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Iron Tongue

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Everything posted by Iron Tongue

  1. US intervention? I think actual examples of US meddling is more like Afghanistan and Iraq. If there are any people pulling strings, I'd suggest the Thais look towards that big country to the north.
  2. If you've never been to Angkor Wat or the Bayon, you have to see them at least once, otherwise, what's the point of living in SE Asia? If you don't think they're worth seeing... that's just sad.
  3. Soldiers on R&R from Vietnam days were warned not to wear anything expensive, not even Parker pens in their shirt pockets. I'm sure it went way back before that even.
  4. Cool story bro! What'd you do, sink all your Francs into Rubles back in 2021? What you fail to understand is that the UK was still coming out of WW2 debt as well as ending its Empire in the 1960s. All while the US was experiencing some of its greatest growth in the history of mankind, as it changed from a full war economy into a consumer oriented economy that still leads the world today. In fact, the Growth or US GDP grew from: 1960 of $540 billion to 2023 of $26,695 billion, and Per Capita income: 1960 of $3,007 to 2023 of $78,421 The US economy remains remarkably strong, no matter what President does to screw it up.
  5. Greedy Kathoey. She should have gone home after making a score, or at least take all her friends out to dinner.
  6. Yes, but how many of them would bother to get-up early to go vote? I'm guessing that, as a group, they are a bunch of flakes.
  7. And you're naive enough to buy his story? You haven't figured-out that he lied about meeting her at the condo because was too embarrassed to admit he paid her to go home with him after he saw her shooting ping-pong balls out of her hoo-haw?
  8. The driver stayed because he wanted to file a police complaint against the Germans for damaging his windshield!
  9. Ah! MD 2020! What Four Loko aspires to be when it grows up!
  10. I think the 'cannabis' he smoked came in the form of white crystals.
  11. Amateur! The beer holds your place at the bar until the methamphetamines can kick-in!
  12. To understand the values, you need to find a jeweler who will spend time educate about them. There's no way of doing this online. A 10-carat Star sapphire can sell for US$100 or for US$5,000, while a man-made star sapphire costs only US$10.
  13. Wow! With the jobs economy doing so well, it's time to promote more Generals!
  14. Hundreds of guns seized... 136 destroyed... Am I doing the math wrong?
  15. Cool story bro. I just hope I don't sit next to you at a bar and mistakenly say: "How's it going?"
  16. All this delay means is that China-Thailand haven't-yet agreed on the right amount of bribes for everyone.
  17. Wasn't there an article just a day or two ago stating that Chinese tourists aren't returning in the same numbers as before Covid?
  18. The only surprising news to me is that this crime happened over 3 years ago. Feels like last year.
  19. Getting up to engage in a gangfight @ 5AM? I didn't know Thai gangs had such good work ethics!
  20. Good thing regular Thais don't read this forum. If they did, more members here would be getting tuned-up like that Finn.
  21. If anyone is actually prepping for real, get a food dehydrator. Dehydrate your own foods & vacuum seal them into bags. Lazada sells them.
  22. Getting access to 55 million Thais' personal data would be worth a lot. Wonder if he had any help, either from organized crime or even another country.
  23. You do realize that your girlfriend is usually second-hand as well? Besides, the girly parts on those dolls are replaceable, unlike real girlfriends
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