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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. 41 degrees but the thai girls can still stay cool without a bead of sweat on them. amazing.
  2. The work place is now run by people high in extraversion. My whole idea of being a teacher was to be immersed in academia and hang out with other nerds. But that is not the case. Most of the teachers don't have a degree. One guy got fired because ''he didn't smile''. So ADHD is actually a good thing now. I am the opposite I am low in extraversion. It is very difficult for me to fake extraversion or fake ADHD on a daily basis to keep my job. Most jobs require hyperactive drugged up man-children. Foreigners are seen as clowns and 'the funny guy' so use your ADHD to your advantage.
  3. In 8 years of living in Thailand I have never been in a restaurant with singer or live music in it. Cockroaches, rats, open sewers, filthy tables - yes. But not live music.
  4. Laos is a miserable <deleted>hole. Almost all of the Filipino teachers I have met are nasty little cretins. Cambodia doesn't have roads. I guess when you put it like that Thailand is up there on the list of friendly places.
  5. I've had quite the opposite. My gf keeps pushing me into fights and says ''see he saw you are alien and he walked away''. One time one of their daughters had a boyfriend and they weren't happy with this. I didn't know anything about this but later I realized I was just protection for them incase it turned nasty. Another time an angry Thai got out and walked towards the car. She wound down the window on my side. Another time I was told to meet her at the front of my work place. Apparently she nudged a motorcycle in the slow traffic and the guy wanted money to fix the paint. So I automatically did the wai and gave him the money. She said ''why did you wai to him!''. Yes Thai people are very violent people. You should walk away from hostility.
  6. The first time I met a Thai face to face it was the Airport staff. It was my first time travelling alone and I needed some help with the form so I approached one of the airport staff. She pointed and screamed at me ''GO!!!'' and then turned back to chat to her friends. Nothing but downhill from there.
  7. This has to be a prank. His mates must be feeling bad now.
  8. I think Bunjong read too much bible. "Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But do not do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof." - Genesis 19:8
  9. Normal time the same as economy, business and first class.
  10. But the schools are closed now.
  11. Dress like a slut. Offended when asked for sex.
  12. Just drive illegally and pay the fine when it happens. Worth it.
  13. Don't eat those pork sausages from Tescos. I have been <deleted>ting through the eye of a needle for 2 days now. I think the heat was the reason. I bought them out of date then gf put them in the microwave for a few seconds, then left on the counter all day, then reheated on the cooker, then reheated in microwave this morning.
  14. Close the gap between the rich and the poor. So that crime doesn't pay.
  15. I want to know how he tweets while in a live interview somewhere else. It's just a puppet show.
  16. In true Orwellian fashion the media has targeted housewives. Posters, leaflets, phone messages and women's tv shows have aired the message 'put the aircon to 27 or it will bomb!'. Which basically means save Thailand some money and crank up the heat in your homes.
  17. We have clean drinking water.
  18. Can't be done for something that was already okayed. Let him walk free.
  19. ''the suspects reached out to the victims, asking for mercy and expressing fear of a long imprisonment. They have offered to make amends, noting the potential impact on their aged parents.'' So the rape of a minor is less serious than an overstay. I got an 11,000 baht visa fine. If you do the time one really should do the crime.
  20. They have a no fail system in Thailand. If the student fails the score is rounded up to a pass. It couldn't possibly get any easier for the students.
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