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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. My last 'visa check' for the contract involved a urine sample, chest xray, and a blood test. Talk about taking the piss. As an English teacher, not once have they tested my knowledge of English.
  2. How does a sedative pick you up?
  3. After good men spend a lifetime grinding their hands down to the bone for nothing, we are met with either cancer or heart disease. How about you? Which one do you think you will get first? I would like cancer first. It seems more gradual amd less sudden.
  4. He's doing what the religion says to do. How is he wrong?
  5. I had it in my 20's. The school that I went to did most of the damage. Then I realized that you do not have to outwardly please others. As long as you have some self respect. I focused on fitness. Jogging every day. Punching the bag. Then I moved to Thailand and got a degree and a job. At that point I realized that I can achieve things in in life. I learnt Thai and play the piano. It's not true 'if you get a bad grade, your life is over'. It's amazing how much lasting damage teachers can do with their words. When the pillars of society and the ones you look up to say you are worthless it takes a long time to recover. Everyone I met said I was a failure and I would have never imagined getting an education and job. I have even been asked to join the job interview process. How the tables have turned. I remember when I went for my English exam and the teacher laughed ''Why are you here?! You have no chance of passing it.'' Well I now have a degree in the subject and I teach it. I am a judge at English competitions. Ironically only recently the doctor gave me anti depressants called amitriptyline. I didn't even go in for that but she said it will help.
  6. Sorry what is ''driving''? Do you mean the thing humans used to do before FSD? Why would anyone want to drive a car. It's a deeply unpleasant experience.
  7. I will not commit an act of thought crime. Big brother is watching.
  8. Slum dwellers (lowest) foreigners myanmar workforce cleaners / maids Maids are told to spy on foreigners. They are always sticking a camera phone in my face at work. I go out to get lunch and when I return they follow me, arms out with the phone pointed at me. The Myanmar workforce has a strong place in Thailand with professionals helping them. So they are above foreigners. Foreigners can report a slum dweller. We have more money than slum scum so its easy to assert authority.
  9. One girl was sitting under the desk and using her books to lean on. Never seen that before. Maybe one of the chief liaison executive head of officers could use their paycheck to buy some desks. I swear you could loose 50 percent of the staff and no one would notice. Making the school day end later has also added to accidents on the roads. I saw two yesterday. The day before someone drove up a lamppost and flipped their car. 20 minutes drive has become 2 hours.
  10. Why are the CCP in Thailand? The 'zing zang police department'?
  11. Yes it has been a total disaster. Almost 2 months into the new semester (counting summer classes) and the rooms are unfinished. 37 students in one room. Many students are in the wrong rooms. They get taken out half way though a class then brought back again. Students sitting on the floor because not enough desks. 4 girls sitting on two chairs. Then they had the bright idea to move classes to finish at 5 pm. This has added 2 hours on to my journey (it used to take 20 minutes for me to get home). The school that I work at has 4000 students. There are 10 other school in the area. Now they finish at 5 and the work traffic is mixed in. Early start, early finish. late start, late finish. This is a better system because it staggers the traffic. But now everyone is there for 8 for the flag and song. And everyone leaves around 5. As for the rooms. They just knocked down entire walls and put them back again. Took out the windows and replaced them again. Nothing works in the classrooms. Projectors have no power to them. The ones that do are broken and they forgot the projector screen so no it is reflecting off a whiteboard. Entire buildings not even finished. So students are moved to the library. But the original rooms were less then a year old. The list goes on. Definitely worse than last year.
  12. I give her 3 weeks before she runs back home to mom and dad.
  13. Most business don't want a record of their finances. Cash is better.
  14. This is known as 'fruit from the poisonous tree' in law. They stalked him and illegally searched him.
  15. This trend is growing now. The school that I work at gives brand new cars and luxury vans to the Thai teachers. Not the aliens only the Thai staff. Most of them don't do anything at the school and their work is to pose for a photo in an officers uniform once a year. I guess they really need another car.
  16. Hi can I get cold fries that have been left out on the counter all day with some condensed milk? Thanks.
  17. Mine is awful obviously. After a 14 hour day at work yesterday I am now doing some work at home on the weekend. Now a person in the village has decided to fire a starting pistol at random intervals. I can only assume he scaring away the birds from his vegetable patch. Another freak is grinding sheet metal. My girlfriend decided to bring the fish tank inside because it might reduce the algae. So now I have constant Japanese water torture. Splashing water 24/7. I could spend years explaining that the water is not fresh it doesn't matter how many pumps or blue dye you put in the tank the water is not fresh it doesn't matter where the tank is the water is not fresh. How about you? How is your weekend going?
  18. The only way I can make modern laptops work is by deleting everything from it. Change it to performance mode. Then adding, chrome (use it for google docs and email), and irfanview basic image editor. The standard 'out of the box' windows doesn't work. It is designed to break so that you have to purchase the new windows next year. AKA the Sony Kill Switch.
  19. Two wrongs don't make a right in law. You have to have clean hands to make any kind of case. Enjoy your prison time.
  20. Where is the park? All I see is buildings.
  21. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully some throat cancer.
  22. It looks like an advert for unemployment.
  23. Dry as a bone here. We need more climate change.
  24. Half a million baht? I need to change careers.
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