Do you know anyone inside Thailand that can set up daily 200 baht transfers from their account - with you paying monthly into their account? If not perhaps a law/visa firm would be willing to do on a fee basis.
You would need to visit immigration soon after arrival - request to change to non immigrant O visa entry using proof of that 800k in bank account (needs to be foreign source) and during the 90 days that visa allows extend for one year for retirement (2 steps - 2,000 and 1,900 baht fees). You would also want to obtain re-entry permit to allow return to UK and return here when you want during the one year extension.
It has never been required for retirement from a non immigrant O visa entry. Only if you are pre-approved for one year stay getting a non immigrant O-A visa, or the new long term visas is that required.
Are you saying you only want to stay a total of 4 months or only 4 months this trip?
It is totally legal and done by Thai immigration using TM87 or TM88 forms (depending on if on visa exempt or other visa entry) for a cost of 2,000 baht in process to obtain retirement extensions of stay from a non immigrant O visa entry/permitted to stay.
Your non visa or other visa entry permitted to stay is converted into a non immigrant O visa entry without leaving the country. So you are changing your entry status if that wording is better - but suspect most people will say they are converting to that type of visa entry.
As said the conversion fee is 2,000 baht - followed by one year retirement extension fee of 1,900 baht. If any exit/return expected re-entry permits will also have to be obtained.
Actually believe up to 30 days before is normal, with some, such as Bangkok, allowing 45 days prior to expiration. You lose nothing by doing early (unlike for 90 day reports) as the one year extensions will start from current expiration date.
How did you obtain a one year extension of stay for retirement? Use of an agent? Income letter from Embassy? Income proof for previous 12 months? 800k in bank for 2 months? A combination of income and bank deposit?
If using income you continue to use - there is no requirement for any set amount in a bank account. If using 800k bank deposit it has to remain in account 3 months than can go to 400k and back to 800k 2 months prior to next yearly extension as posted above.
If you have valve at output of pump turn that off - if pump stops you know it is a leak on the house side. As said above often this is a leaking toilet where you do not see anything - there should be a valve at base supply hose to all toilets what allows turning water off. Not only flap can be the issue but also flow high in reservoir going into the overflow pipe (just needing adjustment of float level to fix normally).
You are talking 90 day stay or 90 day stay with 60 day extension. But if extension is more than 90 days (which many non immigrant O visa extensions are - most are one year) you indeed will have to make 90 day reports if not leaving within 90 days after extension or last report.
As said above if you have a real multi entry non immigrant O visa issued by a Thai Consulate there is nothing you have to do unless you extend your stay beyond 90 days. Those providing accommodations are required to report using TM30. There are no 90 day reports due unless you stay longer than 90 days and on a multi entry non immigrant O visa your stay is limited to 90 days.
Thanks for the post but "That's not my department!" says Wernher von Braun. The boss makes that decision and it is made. In any event we do not expect to be around in 8-10 years and this is a last wish for her to see before we expire. The aluminium rods we are advised are made for this use and are round so that should help.
Unable to find newer threads but things may have changed as talking with major gate maker yesterday here in Bangkok for a manual sliding gate informed almost all SS types are now only framed with stainless steel but have aluminum for interior rails and such to lower the weight. So have the SS strength and the aluminum weight advantage in one gate. We shall see.
It is very frustrating to read a topic in hope of providing relevant post only to find at end that the topic is locked. Seems new software does notify at end of each page but could it not be a title change (font or something) to help avoid having to read want can not be answered? In the past locked was a small fraction but these days even posters are requesting lock so happens much more often.