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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. I think it's important to keep in mind that it's these peoples jobs to provide warnings, be cautious, and act conservatively and not put themselves in a position to lose face by opening things up too soon.  They are not necessarily the best people to decide how others should live their lives.


    There are lots and lots of doctors on the front lines who say that most restrictions should be lifted.  It depends on the area but most areas around the world have very very low numbers of cases now.

  2. The problem with masks is NOBODY, NOBODY uses them properly.  I always see people taking them off and scratching their nose or whatever.  It is quite obvious that wearing them makes people touch their face even more which totally defeats the purpose.

  3. I think this will end up looking like a major overreaction.  It doesn't seem to be spreading nearly as fast in hot and humid countries.  Of course it's better to overreact now than when it's too late, like what has happened in the US which is a day away from surpassing China and Italy in total cases.

  4. 7 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

    stay tuned, new empire doing its initial steps, already looking for ripples to rule


    not bad, her navy still being in posession of devices that are in operation and floats . . .


    I hope you are not referring to Russia as a new empire.   They are not much more than glorified gas station.


    Countries by GDP (2018)
    US 21.44 trillion
    China 14.14 trillion
    Japan 5.15 trillion
    Germany 3.86 trillion
    India 2.94 trillion

    UK 2.83 trillion

    France 2.71 trillion
    Italy 1.99 trillion
    Brazli 1.85 trillion
    Canada 1.73 trillion
    Russian 1.64 trillion

    • Haha 2
  5. 10 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

    For those nah sayers and its only a mild flu, please look at this: Of course it may be all a hoax involving thousnads of healthcare workers, scientists, etc


    Of course if there are 300+ diagnosed then multiply that by 1.5 each day, with effective testing and see what the possible numbers may be until a plateau is reached.



    NED-1439-Flu-v-Coronavirus - 0

    Fatality rate and hospitalization for flu is low because there are vaccines and treatments. So those are misleading stats.  The flu is still far more deadly.  That is the bottom line.  Saying the mortality rate will eventually get worse for this compared to the common flu is still pure speculation.

  6. 22 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

    Are people going to stay home for 6 months? Just not realistic. Or 12 months? Its going to be around a while.


    Go out and just be careful. Take zinc and fast. Go for walks.


    Make yourself stronger.


    Someone sitting around in fear is making themselves weaker so if you go out in 6 mths and get it you are more likely to die.





  7. 9 minutes ago, unsubscribe said:


    What matters is that the stock market was propped up long enough for the ruling elite's to take their money and literally run to the safety of their bunkers. And now the rest of us 99% get to ride this out in a failing, hollowed out empire.



    How do you figure?  You are free to buy and sell on public exchanges just like the big boys.  It's usually the small investors that panic and do the wrong thing and the large professional investors take advantage of that.  But it's not some conspiracy.  At least not in the well regulated public exchanges. In private equity that's a whole other thing.

    • Like 1
  8. 31 minutes ago, URMySunshine said:

    That's commie behaviour socialised medicine is unAmerican I'm afraid. Hey wait a minute Trump is a genius and can 'do' construction - what do you reckon ?


    "I own buildings. I'm a builder; I know how to build. Nobody can build like I can build. Nobody. And the builders in New York will tell you that. I build the best product. And my name helps a lot."


    --Self described "Stable Genius"



    • Haha 1
  9. 40 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


    I'm not sure where people get this stuff. Probably from Trump.  Anyway, the current economic expansion is the weakest in the post WW II period. It is the longest however. Maybe that's what you're thinking of.

    Which started well before his term during Obama's presidency and largely because of the things Obama did after the 2008 Economic meltdown that happened under Republicans watch.  So you can thank Obama for a lot of that.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
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  10. An actual quote from the "stable genius".



    I like this stuff.  I really get it.  People are surprised that I understand it.  Every one of these doctors said, “How do you know so much about this?”  Maybe I have a natural ability.  Maybe I should have done that instead of running for President.



  11. 1 minute ago, URMySunshine said:

    I am of the opinion that the Thai diet has created a population of immunologically strong people combined with hot weather means they have been relatively spared the ravages of the virus. In the US the extreme opposite is the case and I fear the grim reaper and a private healthcare system will see the end of a million or more Americans and in quick succession. These are serious times indeed. 

    Oh puleaseeee!  Bit over the top don't you think?  The worry right now is not a large numbers of deaths.  The common flu is still by far a much more deadly virus.  The worry is that healthcare systems are overwhelmed with mildly sick people and therefore the system will not be able to cope with people who are more seriously sick.  Not just with this but for other reasons.  That is the worry.  So no, you are not going to see some sort of plague with people walking around neighbourhoods yelling "bring out your dead" like some Monty Python sketch!

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