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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Am aware - Cofoe is much less in my experience (have used both). But Cofoe using is a side notch test strip so not sure if those being sold now with normal end strip sensor will be the same. But as said price is a fraction of name brands.
  2. Could open a can or worms if that is working money without a work permit however.
  3. But using retirement no requirement for any money to stay in bank for any period of time if using income letter/proof of 65k a month transfers.
  4. Try a Cofoe (China) unit. Many on Lazada or Shopee and very, very cheap so not much lost if you do not like it. The amount of blood required on unit I have is a fraction of other meters. Edit: Are you really asking for free meter? Recommendation for free blood sugar testing meter
  5. Guess we didn't all know what you mean as non immigrant O visas are issued to visit spouse (not support) and almost never issued for retirement anymore (that is the non immigrant OA visa which requires proof of medical insurance as well as financials). Non immigrant O visa to visit wife far better as you can extend for retirement from that without extra medical insurance requirement. Medical insurance is something you may want to have but conditions of OA visa/extension can be difficult to meet with many real medical insurance plans.
  6. Suspect we are talking about one year extensions of stay - and they are issued for retirement or spouse reasons (as well as many others).
  7. Not getting those using Google log in option - and no log on issues that way. But message may be valid as your IP address here in Thailand will often change and when you get a bad one (used for spam) you can actually be blocked by some sites.
  8. I take my post back - today click on below got add before started (not sure if would have been any during video). Had no advertising during 2 hour videos this week and hope that will be the case on todays six hour version.
  9. I am talking about YouTube inserting adds - they do not appear to insert into non-monetized content even if not using add blocker.
  10. Not mentioned, but from my viewing, adds are not an issue if watching non-monetized content. If channel is willing to provide free content you get free content without advertising.
  11. I guess OP is not from USA where our account number is on every check we have cashed for the last century (and many still do use checks). Those checks often also have not only bank location/routing number and your account number but also your full name and home address.
  12. IE bar talk. ADJUSTED REFUSAL RATE - B-VISAS ONLY FISCAL 2022 U.S. Department of State (.gov) https://travel.state.gov › Non-Immigrant-Statistics THAILAND. 24.36%. https://travel.state.gov/content/dam/visas/Statistics/Non-Immigrant-Statistics/RefusalRates/FY22.pdf
  13. Mine from 21st approved at 0900 today - so it does appear timeline is getting better.
  14. That first line was added after my post - thanks for info - mine was submitted on 21st to CW and still pending so guess a bit luck of the draw.
  15. First see improvement as sub forums now can be seen listed on own line. But topic list far to many pages IMHO- on my screen takes 17 next page clicks to get to end (yes I need large font). Needless dribble under most topic headers which is not required (or even helpful). Index should not be a book - people go home or post anywhere as takes too long to find forum.
  16. Actually my experience is also dated but many of these countries make virtually nothing so everything has to be imported. In Guinea they could not even make a safety pin in 1983 per their leader Ahmed Sékou Touré (talking about how much help the USSR gave them). I can attest Conakry hospital was a place to die (where bed pan contents were dumped from the windows).
  17. The VPN? Try turning off. Also be aware YouTube is now trying to include advertising if you do not pay for service so that might be a conflict.
  18. And to me that is total nonsense. I did not and would not operate a MC here in Bangkok. Unsafe to the extreme - almost all Thai road deaths are on MC - it may be safer as normal low speeds of Bangkok but it is far from safe for anyone. I seems OP is talking short trips - which are not that much quicker on MC in any case, As to the elevated/underground networks there just is no reason to risk you life needlessly. But as stated above - that is my take on the matter - understand you and others are free to disagree. But do not believe it is a true/false situation.
  19. I just can not understand anyone risking MC use in Bangkok when there is ample choice of public transport everywhere. Taxi service is just about the cheapest in the world. Why do you have to be to the light first or second? AC taxi will only be a few minutes slower and much safer and more comfortable. Living outside the city your own transport makes sense - but not in Bangkok.
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