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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. Over the speed limit and overtaking over a pedestrian crossing in a built up area. Castrate the driver and ban him from driving for life.
  2. Just pay the fine and + an extra 5000. They will tear your arm off.
  3. Why are you chatting up a bar boy. Just pay him.
  4. Lets see those serial numbers and find out what Thai sold the gun to him.
  5. They're white so they get an easy time. It's like playing on easy mode.
  6. Aside from the disabled they are all leeches on society. We all leave at the same time monk or no monk.
  7. Not one of their horoscopes predicted it.
  8. Lifetime movies on youtube. Hilariously bad. They all have the same format: men are evil. Women are good. Women need help from a man to fight or solve the problem. Women are good.
  9. You were trying to be the big man and at the same time took 240 baht worth of food out of your children's mouths.
  10. So the girlfriend caused it. Sounds about right Thai girls are always shouting insults over a man's shoulder.
  11. They make the rules up on a minute by minute basis. Bring everything you have. All the documents in one bag. Yes you will need the plane ticket in and out of Laos and the hotel booking details. You will need 1,900 baht on arrival. Or the same amount in dollars. Laos is a <deleted>hole. They have no working ATM's. So get your money ready.
  12. I don't think I've ever seen a child in Thailand with two normal parents. The fathers do a runner as soon as the woman tell them. Looks the same in this case.
  13. Totally worthless story. There's nothing to be learned from this. Some loser divided his salary into 50 baht notes. So now what's next? You ask the kbank staff to accept sacks of notes? Moron.
  14. Drop out of highschool, sit look at the floor, gamble, drink, go to the temple. Yep 60 years of that and you will be living in a tin shed.
  15. Hi can I get a condensed milk pizza on sugary dough with a sugary tomato base, hold the sugary cheese? 600 baht. No problem.
  16. It's your fault for renting to a person staying illegally in Thailand. Give him the money back.
  17. If we aim the traffic into two narrow slits then it won't exist when it is observed. And we can just walk freely.
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