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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. In those days extensions were not treated as they are now however - end of reason for extension ends the extension that day is the normal procedure now. But believe most will allow marriage extension to run until stamped date if they can. These days multi tourist visas are also restricted at land crossings.
  2. Believe you know enough of such lists that they should be taken as opinions of individuals. In this case not even a travel related source. Remember the high recommendations for Nong Khai years ago, likely by land speculators? As for English - you can live in most cities here using it but today's report, https://www.ef.com/wwen/epi/ placing Thailand last in Asia and 101 out of 113 in English says a bit about the quality of general understanding. Add to that the very poor computer translation abilities does not make Pattaya that attractive to most (not really a beach town and trying to not be a party town so in flux at best). But agree it is a good value option for many.
  3. 1. Cancer - even advanced stages - does not always equate to early death. Even two people with exactly same condition may be years apart. But good you are planning options - even if the only sure thing is that nothing is for sure. 2. Does wife have family that can/will help you? Even a new marriage to keep that extension option might be a consideration. 3. Is home free and clear-are you sure? 4. Sale of home is often slow here as most prefer to build new (with new spirits). 5. Have no idea of your personal financials but you mention pension - if from UK believe for some it is advantage to live in PI for getting increase - and as mentioned visa is not an issue there (although there are small costs involved with extending stay). But just offer that as last resort as you do not want to return UK per post. 6. If you can add any additional information it may help posters be more specific.
  4. Actually they were extensively used by merchants for obtaining and depositing cash from what I observed. As cash goes electronic and cash deposit machines become available such bank branch's become redundant.
  5. I suspect link is based on your IP address and you are not using a Thai IP? If rate is in USD most likely IP in USA?
  6. They provide a good music platform along with advertising removal (which is required to pay those posting what you view). For about US $50 a year (the cost of a good meal out) you get this service and provide the money to keep posters providing content.
  7. Indeed either single or multi entry non o visa would be proper stay and should not be an issue as to number.
  8. As noted nothing is set in stone - most likely he would be allowed to remain in country at least until current permitted to stay and immigration does have ability to allow more either via agent or direct contact. As mentioned home value might be a saving grace. Move to another country, such as Philippines, which has inexpensive care available and no visa issues extending tourist entry for years might also be an option.
  9. Was also a Quicken user after Microsoft ended Money but have lost access with new computer/Win 11 and do not want subscription system so moved to below about 6 months ago and it seems to work well - can off line load data file from banks and works with all currencies. https://moneydance.com/ Note: a prime reason for using this software is that it works fine with dark mode in Windows (old eyes can actually read it).
  10. I suspect the name will be an issue and she will have to start a new subscription to get past that issue (but who knows - might be a breeze). Otherwise wife could start a subscription herself? I just funded for one year using a US credit card with my Thai address but not sure that will still be available once you took the AIS path.
  11. FYI for next time you can delete everything after the on links - saves a lot of space but goes same place. Poster told me about it couple years ago.
  12. Yes you can as a normal doctor visit as medications from doctor are regarded as an out patient visit and paid at the plan amount (standard is 85%). Medications not approved in USA are not covered (and there are some here in that category). Note: as with all claims make sure to include detailed receipt (we normally call it itemized receipt) and a medical certificate for diagnosis (Thai receipt do not include that information).
  13. No. It has a page in front to enter personal/contact information.
  14. Actually all overseas providers are preferred - but only some have GOB (direct payment) for FEP/Blue. And some providers are likely to change again in January as they will change overseas coverage company.
  15. Suspect some people post and then return later to read rather than stay watching forum - especially when it is as slow as it is today. His last post was made 5 hours age and that was when he seems to have departed.
  16. Actually for US the following are what can be done - note the last item can be very important for settling issues in USA.
  17. If you are unable to prove foreign origin perhaps better to remain using OA extension of stay as at least you have some medical protection for any additional cost involved.
  18. This is a general registration for US citizens and expect other countries have similar system. https://step.state.gov/step/ Above is not a requirement in any way but might make things easier and believe some countries even register marriage making it even easier. Next of kin to release body would be https://eforms.state.gov/Forms/ds5511.pdf
  19. Another option for payment is yearly CC, without automatic billing, of 1,590 baht. As said the music is worth the extra cost for many people. For others downloads are an attractive option.
  20. As has been noted foreign death is a matter for their Embassy to take care of and body will be held until Embassy allows release (and perhaps bills paid). Embassy will attempt to contact next of kin and provide them contacts to help locally. If next of kin is Thai body can be released with proof of relationship, but would advise having that information on file with Embassy if possible.
  21. Not sure what you mean as Bangkok Bank NY uses your Thai bank account number for transfers.
  22. From my understanding this is not Medicare, but private insurance to work with Medicare and only provides after the fact emergency medical coverage while overseas. Not a replacement for foreign medical coverage.
  23. A very good question for US expats. If there is a chance you will return (married or not) to USA would give consideration to paying for Medicare plan B if able. But admit have not considered for myself as have partially subsidized insurance worldwide that is better than Medicare so would not be worthwhile.
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