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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. How about you? Do you miss the food from your country of origins?
  2. Me at immigration: One of our bent cops put the wrong stamp, so you have two options leave the country in 24 hours or pay an 11,000 baht fine. Homeless foreigners: Not a problem.
  3. Road safety right next to a cannabis advert. Nice.
  4. Anyone who stacks things on top of their microwave deserves to be stabbed just a bit.
  5. So that's 19 billion on the higher up's salaries and expenses. 1 million on the planes.
  6. I took a taxi today and they guy almost took out a motorcycle and later almost tore the back wheel off. He turned sharp left and the rear wheel smashed over the curb. No map, no gps, no air con, no seatbelts, no english. He works in that area but he had never hear of my village name. Really, there's like 10 and you can't remember them? I can't wait for the driverless AI taxis. Finally a decent safe ride.
  7. Don't mock her for having visual impairment. She's blind and her daughter was interfered with.
  8. I think there's something in the holy water. The highschool I went to had two pedos. One was the owner of the youth club. The other was a music teacher. Both Christians.
  9. I like the girls that hide their past. And you talk to them for a while. Then you start to notice they go out late at night. I never say anything but there is one of those in the Thai family. She has some interesting outfits.
  10. The air quality is disgusting where I am now. There are major factories. They pump out smoke all day long. The ones with the huge industrial chimneys. The smell is terrible. This is the first time in seven years that I have a seen a new aircon unit covered in black soot on the inside of the house.
  11. 100 percent of everything he owned and she was working on the second one. Wow she was a busy lady.
  12. No sat nav, no map, no English, no air con, no clue where to go, rude. I am surprised more of them aren't bitten.
  13. It's insulting to associate special needs with murderers. Psychopathy isn't related to special needs. Deeply insulting news report.
  14. I'm sure Wednesday dad will be quite shocked by the news when he learns to read.
  15. It's always the quiet kid. Research shows that US prison inmates are mostly people with high extraversion and low agreeableness. The loud mouth noisy <deleted> is the one to be careful of.
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