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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. I sure do. 100 drinks hot or cold. Sweetness level. And a full coffee menu + shots all for 30 baht. Large cup as well. Not to mention the points system is generous. You can get points by adding your phone number after ordering. But it is optional. Just the thought that all those clueless overpriced cafes and lazy chayen shops are going out of business makes me sleep with a smile on my face. How about you? Taobin with its clean, fast and correct orders or Thai street vendors with the smell of urine, clueless staff and overpriced menus?
  2. Do you think AI could manage it? Could it manage ''You teach English why you don speak Thai!?'' One AI could sure replace a lot of human garbage. And imagine how much money it would save the tax payer.
  3. On the walls and partitions you will see a QR code. It is written entirely in Thai and in size 8 font. But I can read it and it said 'review the officer'. I spent 6 hours waiting at 3 desks while two of the desks had no one behind them, the air con for the entire building has been turned off, and the car park is now a scrap yard. So no wonder they clearly don't want foreigners to be able to read it.
  4. I will stay until the girlfriend leaves me. After that I will go back home for a while to cut all ties. Because I don't want them to keep tapping me for money. "You said you would pay for the water purifier remember." "My sisters cousin' baby needs a new school uniform". I will go home and take a rest. Then come back at a later date.
  5. To be born British is to win first prize in the lottery of life. So of course we have one of the best police forces in the world. From the friendly face in town to the specially trained armed response units. We have it all. Thai police are just cute.
  6. Enjoy your unclean drinking water.
  7. Girlfriend wants to move the bed away from the air con due to Feng Shui. Let me add to the lowbirth rates and castrate myself.
  8. I blame Shakespeare. Nasty little plays full of murder, lust and revenge. Play more video games instead.
  9. Sometimes when people mess with air con setting flicking it to 29 and low they end up dead. Justifiable homicide?
  10. A failed rape is still a rape. And he even admits to paying them. Haha. This guy just ended his own case.
  11. Covered in blood, on cctv and saying he did it. Police are still working around the clock to find the killer.
  12. So you have been arrested for thought crimes. You said "I ain't wearing this mask in me own home." The emergency broadcast pops up on your phone and demands that you stay where you are and do not move. A few minutes later there is a knock at the door. Before you know it you are being dragged into a torture room. How do you escape? Give in? Wait a while then give in so as not to look too cocky? As long as you can last? Or last it out until the end? Could be years. If you admit to their demands you might get off with 10 years of hard labour. Who knows you might be released. After all it was a just a minor slip up. You didn't wear the mask.
  13. Sorry Chalang criminals forgoe their rights to privacy. Freedom of Speech can not be silenced by your money.
  14. Only the government run lottery is legal. Other one bad.
  15. What a depressing idea watching animals being tortured for a day.
  16. Sounds like husband material. I bet he has a beautiful wife.
  17. What is same sex. I haven't tried that yet.
  18. The child shield isn't working. But the two girls more in the center of the frame.
  19. Ever since I met her 8 years ago she has said she owns land in Chiang Mai. I thought this is so amusing I never talked about it much. She paid rent for the land for years and finally set up a date to go and see it. We booked flight tickets and the day before the owner cancelled the trip. I am rolling on the floor with laughter but I have conform to society so I say ''Oh no.. really?!!! I feel sad.'' The owner then wants to meet at a nearby shopping mall. When they meet the owner has the audacity to say there is no land. She says she is sorry and she will pay us back month by month. We haven't had a single payment. We have paid for her lifestyle for the past decade and she just says there is no land but she will pay us back. Amazing. How about you? Do you pay for land hundreds of miles away that you have never seen?
  20. ''Forensic Medicine at Police Hospital for a detailed autopsy '' lol
  21. Thai Embassy, Laos. Border Cambodia. Prachuap Border. Terminal 21.
  22. When you consider previous movements throughout history this one is not exactly a worthwhile cause. 'My friend Mr. Lennon has just got out of prison and now he hates the police lets have a protest.'
  23. I got an 11,000 baht visa fine. I always try to jeopardize tourism a little bit. Some trash there take a few toilet roles there.
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