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Everything posted by Boomer6969

  1. Nope, condoms aren't effective against HSV nor HPV infections. I had the worst HSV 1 outbreak when I was 9. HSV goes dormant after a while. And there are good antivirals to control early stages.
  2. All of which are curable, HIV isn't in most cases. And there is no intimacy with condoms. Some people also enjoy spreading the word that one will catch and abject incurable disease every time they have "illegitimate" sex.
  3. Yes But Croatia vs Morocco in the final would look really good. Anyhow the nicest last four one could have dreamed of. Messi, our B team and the two others.
  4. For god's sake, Paxlovid isn't, neither are the Omicron updated boosters, from Pfizer and Moderna.
  5. I am fascinated by the current inaction in the fight against Covid in Thailand. No Paxlovid, no updated boosters.
  6. Absolutely, stick to ICE for another 5 years at least. Forget hybrid, burn E20 and use public transport if living in Bangkok.
  7. Against HIV Prep gives a more effective protection than condoms, why are authorities always jumping up and down chanting "coondom, condoom, condoom", like primitive morons?
  8. I see some virtue in charging users for the true cost of energy. Funny the english speaking crowd, true capitalists in essence seem to think otherwise.
  9. Sorry for the kids who start their love lives in rubber. Back to the sixties, never caught anything.
  10. What is an ED visa? A visa for long stay in some Urology department?
  11. Just making room for the Chinese who will overrun the country, now that Covid is gone and replaced by a new milder virus.
  12. Getting extensions of stay, making 90 days reports, filling in life certificates..
  13. Not interested, the French have only their B team. And the Aussies are out.
  14. Can't disagree entirely, who needs to out after 2am? I can remember my guide in Iceland going out trout fishing after midnight but it was full daylight early July. Boomboom is better in the afternoon anyhow.
  15. I love the thick racist undertone, the only criminals in Thailand are foreigners.
  16. Like take a dump? Anyhow, tattoos are self mutilation, can't even understand why they are allowed.
  17. Yes, I can remember pics of Japan in magazines of the seventies where people in big Japanese cities were wearing face masks.
  18. You probably didn't need the antivirals. For most people Covid is like a strong cold and the only medication needed being a box of Paracetamol. So I can even see a benefit in catching it as it is probably better than the obsolete booster shots the give now in Thailand. BTW, I did have Covid. And I wear a mask on the BTS.
  19. Isn't money and moving it around something that links them? But yes I have no other interest in or knowledge of money in money matters, than getting enough of it to keep my family happy. So you should understand my aversion of anything that reeks of "get rich quick". My attitude to life has always been: "get useful skills and sell them as high as possible". But thanks anyway. ????
  20. Wouldn't save making monthly. quarterly or possibly yearly transfers?
  21. Simple, I don't gear near Bitcoin and hardly know what Wise and Revolut are. IMO the world could live, possibly better, without them. I use UBS, Bangkok Bank, Credit Agricole, they do everything I need, but I no one is totally safe in this effed up world.
  22. Really? Are they really tourists? When I have a holiday I don't want to do any cooking, cleaning, etc.
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