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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. I am interested to know why the Japanese airline on it's way to send aid to the earthquake victims was set ablaze by God?
  2. Fairly easy one for today. Why did God allow the Holocaust to happen?
  3. Come on that glue won't sniff itself. Give the husband a break. Someone has to beat the children.
  4. He can't speak English why should the students.
  5. Not really sure. The last time I was at Don Muang I tried to get a sim and a cop was hassling me telling me I can't walk up the counter and the true staff couldn't speak a word of English. I pulled out the money and they ran away like rats. Just say two weeks and give him money.
  6. Pay the protection money I mean visa document handling fees.
  7. It's always a joy to see these freaks crushed. Being a <deleted> in private was fine but now they are in 4k.
  8. Thailand and their drone painted skies. So they just edited out the cars on that day? No one else saw the event? Not one camera phone picked it up? Or is it AI?
  9. I used to go to the same Amazon everyday and I heard people go up to the counter and order ''Ao Vanilla Latte Starbucks ka'' or ''Pumpkin Spice Latte Starbucks'' and other combinations. And the staff actually did it. That one made me chuckle. So they take the American menu from Starbucks and order it in Amazon for half the price. I swear I even saw someone with a Starbucks flask and they put the order in it.
  10. Take the child away from the mother since she clearly can't look after children. Let the man go due to lack of evidence.
  11. 1) Walk out there with a fold up table in front of you. When he fires, wait for him to reload and crush his neck against the wall. If you crush the windpipe he will drop after a few seconds. Then lay across his body and hold him in an arm bar. Then get someone else to call the cops. 2) Throw stones at him so he is forced to take cover, then edge forward. I prefer option 1 though.
  12. I pay my money to the gods and get nothing in return. If I do the ceremony and pay the money I expect the new mountain bike and drum kit wrapped up and waiting for me. I pay the money to the god shop and get stung by a bee. It's bull<deleted>.
  13. You don't own the tennis courts. Stop hassling the kids. How do they even know when someone is there? It's like they watch from the condo. We litterly choose the hottest time of the day to play. The place is empty. I pay the common area fees. The two girls went off to play together and a few minutes later they come back and say ''The alien said that it is his tennis court.'' I know that the girls are probably lying. The alien might have said 'lets play together, you that side and me this side.' But it's still not appropriate. No one cares that you play tennis and no one wants to know you. How about you? Should farangs be banned from tennis courts?
  14. At the start of year we went to the temple with ''9 bags of dry food.'' They said they only want wet food. So we just gave it to them anyway. The monk said ''we will give it to the people in the south''. Sure buddy whatever you want. Do you want tartar sauce with it or some side dishes? How about the shirt off my back? The week after that I got stung by a bee and the girlfriend got rammed from behind. A motorcycle just decided to ram the bumper before riding off. How about you? Do you think that Devil was actually trying to warn us about God?
  15. The first sign of things getting tough and she will drop you like a bag of dog <deleted>. Get the go bag ready and have an escape plan.
  16. They are all Muslims so everything in Thailand is forbidden to them. I guess they have a halal water drinking party.
  17. A wife is a bargirl, maid and personal chef. Pay the money Scrooge.
  18. Thailand killing tourists again. If its not the balcony jumps or food poisonings it's the third world electricity.
  19. Good to see them getting their first job. Now maybe your children will look up to you.
  20. She only wants you for your money. If you are happy being an ATM then go for it. The perks are the weather, amazing food, the women are good in the kitchen, perfect straight roads with plenty of service stations, amazing shops from low end to high end, markets and lots of places to see, amazing beaches. But the moment the money dries up she will leave you in an instant. And the marriage thing means f all. It's just a fun day out.
  21. I am a valuable tourist and I got a call from a man shouting ''Pasadouk krap! Pasadouk krap!'' Naturally I hung up on him. I was busy doing my job when he called so he should be busy doing his job. Take your pasadouk and follow the directions. When you get to the door stick in the box that holds pasadouks. How about you? Are you tired of people not being able to speak basic English in 2024?
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