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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. This is easy to do at any immigration office and can be up to six months stay before needing new stamp. But there is also a requirement to obtain permission to depart for anyone staying long term - easy enough but awkward if you forget.
  2. For US military and foreign diplomats who have worked in PI the retirement option is very good (and also available to others with bank deposit) but as with most things best to use a service to get details right. That said the vast majority just extend tourist visas (up to 3 years then a day out to restart).
  3. Nice personal attack - I stand by what I wrote and believe most in PI these days will agree. Yes visa situation is easy in PI and I have mentioned that in other posts.
  4. Although I like PI and the people (lived 4 years there) it is definitely not for many who call Thailand home (although some beach lovers could be an exception). You like not having reliable electric power. You like street dogs. You like rooster calls. You like music at 98DB everywhere all the time. You like ATM's that are out of service. You like having to bargain for everything. You like almost inedible food. You like 2nd class accommodations. You like being unable to walk except in street. You do not see the violence that happens. You like never being able to find what you want. You like bureaucracy on steroids. You like having only basic medical care. You like waiting. You like waiting. You like waiting.
  5. Actually you do - indirectly or directly (higher price for use of cards still happens). But even if no increase seller sets a higher price for everyone to cover bank costs (and in many places to cover the extra tax burden the bank records prove). So all lose except the banks/government (the rich get richer). In an ideal world the government will use for everyone - but often that is not the case.
  6. The unside down tax again. ???? https://www.thelivingurn.com/blogs/news/how-much-does-it-cost-to-cremate
  7. I have never read such on here in my time as a member. It is normally patient reaction to cost at private facility that would trigger such a suggestion I suspect. The doctors fee at a government hospital is dirt cheap - so much so that many users provide 'gifts' in appreciation such as dress shirts and such. As for why - perhaps feels you can not afford - perhaps not keen on medical team of private hospital (especially true if not major facility) - you are very handsome man.
  8. High estimate is 20% will have temporary issues but in almost all cases this resolves within weeks/months and is not lifetime. https://www.stclair.org/services/mayo-clinic-health-information/faqs/FAQ-20058481
  9. Actually the phone is only as smart as the person using it. And many of us are of an age that makes such a smart phone rather dumb - still waiting on an AI upgrade for our brains.
  10. You keep posting this which has nothing to do with the topic of marriage document (which only requires notarization signature/stamp). What you quote is additional witness requirements of some other documents and that person requiring must bring and they have own appointment or they ask someone in waiting room. Again this is not required for the document this topic is about.
  11. It is a side door to the right of main visa section waiting area after entry by appointment only via a door/security check to the left of main old Embassy compound vehicle access and dates back more than 40 years. As pointed out by many - there is no signature required other than the Notarization official - he is the witness to your signature. https://www.nationalnotary.org/notary-bulletin/blog/2021/04/different-types-of-witnesses-and-witnessing-notaries#:~:text=What is Signature Witnessing%3F,document in the Notary's presence.
  12. 1. There is no witness other than the US Consular Officer who signs. 2. There is no access to US Embassy Consular area to MC drivers.
  13. PIA 3 years + 3 months + Boxcryptor 1 year for $79
  14. She had no pain and take home was 30 Tylenol and 4 Tylenol at hospital.
  15. The fee for $2,000 ACH pull to Wise today was $2.60. For $500 is was 65 cents. This fee is added to the withdrawal amount and then subtracted from Wise account. You should be able to see cost to send by selecting international at top left and then the amount to send. I did not send today so do not know what the fee would have been.
  16. Suspect you answered yourself - driving in Bangkok is Hell on Earth (unless you give everyone a 5 day weekend to get most drivers out of town). And taxi fares do not make up for the slow movement.
  17. That is not what most would call Bangkok Taxi's - airport taxi has always been an issue. Back in the 60's taxi were not allowed at Don Muang and only vehicles with military plates operated - normally an off duty enlisted member driving and officers car and negotiated price. Currently only cars registered with airport can pick up customers and the distance (fare likely one way only) makes it a loss leader for drivers unless fare is more than meter and the extra charge for airport service.
  18. Must not have been any customers as that is normally a very poor income maker - much better to have flag down charge and short trips for making money. In my experience most alternate routes are due to perceived traffic conditions and often are asked before doing. And when done only amounts to a few baht difference anyhow. To me not having to drive myself though the MC kamikaze land of Bangkok traffic is worth the very low total costs of taxi service here.
  19. I suspect that might be a "tax receipt" rather than a normal payment receipt?
  20. You are aware he is talking about April Insurance rather than the month of April.
  21. If of an age that smart phones are inoperable it makes a huge difference. And for those of that age using smart phones it could turn into a major financial loss with one slight error. 1,000 baht risks no more than 1,000 baht.
  22. I have been using taxi service for all travel for the last 20 years and have never had them try to drive off meter - and only time refused has been heavy downtown traffic areas - with none lasting more than 20 minutes before getting service. But part of my luck is likely not being downtown most of the time - most is in Latphao area. And when in town always stop a moving taxi. To me using taxi is giving back to local economy as drivers are normal people and mostly fine. Taxi are so inexpensive here, and I mean really cheap, kind of hard to complain about a few bad apples or expect standards at level where cost is 10x times more (and you are expected to tip 20% or more).
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