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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Are you sure about that? How is delivery service even aware Lazada has anything to do with it? The seller selects and delivers to delivery service, not Lazada. The shipping address is the seller.
  2. Amazing how many times that happens. Just good you caught it this week.
  3. It's been years but there is plastic inside holding heads in place and you just remove and they fall out - open as if cleaning and turn whatever a bit. On current 3 head it is a one piece plastic holder which you just twist about 1/8 turn to loosen and then remove plastic and heads will fall out. This is different model but two head so probably change the same. https://www.google.com/search?q=philips+pq206+replacement&sxsrf=AJOqlzWJkcgEzRu9W2b2_gc1BfuvSCSdPA:1679646112539&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiOlIuvkfT9AhX2cGwGHdv_DWQQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1225&bih=572&dpr=1.57#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:21b2d183,vid:1ppJgmxGl5Y
  4. You are already 4 days late so no you can not do it online and you need to get there Monday to avoid paying late fine. The old reminder was set to go out too early so many people were confused after getting they could not report that same day. It appears an attempt was/is/maybe made to correct but so far in March it has been hit and miss with some getting with a week or not at all. You might want to set a reminder for due date and report date a few days earlier on your computer or phone.
  5. You must live in a clean room and never allow outside air in. ???? There can be a huge amount of dirt in coils which in turn you pay for with higher operating costs. Air conditioner normal filters are far from HEPA.
  6. But split units should have a real cleaning every 6 months to a year to remove dirt in cooling coils and that is high pressure water draining into 5 gal paint cans and then high pressure blower - so a bit of overspray - but bed can be moved and covered with water proof material. There is a lot of dirt that gets through those filters (think teenagers). Outside units should also be cleaned at same time.
  7. But as pointed out above - oversize will result in much less feeling of coolness as units will not be blowing very cool air much of the time. Better to have right size regardless of type. The issue is if you want a cool room at 26 or a meat locker at 20 can be a major factor on hot days.
  8. That is the name of the game - it cools the room - it is not a fan for personal cooling. But it does take getting used to - you can always set the temp lower for a time if need to feel the cool. But it is something to consider - big is not always better - even for inverters.
  9. That should not be an issue with modern inverter models as they cool as needed (power varies) rather then turning off and on.
  10. I really can not read the plan too well (old eyes) but appears there is a patio type door? But without knowing construction and insulation planned and how cold cool has to be a bit hard to estimate. My BR with basic fiberglass insulation is 26sm and 9k units cools to my 26/27c comfort temp with no issues. Red brick walls with cement cover and no insulation but no outside doors or windows.
  11. Actually she is Thai by birth (and suspect still a Thai citizen) and fled to Thailand. How does it have nothing to do with Thailand?
  12. She tried - she was captured by Thai police - she waved extradition process at urging of Thai police and returned to USA under police escort is my understanding.
  13. That is the home page - select rimless to view rimless. https://www.zennioptical.com/b/all-glasses?filter=prod_rim%3ARimless
  14. They notification system is not working right as has been reported many times this month. Your 90 day report was accepted and will most likely be approved later this week - seems to be running up to 5 days for approval at CW.
  15. The buying TT rate is what the Thai bank will exchange at.
  16. In my experience translate does provide readable English on both platforms and much better than when trying to translate press reports and most other Thai material. But it can not translate photos so not much help there. Perfect no - but normally as good as English provided by sites that translate pages.
  17. Many people have been using Zenni mail order (ship from China) for glasses last decade as price is much lower than shops in Thailand and huge selection of frames/types. I would take a look there. https://www.zennioptical.com/
  18. The below is the oldest and most trusted eye facility - Dr. Roy seems to be often mentioned but this is a very large operation with specialists in just about everything. But this is not the single room, nobody else waiting experience - there are a lot of customers but they seem to move as a well oiled wheel for those with appointments. https://www.rutnin.com/en/home/
  19. Have you actually tried? Google translate works great on both Shopee and Lazada.
  20. I trust you provided more substance to Lazada than you did here. Perhaps someone with experience could help you if you can provide general details without being too specific with names. I pay Lazada with card and have no issues getting refunds but understand there can be issues in the merchant/Lazada/buyer triad so perhaps that is it?
  21. Don't know for UK pound but that is not true for USD - Wise is always the better exchange rate - what can make Wise less desirable is large transfers as fees are based on amount. Current BBL TT exchange rate: 34.04 - Wise 34.12
  22. As long as you do not stay more than 90 days without leaving there is no report due. If doing border hops for new 90 day stays such reports are not required.
  23. Looks like normal reminder and indeed they have been arriving late this month as reported earlier. Would not worry about it.
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