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Posts posted by HashBrownHarry

  1. 5 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    You can have a 500, 000, 000 baht property in Pattaya, but so what?  Location, location, location.  Pattaya is still Pattaya.  The biggest red light city in the world.  A lousy beach, crumbling infrastructure, poor governance, and corrupt law enforcement.   


    Just how "shiny" can you make a property when it is in a city of sin?



    Doom, Doom, Doom.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 minutes ago, Crossy said:


    OK I'll bite.


    A national requirement has not been declared in an official notice which was suggested by our OP.


    The local requirements over and above the national minima have been declared by local governors, these are official.


    Do you know of the provinces ( or how we can find out ) impose the fine for not wearing a mask?



  3. 23 minutes ago, newnative said:

      Just got back from shopping at Index and Home Pro.  I thought they would be deserted but both were packed--busier than I have often seen them pre-virus.  Apparently there are a few people left in town.  

    AS mentioned in other threads one get the feeling people are starting to go out and about now and not really following the rules as much ( or so fearful of virus ).


    The rules are always changing and too hard to follow anyway.


    After the weekend i will also resume normality again.

    • Like 2
  4. 50 minutes ago, canopy said:

    The beauty of the spray foam no one realizes is because it is applied to the roofing directly it means there is no cavity between the roof and insulation that needs ventilated to prevent condensing issues. That whole problem is gone. Spray foam is also extremely tough, increases the strength and rigidity of the roof, and will last 80 years where fiberglass is 10-25 years IF you keep it dry. Spray foam has a much better r-value than other types of insulation per inch so it can also be desirable when a compact space is needed. Make sure to choose closed cell, not open cell. Price nowadays is 600/sqm per inch of thickness I think.


    However I do not like the waterproofing aspect of using spray foam. It's not good to have water dripping inside your roof and being perfectly trapped by the foam. Better to know about any leaks and fix them rather than have things rot/rust without knowing it is happening.


    Thank you for the info / opinions.

  5. On 5/1/2020 at 4:50 PM, Crossy said:


    I heard a similar thing from a wife who "read it somewhere", nothing in any official announcement.


    I always wear a mask when outside in public anyway, it makes the locals feel good. 


    Note that some area HAVE made it compulsory with 20k Baht fines for transgressors, but it's not nationwide.

    If it's not official how can they impose fines? ( and who ?)

  6. total confusion, saw photo's of many people from BKK heading back to provinces this morning so <deleted>?


    for sure there is more traffic on the road and more people about, i'm sure everyone is just getting fed up now and pretty much doing what they want, which i am fine with!

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, Kwasaki said:

    Up to you if you want to insulate in that way and allegedly fix leaks as they say, I have already gave my expert opinion of my own, post #4.

    I will give more free of charge. ????


    I wouldn't use that method on the underside of a house roof it maybe has it's purpose in other adaptions as already post stated.


    1. did it make a large difference in A/C efficiency? 

    Ans:- If it's at least 130 mm thick and is professionally applied.

    2. does it seal up leaks in roof ( if there are any )?

    Ans:- Probably but water ingress will still deteriorate parts of the roof structure. 

    3. how long does it last before needing 're-done'?

    Ans:- Allegedly 25 years if done properly.


    4. rough cost per sq.m?

    Ans:- Have no idea in Thailand how much 130mm thick is, you can get a quote.

    5. any companies that do this in Central thailand?

    Ans:- 2 or 3 maybe more google it.

    What makes you an expert?

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    What if Thailand decides all foreigners should leave?

    What if Thailand decides you need a significant bank deposit to get a VISA, and you spent all your money on a place you have no right to live?

    What if a woman takes the property from you?


    All significant worries for male buyers in many countries, which is not a problem if you only rent.

    I wish I hadn't bought property here!

     A lot of 'what ifs' there, is that how you live your life, always in fear or expecting the worst?

    • Like 1
  9. 50 minutes ago, newnative said:

        Coulda, woulda, shoulda.  I'm not talking about investment, which he could have also been doing along with buying a condo.    I'm talking about putting a roof over your head, either through renting or buying--unless you want to pitch a tent on the beach, which has been closed, by the way.    So, if he's been here for 14 years and has owned, at least he still has something to show for his money, rather than 14 years of throwing the rent money out the window.  You say the rent money in LA would have paid for his initial investment.  Probably the same here or close to it with the rent money he has saved over 14 years.  No, the condo here wouldn't have appreciated as much.  But, it is still worth something and he still has that roof over his head, rent-free, with very reasonable condo fees and utilities here.  Push comes to shove, he likely will never be homeless, not a small thing.  But, by all means rent if that is preferred. 

    Very well said, i think his experience knowledge of Pattaya ( and Thailand ) is based around the bar scene.


    People need to get out more.

    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, Leaver said:

    And you believed it.  ????

    yes, why not?


    Unlike you i'm not a pessimist and this the end of the world is about to happen, most of your comments are very negative about life. I see one member suggested you contact the samaritins which i think is a great idea.



    • Like 2
  11. On 4/30/2020 at 8:46 AM, scubascuba3 said:

    Let me tell you then, many people don't want to get on a motorbike let alone a taxi bike, certainly not regularly, plus Pratamak has 100s of soi dogs that turn even more aggressive at night, so walking back late at night is risky

    Up to them, no being willing to drive or at least use m/c taxis certainly makes this more of a pain to get around.

  12. 9 minutes ago, newnative said:

    Maybe the new and newer projects--especially the low-rise theme park ones--but not the older ones--many have condos owned by Bangkokians. 



    To give you an idea of the wealth rich Thais have here's an example.


    Few years ago near Sun, Sand and Sea ( i think ) resort kinda opposite Nong Nooch gardens there was an upscale moo baan, very fancy. I went in just to be nosey, the properties right on the beach started at 150,000,000THB, i asked the rep who was buying these and she said wealthy Bangkokonians as a 'holiday home' and that maybe they would use them once or twice a year!


    I got back on my honda wave and bought mama on the way home, to rich for me!

    • Like 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, Metropolitian said:

    The company where I bought the blue barrels sells those square tanks with frame too.

    Will contact them asking for the price and when I got reply will put it here with the contact details.



    excellent - thx


    International Bunded Container btw, 1000ltrs.

  14. 2 minutes ago, thainet said:

    Well the answers on the 'stopping leaks' is NOT correct.

    But firstly I have had it done in 2 houses. One in Pattaya and one in Chiangmai (same company did both).

    1) Hot air in your house naturally rises, so with the foam the air cannot escape, so the areas above the ceilings (unless vented) are very hot.  (my experience over 20 years).

    2) Once the foam hardens it is very strong, so it does serve as a barrier to the roof tiles and keeps them strong.

    3) So now to the leaks.... Most modern houses in Thailand have many ridges on the roof where the tiles meet. These will crack or expand at some point and water will drip in and onto the ceiling. Ok these are quite easy to fix. 

    But when the foam is sprayed onto the underside of the roof tiles it forms a barrier, which is part of it's appeal, BUT then any leak that would normally just drip, now cannot, so it runs down the inside of the tile ridge (between the tiles and the foam) and then exits wherever it finds a spot that hasn't been 100% covered with foam. Invariably this is near the lowest part of the ridge tile, but the actual area of tile or cement where the actual leak is, could be anywhere on the ridge spine, and so because it doesn't drip straight down, it is super hard to find.

    eg: I had one for many years and it was impossible to find (due to my above explanation), so finally had to take off a large area of ridge tiles, clean, scrape the foam and reseal, then put new ridge tiles and regrout/seal etc. Big and expensive job.


    So the OP asked for experience with foam, so as per my above missive, I have not used foam on any of my other houses since then.  Over the past 10-15 years all the houses I've built have reflective coated gypsum ceilings, extremely good ventilation through the eaves, and maybe 2-3 whirlybirds on the backside of the roof (where they are not seen).

    With my experience I've found this method much better than the foam, plus of coarse a fraction of the price.

    I am sure others think differently, but for me foam is not the way to go these days.

    Anyway hope this has helped a few people. Cheers T.


    Thank you for your experience.

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