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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. Some 'village managers' really do need assaulting though.
  2. Sell it back to the owner for 1 baht. Then get on a plane.
  3. Happened to me in the mall. There was a poster of some Thai kids smiling next to a banana tree. He said they are poor orphans and they need money. I said I will adopt one of the kids. He looks terrified and turned away.
  4. This actually happened to me but it was she sleeps downstairs and I sleep upstairs. She said the bed was too hard. Then later she said there was a ghost downstairs so she is now sleeping with me again. My relationship fell into the depths of misery about 3 years in. Just a matter of time now. I have had a miserable awful life and I just accept things like this now.
  5. Like the hospitals in Thailand the vets are just a bunch of people playing dress up. I was horrified to see them operating on animals without pain killers or anesthsia. The animal is held down and screaming in pain. We decided to let one cat stay the night there. This cat was actually getting stronger but took a sharp decline after visiting the vet. The next morning the cat was covered in urine and the woman said "yeah it keeps doing that". They just stand there and look at you. Another shock is the lack of technology. They didn't have an icu unit. Finally on the way out the doctor said "yeah your cat is dehydrated you should buy some blueboy and give it to her". Why didn't he do it? We took the cat home and it died that night. So don't go to the small ones. They are useless.
  6. Silly humans. Time for AI to take care of our roads.
  7. Don't join the army and spend a year reading.
  8. If the student didn't tell anyone or remove herself from the situation it would show that she was happy with it. Perhaps the students always hanged out with those boys. It is quite common to see one girl around 5 boys. Also they are of similar age. Now that I think about it you don't really have much of a case. Teacher assaulting a student would be a good earner. But same age friends messing about and the girl shows no desire to stop the situation is not going to be so alarming.
  9. So it's a way to fiddle the numbers. Now it looks like there are more tourists.
  10. Yeah uk is a <deleted>hole. Crime is worse.
  11. Its Texas Chicken so you will be waiting for a solid 40 minutes. World's slowest fast food.
  12. I have to do 300 bahts worth of damage now. Thats at least one air hand dryer and a few rolls of toilet paper.
  13. Give the mother 51 years in prision for child endangerment. The uncle 50.
  14. I like watching women push huge cars around in the carpark and getting no help. Makes me feel warm inside.
  15. They have always extended visas. I extended mine for 6 months.
  16. Being a teacher has ruined my health. I went from being a fit person jogging everyday, doing weights and punching the bag to a fat person with back ache and I get out of breath walking up stairs on anti depressants. To be born British is to win first prize in the lottery of life. I used to have big dreams of travelling but now I realize that England has everything.
  17. Thonburi Market Sanam Luang 2 13.747206548247151, 100.3549951318296 And Garden Market: 13.745268142370305, 100.35041391872122
  18. ''buying dolls from needy children and giving them to those less fortunate than themselves.'' No that doesn't make sense. Just give the money to the ones less fortunate. I don't think dolls are legal tender.
  19. One step closer to a dystopia. Spies: Listened to and tracked 24/7 - yes The telescreen: Alert system that overrides phones - yes Keep the lower classes in a state of poverty and subservience by spending resources on pointless wars - working on it
  20. If they're smiling, they're scamming you.
  21. Put the man in prison for illegally owning a business. Get the woman on the 90 days treadmill.
  22. No seatbelt = Banned from driving for life.
  23. Foreigners get deported, and Thais keep the land/property/businesses. You mean the girlfriend experience?
  24. I can't do anymore bible quotes. Its too weird even for me.
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