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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. Saw one car in the carpark exit. The old yai just casually wound down the passenger window and tipped some trash out onto the street and there was a bin on the other side. I thought should I pick it up walk infront of their car and take it to the bend. But I didn't want to get a disease.
  2. I live near a lot of huge factories. Turn off the aircon in the morning and the front of it is black with soot. Go to work and the smell is like rotten eggs. And there is a huge condo that I can't even see sometimes. It's all the will of God. Sometimes I just poor chemicals down the sewer to help God a bit.
  3. It says ''Don't sunbath in the park.'' so it's not a temple then?
  4. Heart Disease, Cancer or a deadly Virus. Who will get me first. You decide!
  5. Thailand - First class 7:40. Last class 16:00. China - First class 8:10. Last class 16:40 I have studied with Thai and Chinese students and the Thai student absolutely obliterated Chinese students. The Thai students can speak Thai, English and Chinese. The Chinese can only speak rural Chinese. They sit in every class in total silence. They lacked even basic primary school grammar. The teacher had to teach them how to write the days of the week because they kept saying 'day 2' 'day 5'. This was at university level. Chinese schools are all show but when it comes down to it Thai students would crush them in math, English, and science.
  6. His resume says ''starred in Home Alone'' and then he became president. The man is a turd and has no place in politics.
  7. They were ''asked to come in'' not arrested and sentenced to 1st degree murder.
  8. He was only on his third bottle of cough syrup and a few rounds of glue sniffing.
  9. I just sit here and eat my potato/taro sweet fried stale donuts and breath in deep.
  10. Can't move for former Thai boxers. They are everywhere. They look like former donut eaters as well.
  11. As far as I understand monks can do magic and bend the laws of the universe, why did they call the cops and use science to help them? They could just do a chant and the women will be not visible to people. Any information on this would be great.
  12. Too slow viruses. I got my money on Heart Disease or Cancer.
  13. So they are admitting that the sign wasn't visible to begin with? Do monks have lawyers?
  14. I looked at the wall mounted fan on that pillar. What screws did they use? Then at the man. Then the girls.
  15. Order a hot coffee the woman says no can not, she then proceeds to make a hot coffee and cool it so it is iced coffee. Time to start making visible wounds.
  16. Get her pregnant and have the baby in the UK.
  17. Kick the mirrors off his car. Should be about 70,000 depending on the make of car.
  18. She walked in and left the door open. They all do it. Enjoy your karma. The signs in these buildings clearly tell you to shut the door. No the doors are not ''broken''. They leave it open so their classmates can sneak in.
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