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Dirk Z

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Everything posted by Dirk Z

  1. VISA alerted me that my card had been wrongfully used before I even noticed myself. They canceled the card, sent me a new one and refunded the money (around 100 euros). It was used for Uber in Dubai. Credit cards are skimmed all the time and the details are for sale on the dark web. We all know about this, but card companies have fraud detection in place and know how to deal with this. Just relax, no need to get so worked up about this.
  2. In a soi off Sukhumvit Road at Phloen Chit BTS (south side), about 20 meters into the soi, on the right side, just past the security barrier is a shop where they make the photos as required by the Dutch Embassy. Go up the stairs.
  3. The shop I recommend makes the photos for the Dutch Embassy all the time and they also know the exact requirements for any other country. Very professional guy.
  4. PS I recommend that you choose express service for your passport. It costs only about 10 euros more and you will have it in about 5 days. A small extra on the total price of the passport.
  5. Phloenchit bts. Shop in the little road, I think upstaird. Right side.
  6. You can only believe in god, anything else is either proven or unproven. The latter goes for chiropractic which is not an evidence based science. The fact that patients benefit doesn't mean too much, as many don't and you cannot predict who will and will not. Especially spinal issues have a high rate of fluctuating symptoms and spontaneous recovery. I want to caution against manipulation of the neck. As a spine specialist I have seen quadriplegia's after manipulation or other serious adverse events. Else, if you have a condition that benefits, count your blessings, otherwise, if there is no effect, don't keep trying. There is a saying among spine surgeons that "nature cures the disease while the therapist entertains the patient".
  7. You don't have real control over a kid this age who maybe has his head in the clouds. If you have a good relationship with your son and he listens to you, to some extent, tell him that you think this relationship is not such a good idea and that you think it is not going to work in the long run. What happens after that is beyond your control and for him an experience in life from which he may learn. You should also point out that you will not stand up for any possible consequences and that they are his responsibility alone (in keeping with legal situations of course, since he is a minor).
  8. And maybe private rooms for some related fun?
  9. For "simple" lower back pain in most cases there is no cause or reason to be found. Surgery fro back pain is usually very disappointing, especially in elderly patients. Nevertheless I think it is warranted to do one screening: an X-ray and an MRI (just a simple one, all the extended sequences that are done to increase the bill are usually unnecessary and should only be done if the T1 and T2 give reason to do so). Sometimes something is seen that can be corrected with an operation, but the result of such procedures is difficult o predict and often only the MRI and X-rays improve, not the patient. In the end it usually boils down to exercise, lifestyle adjustment, and whatever shows improvement, often by trial and error. There is very little evidence based treatment, contrary to public opinion, the evidence of which you can see by some of the comments. But a doctor who says "I don't really know what causes you problem and don't really know what is best to do about it" is not considered an expert, however true what he says may be.
  10. Want nothing to do with Zuckerberg. Installed Telegram the day WhatsApp was taken over. Had just installed it. Have been happy with it. Of course have Line here and also WeChat when I go to China.
  11. That's what I said. Only the g is pronounced guttural. Not like in clog.
  12. Looks like online is out of service. CW was very crowded when I also had to go. Go early.
  13. Déjà vu. Next month back on this site.
  14. It has been noted by me and many others that the whole 90-days online reporting seemt not to be working. Looks like the pre-school son of the responsible official who takes care of this is on holiday.
  15. Surprise surprise! Even with half a brain you'd stay away from it.
  16. I used the mailing option a few times, but once I didn't get a reply for more than six weeks and start to get uncomfortable. No chance of clearing anything by phone, so I went to the office where they said everything was OK and handed me a slip.... So this way also has it's flaws. Which documents can easily be found on the website, absolutely use registered mail and have "90 days" in the first address line, since that is what appears on the receipt of the post office as a proof of your mailing. Enclose a stamped addressed envelope.
  17. I had the same thing. Had to go to CW and got an "explanation" that made no sense. The place was crowded. My conclusion and that of many here was that the system is just down.
  18. Although I don't see education of adults as my mission in life I do politely ask noise makers if they can please use ear buds or a headphone or turn down the volume. It usually works, but I understand that depends on the location. Same goes for vaping, I see that as a similar problem.
  19. I don't think you understand the gist of my post. Discussion closed.
  20. It's not about the quantity, I did not state that and there are plenty of families that are supported by a farang. It's the principle.
  21. According to the red stamp on my previous notification my next 90 days was due on April 8th. I did the report online. To my surprise I received an email the next day that it was rejected. This had happened twice before. The first time was because I re-entered the country, this is how it was explained to me at CW, the second time because I had a new passport. So this time everything seemed in place for an online report. I drove off to CW where I got my queue ticket at 10:43 a.m. At that time there were 387 in the queue before me. The place was crowded like I had never seen before. Maybe because of the upcoming holidays and the past day off. So I waited and waited but I was assured that I would be taken care of the same day. Around 4:30 p.m. the counter started to speed up without more people being served. A long queue line formed. Suddenly I was tapped on the shoulder by an officer who summoned me into a cubicle together with another elderly farang with grey hair. Here I was quickly served. The explanation for not being able to report online was that “ON” should be read as “BEFORE”. My personal explanation is that their online system was once again messed up and that this was the main reason for the crowd. This was confirmed by some others in the queue who also could not do their report online. This whole 90 days business is an annoying nuisance. But in this case it felt more like harassment. I am probably not the only one who feels that a little more gratitude and respect for those who bring money into the country and often support complete families is due.
  22. The Romans already said: De gustibus non est disputandum. No discusson about taste.
  23. Looks like nobody can think of any....
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