once in awhile.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 23 hours ago, johnpetersen said:

    Lying about what? The NY Times alleged that the information was in the President's briefing paper. The White House has never denied that. What they say is that the President wasn't briefed orally. And they pretend that an intelligence report intended for the President with "brief" in its title somehow doesn't constitute a briefing. As for the information being deemed unreliable, very odd that it was put in writing. Did that just slip past?

    I recommend using the ignore feature on that username you are responding to. Your experience on this board will immediately improve when you stop seeing their posts.


    It would be nice if this board automatically banned usernames after a certain number of people ignored them.  That username would be long gone by now.

    • Like 1
  6. On 7/1/2020 at 5:49 PM, Tug said:

    It never ceases to amaze me that some still support trump after all of thease scandles getting Americans killed in the 10s of thousands due to the bungled covid response soliciting foreign interference in our elections getting our allies and their families killed(the Kurds)the dereliction of duty to protect the constitution now this behavior acting like an amorous puppy dog trying to hump Putin’s leg when that sob has a bounty on American troops it just beggers belief oh and trump your hoax spiel is getting a bit old better change up I don’t think even your supporters belive it anymore 



    They are all traitors to their country, just like bunker boy.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Expat Tom said:

    Do these geniuses in Bangkok follow world news? There is a new Swine Flu like virus now in China....honestly, are the some of the leaders in BKK on the payroll of the CCP or is is just some sort of mental deficiency? Why EVER invite the Chinese back...? It started in 1957 with the Asian flu from China. Then China proceeded to give the world the Hong Kong Flu (which actually came from Chian), the bird flu, the swine flu, SARS and the CCP Wuhan Coronavirus. GET SERIOUS...ask the Thai people how they feel about the Chinese....if you dare.

    It's hasn't been transmitted to humans yet.  So no idea what you are going on about other than to look for excuses to say China Bad.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. I almost always eat at cheap places and I'm rarely disappointed.  Thailand is probably the best place in the world for really good cheap food.  Food carts are the best but sometimes you want to sitdown somewhere that is not on a busy street or not just fried food or noodles.

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