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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Will order one in that case as looking for a switched outlet for rice cooker - thanks.
  2. Not unless you also did a TM47 during renewal process (some offices do/allow that). But it is a bit late to be asking if you have not done by Feb.
  3. Perhaps used to doing tummy tucks or beauty procedures but almost none have any experience with skin cancer and will have to look it up on computer for reference in my experience over 50 years of medical treatment here. Many do not even have access to liquid nitrogen, much less any idea how to use.
  4. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/3-s-312-sokawa-111-213-i4209755275-s16578102004.html?
  5. Yes you can now - there was a long delay before they became available however.
  6. Actually I have - where only one side is done per visit when extreme cleaning required or medication/pain/bleeding issues. But vast majority would be less than an hour visit for process - and perhaps a bit more for x-rays if required for issues found or suspected.
  7. Suspect these might work - but not black. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/2x4-nano-usb-usb-i2733838174-s9910624039.html? Here it is in black: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/2x4-nano-i2730748812-s9897861279.html?
  8. Yes 30 minutes is fast but an hour to two is normal most places. Still feel that a check up or diagnostic patient should not have to wait a month for routine blood test results. Especially when cancer is in the name.
  9. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/fast-pure-6-ro-75-gpd-mineral-water-filter-i4413671330-s17619736110.html?
  10. There is no medical need for any minerals in water - you get what you need from food. Stand alone street filters indeed are not a good bet for pure water - both external contamination and non working filters are possiable. Store bought water of name brand should be fine - but can be a PIA to carry. Home basic RO filters systems can be bought for less that 3k from Lazada or Shopee and in most cases will work a year or two before filters need replacement (first filter can be more often but extremely cheap). Not that nice looking on wall but works well and if you want to spend more can be more attractive. Have been using units like below for a decade now.
  11. Actually there is a bit of difference - Shopee will not accept non Thai bank cards - Lazada will.
  12. Back on topic received the email notification my report is due on 13th at 0100 today. Still waiting for approve of report submitted on 3rd.
  13. Cataracts removed some years ago and use dark mode whenever possible (huge improvement) and have eyes checked every six months as have glaucoma and take drops to keep pressures within range.
  14. The order has been delegated when canceled - you should still receive your cash back to credit card. For me normally less than a week.
  15. Was quite sure I was reading/entering correctly - but they kept popping up another. Have seen some that can not believe anyone could read. But find those multi picture types often even more of a challenge. Eyesight not the best and have to use high contrast mode to read most text so they are starting to bite.
  16. Yes but missed it in original read - read as expensive with these old eyes - sorry.
  17. That would make them egotistical hypocrites as grandfather and 2 uncles were dentists - and they also had dental issues.
  18. Shopee is in Thailand and website is https://shopee.co.th/
  19. Filled out Friday - accepted and in process (took six times to get through the "type letters" check to get website just now - they really make some of those security checks unreadable by anything but a computer. ????
  20. They removed from passport and copied on their own in 20 and 21 - I only supplied in 22 because of that.
  21. As said both are good and bad in about the same amount. Used Lazada at first - changed to Shopee due better search and often lower price - changed back to Lazada when Shopee made Ibanking payment impossible (foreign cards do not work with them). You often find the same sellers on both platforms and prices on Lazada now seem to be in same range as Shopee.
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