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Etaoin Shrdlu

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Everything posted by Etaoin Shrdlu

  1. There's also the fact that it takes 67 senators to vote to remove the President from office. I think this is an almost unattainable result given the highly partisan nature of politics today and the evenly-split Senate. The result was a foregone conclusion. Political theater, but then what isn't in Washington?
  2. Impeachment is the adoption of an article or articles of impeachment by the House of Representatives that are then forwarded to the Senate for trial. The fact that the Senate acquitted Trump does not negate the fact that the House of Representatives impeached him. The House of Representatives impeached Trump twice. The Senate acquitted him twice.
  3. You sound like you may be a first-time dog owner. Have you owned dogs before? A dog is a long-term commitment. Most dogs live between 10 and 15 years. That's longer than many marriages last. Are you established well enough to make that kind of commitment? Do you have time every day to walk the dog several times? Is there a safe place to walk the dog? Do you have a garden where the dog can stay during the day so that it is not in the house all the time? Is there someone else who can look after the dog if you need to be away for a while? Would that person be capable of taking care of a high-energy dog like a pitbull? Dogs are wonderful creatures and deserve to have a good owner and a good life.
  4. Lots of nonsense in this thread. Not all of it good for a laugh, though.
  5. I don't know. Perhaps we should ask Dr. Stella Immanuel.
  6. Isn't it shocking that this happens and the mainstream media and the CDC do nothing!
  7. Should ask him about gravity, too. Can't see that, either.
  8. None of these events occurred before I was vaccinated. Therefore they are all the result of the Covid vaccine.
  9. Since my Covid vaccinations, our dog developed pancreatitis and had to spend a week at the vet. We also had to replace the washing machine and fix the aircon in the car. I'm sure this was all due to those Covid shots.
  10. Check to see if your girlfriend's employer provides medical insurance on top of the mandatory Social Security scheme. It may allow her to select the hospital she prefers instead of going to the hospital designated for Social Security benefits. Note that such insurance would only be in force while she maintains her employment.
  11. The term "dirt bike" can cover a wide variety of off-road motorcycles, including many that are perfectly road-legal. The term usually means a motorcycle designed for off-road capabilities whether licensed for road use or not.
  12. In Thailand, I don't think there's anyone to train motorcycle riders. In the US, it is the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. Even experienced riders may benefit from some of the courses they offer. Successful completion of the basic course should be a requirement for applicants for new motorcycle licenses. https://msf-usa.org
  13. During the presidential primaries in 2016, Trump described the H-1B program as "very bad for workers" and "we should end it". It is clear that President Musk has in the meantime set him straight on this issue since Trump now describes H-1B as a "great program". I guess that's the least that Trump could do after receiving more than $250 million in campaign donations from Elon. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/28/business/trump-immigration-h1b-visa.html?unlocked_article_code=1.mU4.Aegb.dtpygTjfL8w7&smid=url-share https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/h1b-visa-trump-elon-musk-india-b2672611.html
  14. Yes, something is missing. This subject also came to my attention some years ago in conjunction with work I was performing.
  15. I think you're correct. The DoJ would need to file a case in the Thai court system and get a separate judgement. I don't think there's any mechanism to enforce a US judgement otherwise. I'm sure it would be possible to petition the Thai courts somehow.
  16. What would be the consequences for a Russian living in Russia of being seen and heard in a BBC clip denouncing Putin and the war in Ukraine?
  17. The issue is MAGAs' conflicted relationship with education. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/25/opinion/vance-trump-republicans-elite.html?unlocked_article_code=1.mE4.Fnla.p7m2OzxPCxeB&smid=url-share
  18. Coverage under a motor insurance policy follows the car. Underwriting decisions may be made on the basis of many factors including the age of the owner. I don't think the existing tariff rating structure has different rates for older drivers, so perhaps the only option for insurers is to decline to insure them if they believed that they constituted a higher risk than the tariff rates would support. It seems that under the new rules, the accident history of the owner/driver(s) may be taken into account. This hasn't been the case in the past. But I don't think that Thailand has abandoned tariff rating for auto insurance.
  19. According to this ranking, thirty-five of the top one hundred universities in the world are US universities. No other country even comes close. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2024/world-ranking?page=3# I didn't see any Indian universities in the top one hundred.
  20. The inflation of the 1970s has many fathers. LBJ's war in Vietnam plus the Great Society spending. Removal of Nixon's wage and price controls and other policies Nixon employed to fight a recession. Carter got most of the blame because these factors caused inflation to peak during his term, but there is lots of blame to assign to his predecessors. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/09/1970s-great-inflation.asp
  21. In 2023 Roojai purchased FWD General Insurance and rebranded it as Roojai Insurance Public Company Limited. I understand that they now issue all auto policies using this company. I think you may need to find an independent broker if you want to get quotes from competing insurers. https://insuranceasia.com/insurance/news/roojai-plans-become-full-stack-digital-insurer-acquisition
  22. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  23. The maid. I bet she kept an eye out for you. Especially at Christmas.
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