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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 8 hours ago, Adumbration said:

    @Puccini.  I also wonder because you can enter your own amount, is it possible to enter just 1 baht and process the top up?  I don't yet have a AIS sim to try.


    ?? Of course you have an AIS SIM to try. You bought one for your test with the bank ????

    I guess I just have to relax a bit and to understand that you see things differently.

    But yes, I am sure that you can afford to spend 1 baht, using the SIM that you utilised for the bank SMS test.


  2. 24 minutes ago, Toolong said:

    So difference in prices online vs in the shops is that great? I don't doubt you, Bruno. Just no experience buying online personally. Wow!


    By the way....'impress the wife'? Nah....haven't done that for years! No, just to keep the lovely old thing off my back and to not be a potential target of criticism if the TV has probs. But yes, I understand if some people think this thread was a waste of time, I really do. But my initial query and intent was genuine. And it's been really useful.


    And.....if anyone still has valid things to say about the LG that might yet make me change my mind, would love to hear it. ????????


  3. 10 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    Here is a review of the USA 55NANO80TPA not good and the review stats

     Value for price beaten by  : Hisense U6G which is the entry level for hisense



    But if that is the model your wife wants good luck

    To be fair, that is the 2020 version. Not that one would expect the newer version to be much different.

    It's just a bulk standard Edge Lit Quantum Dot/NanoCell screen. Edge lit is the cheapest screen type.

    So they attach a cheap screen and then build the rest to a price; blinding their potential customers with 'science' to convince them.

    Full Array Local Dimming Pro is not a nice thing to claim if the screen does not have a full array of LEDs.

    But they claim it on the top of the range 86 model. Unpleasant. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Toolong said:

    So difference in prices online vs in the shops is that great? I don't doubt you, Bruno. Just no experience buying online personally. Wow!


    By the way....'impress the wife'? Nah....haven't done that for years! No, just to keep the lovely old thing off my back and to not be a potential target of criticism if the TV has probs. But yes, I understand if some people think this thread was a waste of time, I really do. But my initial query and intent was genuine. And it's been really useful.


    And.....if anyone still has valid things to say about the LG that might yet make me change my mind, would love to hear it. ????????


    No one thinks it was a waste of time...

    A few people have remarked positively. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Toolong said:

    Fact is, no, my wife never actually verbalised that she specifically wanted a LG, but we have an LG in another place, that she's happy with. And that's her (understandable) mentally, more than it mine. 

    I have been most genuinely willing to research and try and persuade her of the merits of  equally good less expensive, and perhaps even more appropiate (to her needs) brands & models. But.....I admit to a fear of opting for something other than LG that would, should anything about it dissatisfy her, be a cross to bear!! Sure, I know that sounds pathetic! ????????

    But Bruno, right now I love your suggestion that I post the LG model number etc. Will do.


    After comments about 'burning', which I wasn't before aware of, I'm concerned the it might be an issue with some TVs, even pricier ones, as she does watch a lot of Thai tv...with all the logos and ribbons running across the bottom of the screen etc. How to avoid or limit that burn?


    So anyway I'll post the model number if I can find the pic i took the shop. If I can't...recall it was 2021 model LG 55inch 4k nanocell priced at around 26000 baht. 

    I am guessing this one that I highlighted earlier: https://www.lg.com/my/tvs/lg-55nano86tpa




    I have to state that LG appears to be equally misleading in their claims.

    Only the 55nano86tpa claims to have Full Array Dimming Pro. Pro? What is that? Look at the specs and it states Edge Lit. So how can it be Full Array?


  6. 2 minutes ago, Will27 said:

    With all due respect, I don't think he wants to try and convince her. And TBH, it would be futile to try.


    I'm not sure how the conversation would've gone on talking to her about local dimming.


    If he was buying it for himself, it would be a different matter.


    He's just paying for it.

    You keep posting; but you are not reading.



    I have just had a chat with my wife an hour ago about the good sense of considering TVs that are (often much)  less expensive than the big brand ones we've looked at, yet meet our needs just as sufficiently, etc.

     That sounds as if he tried to convince her, doesn't it?


    I can guarantee that he knew that she wanted an LG in the first place and he came to advice before splashing out.


    So please....read, rather than just imagining. He started the thread because he didn't want to buy by brand, as his good wife suggested.

    But since he didn't post the actual TV in mind; we couldn't help him best we could. 

    Instead he tried to do a crash course on all of the terminology. 

    With a specific TV for comparison; we could have lined up the pros and cons more easily for him to digest.



  7. People seems to disassociate their own behaviour and habits, from their ailments. Often their ailments are a direct result of their behaviour.

    The problem is often they don't know how to unlearn the bad habits and get back to a healthier lifestyle.

    I am not talking about drinking and smoking. I am referring to the approach to life.

    People laugh and criticise the locals with their Mai Pen Rai attitude. But there is reason in the madness. It's better for you in the long run. Fighting every battle is going to leave you old and tired and angry. 

    How can someone be depressed when everything is within reach? Your mind and body is not working as it should. It's not a matter of taking a pill. It's a matter of changing your approach to life. A pill might help in the short term; but it isn't meant to replace LIFE.

    Continue taking them without fixing the underlying issue and you turn into a zombie. Choose life.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, Will27 said:

    I'd say he was interested in finding about about getting a good TV until the wife said "I want this one".


    It's a useful thread anyway with lots of good advice.

    His wife obviously stated that before he initiated the thread.

    That's what I meant; if he already knew what she wanted; he could have posted the LG model number and then he would have been much better placed to convince her with specific points; rather than generalities.


    Knowing the model number enabled me to show him issues with their 'Local Dimming'. That is something he could have shown to her.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Will27 said:

    Don't think he's interested in persuading the wife.

    More interested in keeping her happy????

    If he wasn't interested, then he wouldn't have started this thread in the first place. Keeping her happy is good; if she can get what she wants+.


    She won't be happy if the Local Dimming is rubbish and you have to turn it off anyway.

  10. 28 minutes ago, Toolong said:

    To be honest, Bruno (and all who've kindly offered useful info), I have just had a chat with my wife an hour ago about the good sense of considering TVs that are (often much)  less expensive than the big brand ones we've looked at, yet meet our needs just as sufficiently, etc. (Based on the advice from this site.)

    Although politely listening & hearing me out I quickly sensed, from the subtlest of expressions on her face, what I'd predicted: that it would pay me in the long run, in all sorts of ways, to just go with what she originally fancied in the shop, an LG model at around 25000 baht. So that'll likely be the outcome, for better or worse! ????

    Oh, the rich pageant of it all!


    Would have been better if you told that in the first place.

    Then at least we could make an argument wherein you could show her the important differences, if any.





    Which one?


    I have to state that LG appears to be equally misleading in their claims.

    Only the 55nano86tpa claims to have Full Array Dimming Pro. Pro? What is that? Look at the specs and it states Edge Lit. So how can it be Full Array?



    I smell a rat!



  11. 20 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    They are the same thing.


    But I think maybe you have the price difference reversed?


    Amoksiklav is imported (sandoz) whereas Augclav is locally made so the former should cost much more than the latter.

    Imported by Novartis(Thailand) (Sandoz is a subsidiary) Made in Slovenia.

  12. 36 minutes ago, wml22 said:

    I should clarify something, Bangkok Bank said that I can't use mobile or online banking unless I have a work permit. I don't have a work permit because I'm going to be here on a marriage visa and don't work for a Thai company.


    Is there anything in Thailand similar to Venmo or Paypal that will just allow me to connect my Thai bank account to an app which can send other people direct money transfers? Maybe Grab Wallet but that doesn't allow foreigners, so anything else?

    Where do you live? 

  13. 1 minute ago, giddyup said:

    I have no idea how old you are, and you have no idea what my physical capabilities are, or what my routines are, so don't try and tell me 80 is nothing just because you know an 80 year old that climbs Everest on the weekends. So leave off, or join my block list. Up to you.

    It's your own character that is harming you. Think to yourself why you haven't thanked EVERYONE who has tried to help you with your problem.

    Learn calm, learn tolerance, learn love...or be damned/doomed/condemned.

    All you are doing are showing us why you have panic attacks. These 'blowups' are part of your character. It's a kind of panic attack if you think about it. You can hardly control yourself and you get madder and madder until....


    When you do the things I suggest; that blowing up will subside, because you will understand how to bypass it and become more tolerant.

    But the way you are going; it will continue or just get worse.

    Either way; you are welcome to put me on your blocked list. No need for you to take my advice. Go your own way. It's your fate. Only you can change it. I know people of your age who are doing just that and they are much happier. I can see it in the way they act, write, respond etc.

    You can tell a lot by just observing...


    • Like 1
  14. 10 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    80 is nothing? Seriously, when most men only live to mid 80's if they're lucky. How old are you, 50? Listen, I know you mean well, but I've really heard enough from you OK?


    Yes; 80 is nothing. I already spoke to you about other eighty year olds I know. So I speak from my experience and you from yours.

    But yours is not working; you anger easily. That shows that you are already on the edge. You tolerate rather than take good advice. It's your character. 

    You have no idea as to how old I am.

    Either way; I am happy to leave you to it. The people who prosper are the people who listen and act on the best advice. The others are meant to suffer.

    • Like 1
  15. 13 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Did I mention that I'm coming up for 80? Yeah, I know that there are guys who run marathons at 80, but that's not me.

    80 is nothing. Please stop this mindset of telling yourself that you cannot. It's the negativity that you have built into your system that is dragging you down.


    Once you get started you will feel differently. But you have to DO; not THINK or IMAGINE.


    Instead, you want an easy way; tablet or talking(still doing nothing).


    DO is real life. The rest is just inside your head; your imagination without the chemical produced that make us feel differently.


    Create them for yourself by doing and feeling. When was the last time you hugged someone; I mean really. With full emotion.


    What you think now is based on you being deficient. If you weren't deficient, you would see it differently. So listen to the guys who are not deficient currently. Do more; think less.

  16. If living your life a certain way has brought you to depression; living your life the same way and taking a medication is not going to make it better.


    Medication should be an aid. Like taking painkillers before fixing a dislocated shoulder; it makes the manipulation easier.


    It's an aid; not a solution. The solution is to change your lifestyle. You probably need help with that.


    Do you have social anxiety? Get out there with the other walkers/runners. 


    You have more time for these things. Fit them into your day. Finish off with a nice relaxing pool session.


    How does a typical day look? What stimulates you?


    People don't get depressed doing stuff; they get depressed when they are living mostly inside their heads.


    Do stuff and make yourself proud.



    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, giddyup said:

     I guess finding a therapist who can communicate well with falangs will be the first step.


    There are guys who do Skype sessions for 1500 baht. But try walking around Phratamnak Hill park and making some acquaintances firstly. Hill walking will raise the heart rate naturally and force you to breathe more deeply. Flat walking won't do you much good. Your mood will remain much the same. You need to push yourself out of the funk you are in. Mild exercise like walking the dog won't change your physiology much.

    Get out there. Create more experiences; rather than just living inside your head. Be like a child; a nice one.

    More enquiring; rather than assuming you already know it. Push yourself a little bit. Make friends with strangers. Accept rejection and continue anyway. Do things that lift and strengthen your heart. Do more for others. Have more hugs. All these little things together will improve the quality of your life and make you feel better.

    Sitting at home with your millions will not.






    • Like 2
  18. 1 minute ago, Toolong said:

    Will have a read up on TV operating systems (hopefully I'll be able to understand at least SOME of what it says!)


    As for wife using apps on Android.....you mean like youtube? Netflix? Facebook?


    (Thicko alert!.....Bruno....and others......I am unusually ignorant about what to most people is basic tech terminology!)



    Yes, that sort of thing, but Thai oriented for Thai speaking media.


    If you are open to getting a separate Android Box or similar for the TV at some point; then the HiSense TV might not be a bad choice. The picture quality should be good; though cannot speak for their after sales service nor reliability. Though LCDTVTHAILAND look to be a decent retailer.


    I've already posted a link describing HiSense's VIDAA U pros and cons.

    Am also concerned the LCDTVTHAILAND has just one left at such a good price. Make sure that it is not a display model.




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