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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 4 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Lifestyle doesn't seem to have made a difference,

    I was a fitness nutcase, trail running and cycling in the mountains until age 63 when my health took a turn for the worse.

    Couple of drunks died early (in their 40's), for obvious reasons, liver failure, m/c accident.

    Two died falling in the shower, 1 balcony fall (ages 50-70).

    Another three of cancer (one 50 died quick, one 70 died slow spending all his savings).

    One died in his sleep (under 50, no reason given, no history of ill health)

    One from AIDS after a years intensive care in a top London hospital (age 59).

    One of a stroke in his sleep (age 70, previously had minor strokes).


    Live long and prosper ????

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Adumbration said:

    You are not fully appreciating my mobility issues.  If I just go to a location where there is only an AIS store and for some TIT reason I also need to go to a TRUE store which is located in another area that is a big issue for me.  Better to access a location where both offices are located just in case.


    No; you are not listening. I keep having to write the same things over and over again.


    Once again; produce the MNP code NOW to check that it works. If it does; there will be NO REASON to contact Truemove H at all. If it doesn't, you can simply call them.


    Stop reading other posts; they are simply confusing you.


    There is no reason to visit Truemove H. Once they have supplied the code, you need have nothing more to do with them.


    AIS will take care of everything from then on.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Olmate said:

    Crikey, guy lost a tooth! 


    So did I. Dependent on where you lose it; it can affect your ability to chew. If you cannot chew your food properly... then maybe you move the food to the other side of your mouth. That puts undue strain on the other teeth, leading to more problems....

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  4. Just now, BritManToo said:

    ALL my white foreign pals living in Thailand have died, one reached age 70 (Dave2), most in their 50s and 60s.


    What kind of lives did they lead? 

    There are some who came for the girls and who simply did not care about their health and there are some who came for health reasons.

    Not a criticism. Not everyone's life allows for making healthy choices. 


    • Like 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Would depend on the person's age.

    At age 20 an implant is probably worthwhile, at age 70 not so much.


    I don't agree. It depends on your circumstances. If you are seventy and in good shape; you could have many years of comfortable eating in front of you. As opposed to years of discomfort.

    If you can afford it; then why compromise on your quality of life? I am not referring to luxuries, but things that can genuinely improve the quality of day to day living.


    • Like 2
  6. ^^

    My advice would be to visit at least once; to make sure that the chicken that you get is actually from them.

    I've not ever used GRAB but sometimes I am there when the GRAB riders arrive. If there is no chicken available they might drive off. I have no idea as to whether they will substitute with chicken from another place. So visit at least once to know their style of chicken in so that it cannot be substituted without your knowledge.

    They aren't open on Sundays.

    • Haha 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Adumbration said:

    @Bruno123 I am still not clear which number I need to use to request mnp code.


    You posted this number above.  But you also posted this earlier in the thread.


    Your translation:


    Send a request via SMS to number 4444151.  ➡ Foreign customers, type Passport number (print both numbers uppercase letters, lowercase letters correctly) press Send




    Which is correct number to use?  The USSD or the 4444151 number?


    Thanks for your help.

    First is for people who registered with Thai ID; second is for people who registered with passport.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    Could be... For me I view it as a necessary evil after going through 18 months of treatment "Getting my Smile Back" (All caused by that Bridge I had done 5-6 years ago).


    The Dentist even joked to my GF that I'm a very good patient as I just sat there for 2 hours while he worked his socks off digging the remains of the tooth out...  




    BTW I didn't comment on the post about that Studio Condo you shared but (obviously as I live in that area) know the condo building & that is an awesome price for there, I'd keep that one to myself if I were you (It's hard enough to find a unit in that building never mind one at that price). 




    I used to be the afraid, until I found a good dentist. She dug out the remains of more than one bad tooth. Now I have implants. ????


    Not sure about the apartment availability. They seemed to be advertising them for 3.8k recently enough. I really posted it for guys on a budget to show that they can have a reasonably comfortable life away from the squalid centre.

    I'm not the type to kick someone when they are down.


  9. 1 minute ago, Mike Teavee said:

    I don't think you're a cheap Charlie at all (In fact I applaud you for the way you think), but what I was trying to say was that we all have different views on what it means to "Live Comfortably" 


    Lol, same guy bought an 8K TV for 160K+ (I'd shown him a very nice one at 20K but it wasn't up to his standards) & is up to 40K on his latest PC build project, but Health Insurance is too expensive... 


    Again, it's to each his own... 



    He sounds more like he is afraid of the dentist.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Mike Teavee said:

    In Bangkok this weekend (It's like Covid never happened in some places) & the night before we came I felt like one of my teeth was moving a little so booked to go see my Dentist here. 


    Turns out the "Stub" holding my crown had cracked so I needed the tooth extracting & at this point have an option to... 

        - Do nothing, tooth will eventually work it's way out

        - Have it extracted (1,500 THB) & leave it as is

        - Get a "Bridge" (No idea of the cost, had 1 once, never again)

        - Get an Implant (55-90K)


    My idea of "Living Comfortably" is to be able to choose the last option & it not impact my life too much but a guy on another forum was in exactly the same situation & chose option 1 (he had to as he couldn't afford anything else) whilst telling us all what a great life he was living... 


    Again, it's to each his own.... 


    Implants from 45k. (edit: Just noted that you wrote Bangkok...which indeed will be from around 55k.)


    On the other hand I know reasonably wealthy people here(not going to be too specific) who baulk at having to pay for an implant; subsequently also choosing option one.

    It's a choice as to how to spend one's money. Maybe the poster on the other forum chooses to spend his money on other things.


    I will happily choose a discounted item and then give the money that I saved to someone who needs it more than I at that time.

    That's my choice and I am comfortable with that. But to you it might look like I am a Cheap Charlie rifling through the discount section.









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  11. 25 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

    Hopefully it all works out.


    Very stressful not being able to access your money while in a foreign country.


    I wonder just how easy it is to port one number to another carrier?


    Thailand usually doesn't make things simple.


    It's easy. Send a text message to get a moving code; take that code and your passport to your new provider. The next day the SIM they give you should be up and running. Theoretically it can be done in twenty four hours.

    • Like 1
  12. 10 minutes ago, Adumbration said:

    I can't get mail to my house.  My mail box is about 30 minutes away.  Closest mall in Phuket with AIS and TRUE office is about 45 minutes away. 


    Can you just explain to me, like I am a small child, or a golden retriever, how I get the porting code, and then more importantly how do I obtain a new AIS SIM and use the porting code.


    Can I just use a new AIS SIM that I would buy at a mom and pop phone shop here and and then punch in the porting code via USSD.  And if so what exactly do I need to punch in.


    Thanks for your assistance.


    Regarding getting out and about, that is why I went to Phuket last week (It has just opened back up).  I visited a very old friend and played with his new toddler at the beach.  While I was there I went to the AIS office as I previously explained.


    Getting out and about and experiencing new things is good. Keep creating positive memories. You may need them at time when you don't feel as good.


    I put all of the MNP info in your other thread. I'll be patient and go there to copy it over again for you, as you obviously missed it.



    Do it now to check if it works. Nothing bad will happen, as nothing is ported until you give the code and your new registration details to AIS.

    It will expire. Then when you are ready to visit the AIS Service Centre in Phuket, you can do it again. At least you know it will work if you test it today.


    You cannot use a SIM from a shop as they already have numbers. You have to take the code and your passport, to an AIS Service Centre; as their online ordering service only accepts Thai ID numbers.

  13. 7 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Are you touting for business, because all your advice is pretty generic. Will all be revealed if I sign up for some one on one guidance?



    Of course it's generic; we are all human. So the advice works for all. 

    Horse to water and all that...


    No one on one. My time is precious; so with strangers I can only give what I can give. If it isn't enough for you; then perhaps you need to find someone who can spend more time with you to push you to do the things that you need to do.

    If you made it a pleasant task; I would happily share my time to help you. Perhaps you don't notice that I do that anyway around here. 


    I would be exchanging my pleasant time; for a difficult time trying to get you to do the things to get you where you need to be. It's not worth it to me. I am not currently in need of money. So if I do something for someone; I do it because I want to do it.

    So this will have to be enough for you. Change your life and your mindset and everything will change with it....or carry on thinking that your way is THE way and accept that is as good as it will get for you.

    It's generic because it is true for all of us. 

    I'm not sitting on a high horse; I have also gone through all of this and know what works. I have also helped people over the course of many years; so I know what works.

    People's own minds can be their worst enemies. I try to help people every day...as you can see. But many are resistant to change




    • Haha 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Adumbration said:

    @Bruno123is correct in his comment regarding top up at orange box/kiosk.  It does carry a running balance so you can theoretically insert 144 baht in coins and process 12 x 10 baht top ups.


    I checked one out here in the village just a day or so ago.  And did a test payment (up until payment requested) on the new AIS SIM i purchased.  When I got back to my house it dawned on me that the kiosk was located outside a shop were the Delta outbreak originated that ended up in us being barricaded into our home for 21 days by the Army a short while back.  I promptly washed my hands thoroughly.


    In the wake of Covid, and other hygiene related risks, online top up is probably a safer, if not more convenient option.


    In my other thread here it has been noted that there is a shop now on lazada that sells tops ups for all SIM providers including AIS.  There is a 10 baht option.  I have never tried this but it does have tens of thousands of 5 star reviews. Perhaps it is possible to add 12 x 10 baht top ups to your shopping cart and then check out to get 1 year of validity?  Of course using this option carries some risk of using your credit card.  Topping up at a village kiosk avoids that risk.


    Another member, @Puccini has also commented on the other thread that his bank allows him to type in the amount of his top up.  He said that he tops up his AIS SIM at (5 baht) per time to get his 12 month validity.  I have asked him to confirm what bank he uses and if he uses their app or website to make the top up payments.


    If anyone can confirm they can also make 5 baht top up online that would be helpful for all reading this thread.  Please also let us know whether to do this via app or website.


    The thread is here:




    @Twod0gs I have been with CBA since I starting banking at school when I was 12.  Over the last month or more dealing with them it is apparent that their whole customer service system is totally unworkable.  It is beyond a joke.  They have currently suspended my Commsec trading account, my netbank account and my gold Mastercard.  Every single person that I have dealt with to date has an Indian name and most of them appear to have English as their second language.  I read years ago that some big Corporations in the States were deliberately using people with poor English in their complaint departments as an obfuscatory strategy.  Perhaps CBA has elected to do the same.  The written emails I have received from their complaint staff (all of which also have Indian names) are best described as gibberish.  Over the last week every single night the Netbank website has been down and not functioning properly with (Sorry we are have problems banners).  If you look at the reviews of their app on PlayStore you will see that people are rating it 1 Star and a hard fail.  In fact most people in the reviews indicate they have had enough and are moving to another bank.  As soon as they let me access my account to add myself as a new payee, I will be moving all of my funds away from the CBA.  

    Just a reminder; when you apply for the MNP code via SMS; to actually use the passport number with which you registered, as opposed to your new passport number.


    When you register with AIS; of course you will register with your current passport.


    A bit too much drama over the Boontherm device. you don't need to touch it using your fingers. The touchscreen will work using any implement.

    Don't keep finding reason to stay indoors. You need to get out and about every day. ????Living inside your head is not a good strategy. 



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  15. 13 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Thanks for the advice Sheryl, but this feeling of anxiety and depression can become pretty overwhelming and I'm not sure I could keep on going without some changes. With the panic attacks/anxiety it becomes overpowering and I have no choice but to go for a walk as I feel the walls closing in.

    This is not unusual; we all do this. But you need to take it further in so that you are further away from panic/anxiety attacks.

    So instead of being one step away, you are five steps away. 

    It's of course different when you are in the picture than when you are observing the picture.

    So for you, unless you can feel the benefit of what I am telling you; you might not be convinced. But you will never feel it unless you do it.

    Mind and body. 

    Free your mind. You have loads of barriers in there. That in turn affects your body.


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