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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Agree - best to have steady water pressure for home and then adjust tap for max you want.
  2. And from my sisters experience with that method I would not be keen on trying it where it is not the norm as even in USA where common it can fail - this is a simple surgical procedure done millions of times by doctors all over the world without need the need for laser. In my sisters case there was a laser malfunction. And yes, I have had cataracts removed, but not by laser.
  3. It has happened to me many times using about 15 years ago and is the reason we built the cover. Hot water itself was fine as used less electric. But never used 155w pumps so might not be an issue with them. But it sure was for larger pump.
  4. Yes - should be fine for basic small home. Another thing to think about is location as pumps do make a bit of noise so best away from sleeping area unless using AC.
  5. As said above smallest pump should be fine for basic one story (for those that want US water pressure for showers much more expensive pumps are the norm). Another thing having a roof over tank is pumps are cooled by water so if water in tank gets too hot pump with shutdown. But suspect this is not so much an issue with plastic tanks normally used now (ours are the older SS type). Make sure tank is light proof (or expect fungi). What you do not want is the cheapest single wall blue tanks often sold for water. As you will be using village water filter might not be required. You may want a bypass to allow direct use of city water in case of power outage but would just use on/off taps rather than try to use one way valves (which often fail and suspect you will want full pump pressure whenever you can). KISS (simple) is best.
  6. Perhaps better to buy a storage tank/house pump? That is what most people use - tank fills when water supply is running and you pump from that tank. Public water runs to a float valve (like used in toilet) at tops of storage tank and is automatic. A cheap pump is then used to deliver water to house under pressure.
  7. There is no doubt Thailand has a higher standard of living. Can not give specific 'town' locations in Cebu area but if you want Bars (foreigners) as well Dumaguete seems to be the choice in that region with very low cost of living and easy access to higher elevations for living if you want cooler air. Traffic is getting heavy but nothing like larger cities and seems to still be able to be walked by those living there. Cebu is currently recovering from typhoon damage but getting back to normal. Basic medical care is available and Cebu is probably the 2nd best location for advanced care (Manila is the prime area). As electric is local to each island you may not want to live high in a condo tower unless very reliable backup generators. But on flip side immigration is easy process. Outside of cities food may be an issue (poor quality goods and few good restaurants). Other islands have some great beach areas but I don't know them and would be a lonely life at most if looking for bars/foreigners. Edit: most important point - do not even think about PI if type "A" personality - waiting is the name of the game.
  8. VRH brand (Thai made) has been our choice for many years - very dependable.
  9. There should be a shut off valve on pump output - first test is shut that and see if pump still runs - if it stops you most likely have a leak - if it continues to run you have a pump problem. Pumps have a start and stop PSI sensor which can fail. Also pump pressure tanks can become water logged (no air pressure). Both can easily be fixed by pump workers.
  10. Issue is water pressure change to main tap - not absence of control valve. Yes there are adjustable guns - but in my experience not worth using - fail easily and leak. Light touch on trigger of good quality gun will work wonders. Good quality control valve could also be helpful (long handle easy to adjust). If living in house good quality water pump might be all you need.
  11. All of the above plus most residential areas will have truck making rounds buying such items every few days - might get few baht and help support buyer.
  12. The new electric shavers like Philips Oneblade are what hospitals now use. There are clones that should work find for very low price from China - below is one example. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3281306132-s12176486976.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&tradePath=
  13. It was 35 years ago but recall removal in PI also removed enough defroster strips in rear window to make unusable. Would not have been an issue if remaining in PI but car was was being sent to USA.
  14. Visa is no problem in old invalid passport - current permitted to stay must be in current valid passport. He appears to be exiting Thailand and needs to prove legally here (which requires valid stamp in passport being used to exit I suspect).
  15. Translation for those of us on the western pond - tube type ham transmitters.
  16. At least you had a good copy to enter information from. Have been using computer print for at least a decade at CW with no issues.
  17. There should be a direct air vent from the immediate toilet drain area to allow fast downward flow from toilet bowl - but often they only have one air vent located from the actual septic tank. Will be a pipe going high enough to keep smells into the wind (although some just end in attic). Will look like below but may be at floor surface if added later.
  18. As said that is the norm and works OK as long as good cement seal all around and they remember to fill the bolt holes with cement. Now, if doing yourself, will have to make sure the drain hole is in proper position if you want to use a seal/bolt down approach. If you were getting insects they must not have sealed all of toilet base to floor properly or air vent after thought (many do not use) hole extended beyond toilet base. Once you get it clean should not be that bad - but first look is never pleasant.
  19. Yes there are 3 or 4 such forms to sign each year at CW in addition to the TM7 - normally provided when you get queue number or TM7 from desk. Have a pen with you. When I go for appointment stop at desk to get forms and fill out when waiting for bank letter (have TM7 computer filled out). If this is first retirement from marriage not sure they still require but wife had to appear when I did many years ago - reasoning being joint property state they wanted to be sure wife was aware making a change (and perhaps a divorce was coming?),
  20. I went by what was posted - did not see that photo. Just wanted people to know they did not have to install extra wall tap. Sorry.
  21. Only one wall outlet is required as bidet T adaptors are available or they can easily be made with normal T and a flow control (Italy brand sold everywhere). Yes indeed you do what.
  22. Our attempt to register last year failed (as required to be register by person who mail ordered from Lazada I guess - but I do not have smart phone - son tried to register using his phone - but they seemed to be asking for some code not in package). Alternative was to go the NT HQS in Bangkok and try to find place to register.
  23. Agree the Bic 3 blade sold locally was also my choice - but on old skin even they can nick at times and when taking blood thinner not pleasant waiting for the bleeding to stop (although looks much worse than it is). So kind of have to use electric now.
  24. Just noticed this cheap Kensen 2 in 1 usb version - think will give it a try as the one blade is also very expensive here (and mostly fake). https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i3281306132-s12176486976.html?
  25. You are aware all support for that operating system ended on January 10 this year? Might be time to move to Windows 10.
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