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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. I asked them this question about a year ago.  From what I remember, at that time, I think it's 150-200 baht a year fee if you have a bank card.  The account will remain open indefinitely as long as there is enough to pay that annual fee.  This part I am not sure about but it may get put into a dormant mode if it drops below 1000 baht but you can easily undo that by going into the bank or using your card at a machine.


    All I know is that I have about 1500 baht in there and after I asked them these questions I was not worried if I don't make it back for a couple years.  

  2. On 6/28/2020 at 7:18 PM, mtls2005 said:


    During your cruise on De Nile, please be aware that the White House has confirmed this story. So feel free to challenge them.


    What seems open for discussion is when the president became aware of it, and if prior to Saturday, why didn't he do anything about it.



    Yea no.  He was briefed.  100% certainty.  NATO allies are saying they were briefed on this awhile ago.

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  3. According to that story, travellers need to show evidence that they did not test positive for the virus.  The only way that would be even remotely valid is if you got the test a day or two before you travel.  Supposedly a lot of tests are not very accurate, especially in the first few days of contracting the virus, so that's another thing that doesn't doesn't make this sound very well thought out. 

  4. The virus may have started in China but it is definitely the Trump Pandemic now.  The US appears to have had the worst response, by far, of any country and now the US is the epicenter of the virus.  Sounds like it is getting so bad some states are in danger of having their hospitals overrun.  All while bunker boy, and the rest of the people in his clown car, are trying to slow down testing to try make the numbers not look as bad.  They are even making irresponsible statements pretending that things are getting better and returning to normal.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

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  5. 22 minutes ago, bodga said:

    Thais  dont  like ANY criticism even in the most  polite joking way, our  two  staff  left today over a trivial  issue, I  bought their  daughter a  Hamster 18  months ago and on leaving the girl aged  9 wanted to take it but the Father said NO, so childish its  unbelievable, they worked well until they got comfy then tailed right off.Wife asked them very  politely not to have 4  hours for  lunch.

    This is what was  happening, we  told them start at 7 am work to 11 then have 2-3  hours for  lunch to stay out of the worst heat, then restart at  2 and work until 5. Slowly they would start at 2 then 2.30 then 3  then 3.30 and stop at 4.30,

    It was  getting ridiculous and we had to say something.

    She mentioned it very causally and friendly last  night, this  morning they said theyre  leaving.

    Stupidity knows  no bounds with them, Id  just built them a brand new very nice  house as  well.

    Can you explain what this situation is where you are building Thai employees houses?  Are you talking about live in servants doing your household chores or is this some sort of business or something?  Why are you building houses for them?

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  6. 26 minutes ago, BestB said:

    This waves are never going to end. So what do we do from now on?


    stop travelling , stop socialising , stop working in large environments?


    why so many working on vaccine but no one has put one out ?


    why after all this time no cure has been found? 

    Yes, viruses always come in waves.  This is 100% guaranteed.  So I have no idea why there are people saying I told you so or that it's because of this or that.  Even if they turn every country into a police state there will still be waves.  That's just par for the course.


    To answer your question,  I am just carrying on as normal.  I got in the habit of washing my hands as soon as I get in and never touching my face with my fingers when I am out and about, but that is about it.


    Imo, a face mask only increases your chances of getting it?  Why you ask.  Watch what 90% of people are doing when wearing face masks.  They are touching their face with their fingers a lot more.

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    You don't need any credit or data plan on the SIM to see signal strength.  Don't quote me on this but I think even expired SIM cards will work.  I believe apps such as


    Network Cell Info Lite

    will still show you coverage and signal strength without that as long as you have a wifi connection so the app can download the map.  If expired SIMs work you can probably get those for free if you ask around.


    You will need to buy a data plan to test speed.  That can vary between sites, providers, and time of day.  There are some apps that try to crowdsource that info but I haven't found any that were of any use.  If anyone knows of one free or not, that is actually useful I would be interested to hear about it.  

  8. 1 hour ago, torturedsole said:

    A second wave is predicted for the end of year for which I'm not entirely convinced is going to be the case, but our politicians are all over the place now so go with the flow, sit tight and don't spend any money unnecessarily. 



    Viruses always come in waves.  This is something that is an absolute certainty.  But people are being poorly informed like with everything else about this worldwide cluster<deleted> of a situation.  So people think that if we 'flatten the curve' which gov'ts have now twisted into 'the new normal' that the virus will magically go away.  It will never go away.  Not with masks, not with a vaccine, not with a house, not with a mouse. 

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