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Iron Tongue

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Everything posted by Iron Tongue

  1. I know most of you guys can read, but some of y'all need to work on comprehension. Everything seems to have been done correctly. The discoverer contacted police and rescue. It was they who decided to move the body to where it was easier to retrieve from the waters. I don't know how long the body has been in the water, but if it was bloated, retrieval in one piece has to be carefully managed. -Or did you complainers worry that all the fingerprints, footprints, blood splatters, and DNA samples would be disturbed a the body in the river was moved?
  2. 2000baht = USD $56. Is it really worth the effort?
  3. Of course this guy is not the real boss. How many criminal empires are run out of the Boss' personal residence? This guy is just the "face" of the organization, who is paid very well to provide protection while the real Boss is somewhere in Macau or Taipei.
  4. I think it's purposely left that way to allow police to have more leeway based-on the circumstances. In English laws, there's the concept of "intent" which is used to determine whether you are simply carrying a chef knife to go work at a restaurant, or to murder a crazy 'ex'.
  5. I've always carried a knife when I travel, and before 9/11, I walked right onto airplanes with them. I've even carried a Thai e-Nep when trekking the forests without getting a 2nd glance. Thai laws don't define clearly what a "weapon" is, so police have a lot of discretion when they encounter Farangs with blades. Just don't be acting like an @ss and you'll probably be allowed to continue carrying one. Worst case, only carry what you're willing to surrender, and don't argue over a fine if you get one.
  6. It's gotta be Legit! Second place was Crimea and third best was Israel!
  7. First of all, Asians just look younger, so that 25-yr old 'hottie' of a Ladyboy, that your friend sees on the side is probably closer to 40. They'll keep working that bar job until they eventually end-up running it as the Mammasan. Or, they'll move back to Isaan into that home they helped their mom bought with the the money they sent during the good years.
  8. Plenty of Vitamin C in tomatoes and broccoli. Get Vitamin D from egg yolks, fish oil, soy, pork, and mushrooms ,- let's hear someone whine that they can't find any in Thailand.
  9. All it takes is American dollars, $250,000 of them. But that was back during the good ol' days when Vanuatu would issue Diplomatic Passports for money and Vanuatu and the EU had a visa free agreement. This meant you could enter & leave the EU with a Vanuatu passport and not have your bags searched. Just one entry from Peru probably paid for the cost of the passport. EU finally got wise and Vanautu passports are only good for 3rd world countries and Russia.
  10. As much as the accused happens to be a Chef!
  11. Who knows how Thai law works. I do know that in US federal laws, if you pull a runner after posting bail, there is no Statute of Limitations. You could be found 20-years later and still be tried for that crime.
  12. OK makes sense if it was explosives packed-into an extinguisher. But did throwing a 50-lb extinguisher into a fountain/pond keep it from exploding?
  13. What a cheapskate bastage to stick Thailand with the bill! Couldn't he afford to go to a Swiss clinic to get his breast-reduction and anal-bleaching procedures?
  14. All I can add is that the medical first responders and medical care in Thailand is decades ahead of other non-Western countries. If this happened in other developing nations, the "rescuers" would have thrown the injured into the back of a pickup truck and given them a bumpy ride to the hospital. If they didn't have permanent cervical/neck injuries before, they would have by the end of the ride. So you have that to look forward to when drinking & driving in Thailand!
  15. It has nothing to do with weight distribution. It's another opportunity to charge more per seat.
  16. Yep. The Israelis overseas are doing everything they can to get back to Isreal, unlike the males of other countries who run and hide. Even Israelis with other citizenships like US, France, Germany, etc. have headed to Israel to rejoin the IDF. I know an Americal-Israeli in California, he finished his service 20-years ago, but he's already back in Israel. They understand the situation. As Golda Mier said: "We have a secret weapon. We have nowhere else to go!"
  17. Some of them probably worked at the farms along with the Thais, at least until Hamas took over Gaza in 2007, and Israel closed the borders. The Israelis actually have a good reputation for paying their foreign workers and Palestinians decent wages. Of course this never gets mentioned by all the BDS groups in universities working to ban all Israeli products & investments. Little do they know that Palestinians bring home $2 billion/year in income officially and up to double that if including undeclared wages.
  18. I'm sure the hostages led away at gunpoint will be happy to know Thailand assures that they are not special to Hamas. Too bad the dead won't get this message.
  19. What does this gf do exactly? If she's a professional, works for a large company, it'd be easier. If you met her at bar, forget it. The visa office would view a Brit wanting to bring a young Thai bargirl into the US as a likely case of human trafficking. It'd be easier for you 2 to visit Guam.
  20. Splendid idea! The Army should promote and appoint at least 20 new generals to investigate this!
  21. The biggest foreign buying group, China, will be out of the market for the foreseeable future. The RE market and banks who funded the bubble in China are sinking into oblivion, Chinese speculators are no longer able to leverage their over inflated RE in China and take cash out for Thai purchases. Don't be expecting any other groups to step-in an buy up all the building inventory in Thailand.
  22. So is there an official tally of how many Thais in Israel? I have read numbers from 20,000-30,000 with only 400 a day being evacuated back by Thailand. But do all these Thai agricultural workers want to leave Israel? I think that there won't be any physical intrusions into Israel for a long time, and mushroom farms won't exactly be on top of Hamas' rocket list.
  23. Those confiscated firearms look like garbage. Wait until Thai criminals figure out how to use 3D printers.
  24. Of course he's a businessman! He is probably employed in the perfectly respectable business of moving large amounts of methamphetamines and human growth hormones. Buying guns online is expensive! They cost 2-3-5x the cost of legal guns so this Swede is obviously a very successful businessman!
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