I would agree that the range of visa possibilities now offered by Thailand is simply outstanding. But why are there still so many people whingeing about stupid requirements and even cheating when bribing corrupt agents and Immigration officers?
I got it, the WP version, and it was totally effortless. My pension, my health insurance and of course my Swiss bank had all the documents needed available on line. So it was just a bit more work than a 90 days report... The visit at Chamchuri took about 90 minutes, that was it. All highly civilised too..
Hmmmh Azithromycin 1000mg only, will cover Chlamydia most and have poor outcome against Gonorrhoea. When Ceftriaxone isn't available the recommended next best is Azithromycin 1000mg + Cefixime 800mg.
But the OP hasn't said he had a BBFS night out. He is "just curious".
Can confirm, 56100 on the 23rd this month. But Multi Parametric, which equivalent to 2 MRIs with different contrast on a 3T machine. Got this pre-approved by my insurance, as everyone else should BTW.
IMHO the Thai LTR retirement visa is beats the M2H in its new form by miles. The requirements are very reasonable targeting retired professionals, while the BOI people processing the applications focus on substance and much lesson form, unlike Thai immigration.
I think it might be worth sharing this report from one of my UN former colleagues. It is remarkable in that they have accepted his Cigna health coverage while they refused mine a few weeks prior.
InfoLetter 09 Report 2023-01-11do.pdf
Five years in the army? The Thai army? That's definitely going to improve them.
And where I come from you need higher education and skills to join what is a modern professional army.
First, where did I mention "vast amounts". But my point is that there is now a confusingly wide range of possibilities that are offered to stay here long term, and people still come here for ideas to stretch the system. Strange.
It splits before your meter, so no your problem, your dog can't pi.s that hight.
Well if it was after your meter I'd go to see the police.
But yes, Thai style craft, most definitely.
Doesn't this demonstrate the medecine is only a secondary concern here? Maybe not at all?
AFAIC this reads: "If you refuse entry to our infected Chinese friends you are not welcome here".
Get yourself a proper job, with 10 weeks leave a year. And then retire here when your pension amounts to 80000 USD a year so that you get an LTR.
Not so difficult, I did it.
Total nonsense. Here [Buriram] mosquitos come out about 45 minutes before Sunset. This is the time where you close doors and windows, turn on outside lights and aircon. We have no mosquitos in the bedrooms. Also we have fly screens on all windows, so they can't come in during the day either. We haven't bought any mosquito coils or spray for years, just tune up our routine.
Well IMHO it isn't the agent hanging onto the passport, as he collects his money upfront, but rather some bent IO, who keeps hostages until all his conditions are met.
Sorry can't help you. Asked Buriram Ram yesterday and got: "No have, finiss, ask Government hospital". So I'll pop in at Medpark, in a couple of weeks, unless they have it at Burumgrad, but that's very doubtful.