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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. I listed what I posted a link for. What all presidents have done is in history and not to be disputed. It isn't what I said that matters but what is history.
  2. Actually my posts are right on, as I post facts and not personal opinions. You perceiving them as opinion is your opinion, and you're mislead by again, your unwavering hero worship for a malignant narcissist that hasn't done much to help the common man.
  3. Moved here to be with my ex wife and daughter because it's my responsibility. Now my responsibility is to take her out of here for a much better future in the US. Smart? Yes, because I know what priority means. Again, using a laughing emoji means you're laughing to yourself, and no one else is besides laughing at you and not with you.
  4. Cancer can be in a persons body for decades until it spreads.Smoking years ago could hurt the body even if you stop, and some smoke for years without developing cancer, as my dad did, smoking 3 packs a day for over 60 years until it caught up to him at 79. He.s not giving me a hard time. I've dealt with his kind for years, knowing full well their handicap and lack of compassion comes from childhood trauma and can't be fixed. The only way I could bring myself down to his level is to have a lobotomy.
  5. Let me explain this again, since you're comprehension skills are that of a toddler. I'm not political. I don't trust either side until they do what they promise. Time has shown us they don't fulfill many promises. Time has also shown that the average man is still in need. It doesn't matter what side help comes from as long as it comes.
  6. A VIP is a person that helps others, and has nothing to do with wealth or power.
  7. You get them from lefties, righties and everyone in betweenies.
  8. That goes for what you think, whatever your age.
  9. All characteristics of narcissists. Many world leaders as history has shown.
  10. Why am I sad? I'm actually only unhappy about living here. Old man? That's probably over 90% of forum users, so what does that mean exactly? With old age comes wisdom, something you may never have, from seeing what nonsense you post already. What makes a person a loser? I've raised 6 children, one now still, have a house, and will eventually have another house back in Texas where my daughter will have a better life. This makes me a caring parent, which is the opposite of a loser. I'm also an empath, the quite opposite of a narcissist. What have you done for the world, society of a family? A narcissist is one that thinks like you, that others are always losers, wrong, or to be used then thrown aside. Alpha males, losers, are the ones who are the bane of society. Those like your buddy Trump, who,s a misogynist, racist and a very disturbed man who always thinks he's right, and expert on everything, bragging about how much he knew about Covid while allowing the country to sty open, killing thousands of people.
  11. You haven't proven anyone in this forum wrong, especially me. You will never admit that Trump isn't a good president,and that's okay, because that's your opinionj, which again, means nothing. Time will tell if he does his job.
  12. You still don't realize that you are answering for everyone. A narcissist trait, and one easily recognized by even those who don't fully understand your kind.
  13. Assumptions by a low self esteem teenager, again and again, but keep them coming, as everyone can see more of what you are and what makes you tick.
  14. You assume everything about others. And it's best to refrain from calling people names here, as it makes you look like a coward behind a keyboard that would never try it in person. Just because you can't understand others here, doesn't make their posts rubbish. You disagree with almost everyone, even after being proven wrong, just like a few others here.
  15. I lived in Texas 62 years, and use all the links I can find on a subject, looking for evidence, unbiased, that matches many others, then make a decision based on that. I don't suck up to a billionaire just because he has money so should be a good president who has still not helped the common man by his own actions and thinking.
  16. You assume no one likes me, but never take the time to look at all of my posts, where I help others and get positive comments and likes. You only see the negative, which either means you have depression, or are also, like your buddy, a narcissist that only sees what they want to see and dismisses all the rest.
  17. Get off the political thinking. Many of us don't trust any politicians, and aren't ass kissers because of their worth. Let's see them do something before you can judge them.
  18. Do you live in Texas? No, so you don't see what i did and many other see daily. It hasn't changed but fluctuates. You do understand that term, fluctuate, right? Crossings don't have a predetermined amount that happen monthly. They come when they get money, or run from a dictatorship, not in a set amount, but again, it fluctuates. You, nor anyone alive, knows how many immigrants come across he US border, as most aren't caught, but they're again, hired by rich Americans, who are the ones to blame.
  19. Funny it's only you that's disagreeing with me, and I'm thinking you still haven't noticed the sad, confused and laughing emojis you're getting from just this one topic. I don't assume about others intelligence, because even though, like you, they sound like they're a teenager with low self esteem, you might have some smarts we're not yet seeing.
  20. Take a few minutes and look at my posts and you'll see likes, and some positive comments, most coming from posters who are both literate and have shown intelligence before. Like minds, which also shows in those who agree with you. Birds of a feather, misery loves company etc.
  21. No, you think opinions are facts and dismiss facts as opinions. Hero worship does this to some. It isn't just Wiki that has data. What you assume is that you think you know how much someone here knows. You don't.
  22. There are many ways to circumvent all walls, and this has been proven all along, as they keep coming right through the Texas border. Walls stop some temporarily, but eventually they figure out ways to get through, with some Americans help. Drug dealers and traffickers will keep their trade going because people with money buy what they sell, and officials that are crooked are part of their teams.
  23. Take a few minutes and look at how many negative emoticons you have from just here in this topic, let alone from the hundreds I've seen in others. I'm thinking the only ones I receive are from the same few narcissists that I've proven wrong so take it personally, no matter how factual my replies are, they just have the need to argue, as a troll, because their feelings are hurt, much like the crying toddler that can't get their own way.
  24. Now you're just posting nonsense with your inevitable hero worship of a narcissist that has a limited vocabulary. You don't realize how stupid many of your replies are. Personal opinion, by you, means nothing.
  25. I see an ego that needs filling. Comes from low self esteem, much like your mentor Trump. You're still missing the point that the presidents choices are but one factor that has any bearing on inflation,unemployment or anything else. His contribution is small compared to the rest. Look up what makes inflation change before you reply.
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