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Everything posted by Boomer6969

  1. But wouldn't that be a good thing? Shouldn't everyone here on a tourist visa have a proper onward ticket?
  2. But my builder would have done the job in less than a day with one of these.
  3. Was my reaction too. I reckon it completely discredits this report. Coming from Europe to the US I have always found it easy to adapt to local traffic, and feel even safer than home.
  4. Nonsense, the F35 is a 5th generation aircraft, with an advanced networking capability, hence totally unsuitable for a country of doubtful loyalty. And imagine a network of 2 aircraft ????. IMHO F35 should be limited to NATO, the French should flog some of their Rafales second hand and make sure they can join the fight with their allies.
  5. Thank you Joe, for keeping the bastards honest. Keep up the good work and <deleted> the French submarines.
  6. Honestly "Thai thing" or not you have to do your own cost, benefit, risk analysis. If you can afford the to lose the cost of relocation and loss of income for a significant duration ,and are tickle by the adventure, go ahead. Otherwise not. But believe me this place is more unfair than the jungle.
  7. Obviously, she wants him to lose some weight.
  8. 1st marriage Back in 1980 I had applied, with my [Pink] Girl friend, for immigrant visas to Australia. At the embassy they were satisfied that my skills were in high demand, but definitely not those of my PGF. So, marriage became the easiest solution to make the trip together. 2nd marriage Some 30 years later my Thai girl friend got pregnant...
  9. Well, I had no idea who this guy was, until I had a second look at his name. "Humper dick", must have been some porn star.
  10. Refurb A10, and helicopters is all that's needed for these idiots.
  11. I do it all the time, at Bumrungrad.
  12. You don't need anyone to cut them, that's a piece of cake. To remove the Rhizomes or Clumps you'll need one of these. I removed about 12 Sqm of clumps last tear, had to go 40cm deep as it was all like solid wood to that depth. An axe would work too but depends on the surroundings and your skills. I used both but I started using these tools in my childhood.
  13. I am fully vaccinated, so some moderate fatigue for four days, didn't take my morning walk. Get your boosters, don't wait, and you can still get the new versions later this year.
  14. No doubt. I read on another site that he had scheduled a meeting with an official named Prawit.
  15. Amazing thread @owl sees all, reminiscent of "Footrot flats"... RIP Murray Ball.
  16. Consensus here would be: sex and beaches, cheap and dirty. Don't come to Thailand if you have higher ambitions. It is likely that someone at BA doesn't want to sell subsidised airfares to certain types of plebes.
  17. This is the part I have trouble with...These farmers are struggling year in, year out. To stop the burning someone has to offer an alternative that doesn't worsen their burden. Easy to blame farmers from the balcony of a house that is worth the lifetime earnings of one of those poor sods.
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