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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. Been working out, mostly until the last 10 years or so, with very heavy weights since 1974. Back living in Texas about 8 years ago, I had to go to the doctor because my shoulders were hurting beyond what was normal for me. Had two rotator cuff tears. They sent me to physical therapy where I did some off beat exercises. They worked, but one doctor told me that I shouldn't work out anymore. This was told to me when I has a meniscus tear in one knee from very heavy squats. I knew that stopping exercises wasn't right, as you have to keep muscle strength and tone to support the joints, so I continued working out, but didn't go extremes anymore. This has worked all along, but I still get joint pain from the past heavy lifting. Now I take Diclofenac when I have pain. It's a non steroidal anti inflammatory and it usually works.
  2. Brits aren't Yanks, and Yanks for the most part, do not need guns and will use fists to fight, unlike most here, who use machetes and 4 or more against one. Hitting someone over a small matter is childish, and ignorant here, as they were lucky to get away. Gives the expats here a bad name, as many will lump people together based on where they come from.
  3. This is why you don't take advice from anyone besides a professional that has experience working with many patients, and cares enough about them to keep up with their progress all the while they are taking medicine. The right medicine can do wonders for improving one's mood, and life. The wrong can make them worse, or much worse. You don't tell someone what they should take. That's the psychiatrist's job. Then the doctor has to follow up with them, and tell them that they need to come back immediately if their symptoms worsen or they feel suicidal. Many things can cause anger, from depression, loss, medications, past abuse or neglect, genetics and environment. That's why you see a doctor, and explain your past and present history, so they can prescribe what they think is needed, along with psychotherapy. Everyone reacts differently to medications, and that's the main reason they need to be evaluated asap.You can buy most anything in Thailand OTC, and that's a concern. Self medicating can lead to extreme problems. She has admitted to having a problem, so the next step is the doctor's office. Anyone can look something up online and then post it here, as many seem to do. You could do that yourself, and go to one of many sources like WebMD. Going directly to those that specialize in helping others with mental illnesses is always the first choice.
  4. People with some forms of depression experience bouts of anger also. Depression in itself can be anger turned inward, and BPD, which it also sounds like, has people with extreme bouts of anger out of "nowhere". My ex was very nice much of the time, but when something bothered her when she was in a "mood", she went ballistic like I've never seen in a woman, or men for that matter. Relationships with these types, like with narcissists is very hard or impossible, especially if they are also experiencing PTSD. In a narcissists case. this is a learned behavior from childhood, as BPD can be, but BPD can be treated with psychotherapy over time. Narcissism is a lot harder, but not impossible if they are willing and accept that their behavior is wrong.
  5. People who have depression, bipolar, BPD all can experience anger. My ex became a covert narcissist because of abuse and neglect in her childhood. Admitting she has a problem is the first step, as many will be in denial . Some SSRI's help with anger, like Prozac, but she has to see a doctor and be evaluated before anything is done. This is one other cause ..................... https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17786-intermittent-explosive-disorder
  6. Fishing here is good if you have a private lake access. Otherwise it's pay and fish, because the locals are allowed to freely net anything and everything and keep it all.No conservation means no fish for the future. One reason I'm moving back asap. No hunting and only good fishing in private lakes or in huge reservoirs you need a guide in, or time spent on. You can catch snakeheads and tilapia in small roadside ponds that flood during rainy season, and there sometimes are decent snakeheads in them. As far as conversing about kids, a lot assume you are the father unless you tell them otherwise. As far as trying to get them to understand you when you say a word that sounds very close to the actual pronunciation, forget it. This has happened all the time I've been here. If you say a word,and they don't understand it, but someone else repeats the word to him, and it sounds exactly like you just said it, it still won't get through. Part of this has to do with the lack of good education in Thailand. They have a lot of tones to their language, and if you don't get it just right, they won't understand what you're saying. Doesn't happen in other countries as I've heard. Some touch kids in their crotch and it's improper, but many don't think so. Finally, not all of us on the forums are in their 70's, sitting in an aircon waiting to die. I'm 66, fit as a 40 year old, besides joint pain, and have joint custody of a 6 year old girl that will accompany me back to the states as soon as I can get it all worked out. I don't like living here, besides some nice things, but I've fit in, trying to keep the peace and be helpful, because, this IS their country.
  7. Helped me more than twice also. RIP Joe, and thank you for your help.
  8. Parmesan,meaning Parmesan-Reggiano is hardly cheap. It actually cost more than most cheddars. It can only come from Northern Italy and has to be aged for a year before sale.Parmesan can be made anywhere, with milk from anywhere, but the taste isn't the same. Millions eat it daily, and if you've ever tasted good Parmesan, you would see the difference. of course, you might not like Parmesan and prefer other cheeses, which you consider "better" Personal taste doesn't mean anything. To each their own. I love and prefer Emmentaler, Muenster, Gruyere, Cheddar, other Swiss cheese, Mozzarella, but will eat most any cheese, including Brie, Camembert and even regular yellow cheese on burgers.
  9. Less road rules enforced is not a good thing. Check the stats. Corruption, taking money to look the other ways on many offenses, especially human trafficking. Bangkok huge hub for selling little girls and boys to slime. Dating younger comes with a price, higher than dating older. The food's great though, although I miss a lot of western food, which doesn't come close here. Okay, but not the same. Med access better yes, but not needed yet.
  10. Most people think they are normal. People with depression, none of their own cause, have a mental illness. Doesn't make them bad people. Or abnormal. Narcissists, on the other hand, have learned that behavior and are terrible people. Abnormal. Drinking daily doesn't make you bad. Too much daily makes you an alcoholic. Still not a bad person, just one with a problem. As long as they aren't hurting others, it's their problem. There are white collar workers that don't drink, do drugs, or cheat but use their ways to embezzle money from others, drain resources from the planet for gain, or over develop. This is abnormal. Everyone on earth has problems. Some are abnormal. Most aren't. Just humans.
  11. Violence can be genetic, and violent men aren't wanted by any but mentally disturbed women. Women generally are naive about men, taking advice from friends that have been hurt by men before and it seems that bad boys are more exciting than good men, which of course is a lie, because once that excitement is over from first encounters, what's left is a man that disappears. He got the sex he wanted, and goes onto greener pastures. Excitement comes from two people who are initially attracted to each other, and never getting lazy about romance. Attraction isn't a choice, but excitement wears off in time unless you get inventive, and care about your partner as more than an object or ATM. Good genes come from healthy bloodlines ,period. Unlike what the narcissist Corey Wayne, who thinks alpha males pass good bloodlines to their kids, says, it's a healthy individual that has good genes, especially if his parents were also healthy. A man gets discarded either because he doesn't treat his partner right, or his partner has mental challenges from her childhood, especially fathers. I have 5 daughters and one son, all healthy and attractive. I had them with pretty women who were healthy (in body), and I've lifted weights for 50 years and eaten very healthy all my life
  12. Take precautions next time
  13. Narcissists come from narcissists. Either the parent spoils the child (golden child), or neglects and ,or, abuses them. Either way the child grows up with a negative outlook on life and relationships, and learns to use and control to get what they want. My ex was neglected in a family of 11 children here by a mom that had way too many kids (to bolster her low self esteem) and a dad that was rarely home and hit his kids first to control them, instead of taking time to discipline by talk (her words). She has told me she hated her mom, that she always chose the younger ones to spoil. In fact, there was always younger ones with 11 children one after the other. My ex was child number 4, which meant by the time she turned 3, there was another 7 to come, which required more attention and my ex was pushed away from that moment on, all the way through the time she left the house at 17, in favor of the next child, and the next, and the next, and so on. Neglect from age 3 turns a child into an unloved person (in her eyes also), and they go into the world with a chip on their shoulder and must control to stay above everyone else or face their fear of being left out or used. They go on to teach their children the same things, either spoiling or neglecting. Either way the child's future is set, unless they can rise above that treatment and make themselves whole. Our daughter now looks to be the golden child, as she thinks she is all she has. She lost a good ,loving man, and found a boyfriend that abuses her. This is a major reason I have to be the parent in her life, as the love from the other side isn't real.
  14. If you grew up with loving, caring parents, and were close to them, you will try and be loyal to them by replicating their behavior. You might look at some things and think they are wrong, but your trust in them and relationship with them had an impact on your thinking, and shaped what you became today. If you as an adult, hear from other trusted sources that something your parent said or did was wrong, then you can change your thinking. If your parents taught you social skills, and how to relate to the other gender, you will more likely be able to have good relationships with them. If your parent(s) were narcissists, you will have trouble with every relationship you encounter. If your parents were honest, reliable people, you will grow up thinking that's how you should be. Your first five years of your life are where you learn everything about how people relate to each other, and as you get older, you will see this for yourselves . All teenagers rebel, or should, to become their own person, but what they learned from their parents shaped their thinking, even if they won't admit it to anyone, at least until they are adults. If you disagree with good habits, it's your loss, and it's why there are so many problems with interpersonal relationships. When you are young, you either listen to your parents or you don't. Every problem on earth starts at home.
  15. Actually he is right when he says its about education. And that education starts at home. if you grow up hearing racist remarks from your parents, you will repeat that behavior when you are an adult, unless, you get educated that it's wrong.
  16. I've been here for 6 years, and know exactly where I am, so I'm not lost. Weird that someone can make such a statement and only know a few farangs, while there are thousands that have moved here in the last 15 years. Have to get around a lot all over Thailand to meet so many. As far as knowing if a person is "good" or not, that takes a lot of time. Knowing what a person is takes a minimum of 6 months, weekly, to get top know them, an all types of situations. This is the same as dating. 6 months to a year of continuous meetings will tell you a lot, but not everything of course, about a person. Even serial killers have neighbors, and they don't know them as well as they think. Think Jeffrey Dahmer and Gacy.
  17. I find ants in and on my phone a lot, and they must be attracted to the electricity and heat. Use vinegar in a spray bottle. Kills ants and they stay away for quite awhile. Safe too
  18. Not an alcoholic, casual drinker of wine, beer and tequila mostly. Not a womanizer, met a narcissist here(didn't realize it at the time), came back, got married, had a child, then she went haywire. Got divorced, living in house I paid for, have daughter almost half the time, Not a liar, into drugs (weed occasionally when I go back to the US), empath, opposite of a narcissist, no depression . Have a nice girlfriend, but will move back to the US with my daughter as soon as I can figure out how to resettle there, likely in a few years because I hunt and fish, and there isn't any hunting here and the fishing, at least in Isaan, isn't very good unless you have a private water to fish, and it's not the type of fish I enjoy. It's not a good place for girls to live, roads are dangerous, corruption far more than the US, weather too one sided for my tastes, beaches too far away, and I see prejudice a lot here. Besides that, I know a handful of farangs that live here that seem normal to me. Good wives, not heavy drinkers, nice guys. No one knows what goes on in anyone else's house unless you live with them full time, but on the outside they seem okay. I have seen some weirdos here, and heard of others.
  19. I didn't notice anywhere that anyone, nor you, mentioned you having kids. If you do, you could get a visa for dependent child.
  20. Over 2 billion is quite a few more than not many left. It's a Christians duty to spread the word, but not in a overly pushy manner.
  21. They are French citizens by birth to a foreigner, and you can take them there, at least to visit, for now. She will get bored with them eventually and then you can leave. Living here because it's easy sex isn't a good reason. That easy sex comes with a price. If your career is here, and you can't go , that's your choice.There are other places to live. She can not give her kids to grandma instead of you. You are dad, and can have them anytime she doesn't have them. They use the kids as control, for money, until they get to be a burden and hard to manage. Get anything you can as evidence is what she is doing. Get all receipts and statement on whatever you've paid for. Prostitution is her fault, period. No woman has to sell her body here. There are always jobs. They choose prostitution because they are mentally ill, or forced into it. It isn't glamorous. And the kids pay also. There are parents who talk their daughters into doing it so they can get money. These are very disturbed people.
  22. Good you are learning about these types. The only way to get peace is to leave and never return. Unlike depression, which can be treated if they are willing, narcissism is a learned behavior from childhood. They only get worse and will do anything to have a good supply. If it's not you, they will go find another, or will have several at a time. My ex never wanted to have me leave, this after she kidnapped our daughter and hid her 4 times from me, with the last time a year and a half. For nothing except that I stood up for myself and didn't allow her to control me, wouldn't communicate, and was abusive. This after I treated her better than anyone ever has. She went with another Thai man who gave her money. He has hit her several times, verified by my daughter and her, and is a drunk. She has told me she was single, but then he was seen at her mom's house recently. Mom hates him. Mom told my now girlfriend that her daughter was wrong in what she did to me, and everyone in our village knows the story. They cannot go without a supply, whether it be family or other people. Narcissism runs rampant everywhere, and is the downfall of society. People who only care about what they get for themselves, being self centered, aren't good parental material, or partners. They sucker you in , especially if they know you are a good person. This is who they target, as we usually give people the benefit of the doubt until it's too late, and we are captured. Then they tear you down, seeking power and control, and only looking at you as supply. It's very sad, and I sometimes feel bad for her because this is what she learned. But, you can change who you are if you start young, and know that you weren't loved right when you were a child, or abused or neglected. By the time they get to teenage, it's ingrained to use, trusting no one. They shoot themselves in the foot, because what they needed all along is a good person to take care of them and give them the love they missed. They hate themselves, and that's why it's hard for them ,if not impossible, to change. Best way is to get out, and do the same for the kids. They don't belong with her kind, as they will either be neglected in time, abused, or spoiled (usually one, the golden child), and they will either repeat her behavior, or let themselves be victims later.
  23. Having kids isn't selfish. It is a product of sex. Problem is, many people have no business having kids, because they aren't fit emotionally, mentally or financially to properly take care of them. That will never stop people from having them, but if you are capable of taking care of kids, you have them. When you have them, it isn't the responsibility of grandparents to take care of them, but the parents. Children need both parents involved in their lives to have a chance at a good future. If the parents can't stay together, they can still take proper care of them when they have them. Anyone can make a child, it takes a parent to raise them. here, the weakness of the judicial system doesn't enforce child support. That shows the men, and sometimes women, that they can have kids and not care what happens afterwards. The men usually take off, to have more kids with more women, and not pay anything towards their welfare, and the woman, either not capable because of age, or inability to properly raise a child alone, give them to grandparents, who are a lot of the time illiterate, too old, or poor, and they go to a big city to make a little more money than they would locally (the extra money goes towards rent), send money back to the grandparent, and see their kids maybe twice a year. Sadly, this happens with over 35% of children here, leading all other countries by a large margin. This will continue here until the fathers are held responsible by the courts. No one knows the future of our world besides God, but that's not a reason not to bring kids into the world. Kids are, and should be, a byproduct of love between two people. Hopefully those two can stay together and do whatever it takes to create harmony among themselves, and to their kids. If you don't want kids, use protection, because it isn't going to stop people from having sex. When you have the, you do whatever you can to give them a good future. If that means leaving this country, that's what you do. Staying with a woman that has a boyfriend is ridiculous and dangerous. She has shown what she is, so you do what you can to ensure those kids are in the right place, and that isn't with an immoral woman and a man that has no scruples. A private school, bicycles,a park and a swimming pool are not going to do anything but entertain them for awhile. Kids see most everything while they're growing up, and what they can't see they feel. There are thousands of children that have mothers here that are bar girls, and they grow up thinking it's normal, and dads that aren't around. They take this into their own lives, and their relationships suffer. Your time is now to help those kids. A partner always comes first, until this happens. Then it's the kids and the partner you leave to do what she's going to do, which from what you've been telling us, is selfish, sleazy and irresponsible except for what she can gain from it.
  24. Born in Bergen County and spent a lot of time at the NJ shore myself. Was always told you didn't eat them, but that the blood was used to detect contamination in any solution coming into contact with blood.
  25. She is like she is always, not just right now. She has been this way since she was a teenager, learned of course from her parents, and friends what a man is for. Google Covert Narcissist. You'll find many links on it . Look up Dr. Les Carter out of Texas. His specialty is narcissism and he knows. You can listen to his videos for days, and you'll see what kind of predators these kind are, that they only get worse, and they look for empaths. People who are loving and giving, and that they can con into doing everything for them, until they tear you down, use you, cheat on you, and then end up all alone, because they never change, it's a learned behavior, and is what an alpha male is, as well as most world leaders. The latter are actually malignant narcissists, thinking they are the best in everything and know all.
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