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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. Did you get the hard life? If so why? What happened that made things difficult? I used to have a friend in secondary school. He never did the work and used to eat paper. He once just crushed up some polo mints held an empty biro and starting snorting it. One day he turned to me and said ''I'm alright, my dad works at British Gas and he has a position waiting for me''. Sure enough he left school, got a new house, company car and is a manager at British Gas. He made zero effort in life and had things the easy way. How about you? Did you get any lucky breaks? Was there a lucky escape from addiction or the wrong crowd? What moment changed the course of your life dramatically?
  2. What about a teacher agency that pays tea money to cops under the table and then refuses to cancel a work permit and then the foreigner passes all police checks starts work again and then leaves the country to get a non b visa and then enters Thailand again is cleared at two aiports by all checks and then a few months later gets another cop that says the first cop was wrong and demands 11,000 baht overstay fine? Who gets the swat team?
  3. So glad I don't live in North America. That place is a festering pit.
  4. You can extend it at Ceang Wattana 6 times. So about 6 months. No one said a word to me. They almost tore my arm off when taking the money.
  5. It was an outside toilet at an old second hand market. One of them was for women and it was in perfect working order. The other one was for men and the entire front window was missing (they use a plastic sheet to cover the window area) but that was missing. So everyone can see you stand there fully exposed. I have been going to that same market for 7 years and today I just went in the girls toilet. Seven years and they still haven't got around to fixing it, but keep the money box outside. Best leak I have ever had. I should probably point out it is a large separate room for each person. No one can see you. But they would have seen me go in. I told my girlfriend about it and she said ''but men don't have to be shy''. I just don't want to expose myself in front of the temple with the monks walking around, kids and Chinese tourists taking photos. Have you ever used the women's toilets? Do you put money in the money box outside toilets?
  6. It's true. To many pee pees and nong nongs trying to please each others egos.
  7. Another quality Thai film. Must be a total of 3 now.
  8. Interesting visa status when you can be arrested many times and let go.
  9. Come Gaza Strip lets go! Gaza are the good ones right? I have not been following it.
  10. Scam Number 235: damage the car and get the alien to buy a new one.
  11. can't remember can't remember what is the mri thread about why do you always get a 1 star rating my cat is running
  12. I always ignore those hand things. One time I did it and could still see the guy standing there just frozen.
  13. Noontime news room - Gun Jom Phalang informed the Hua Mak police station to help a 1-year-old boy after he was attacked and beaten by his real father. Recently, there was a clip of the father born to slap and attack and use his foot to step on the child's neck. To negotiate for the child's mother to be reconciled. The first loud noise I heard. before hearing the child cry That is, the child was hit on the head by the father. We can't release the pictures for you to see. But the picture that was seen was of a child who was sitting falling down from the force of the blow. When the child gets up and sits back up I heard the father's voice say, "Do you want me to do this?" and slapped the child on the head again. When the child fell, it was an image of the father using his foot to stomp on the child's neck. Until it's like a child can't cry. Then the boy's father removed his foot. Then he repeatedly slapped the child's face several times and used both pillows and diapers to throw them at the child repeatedly. Kan Jom Phalang along with officials from the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security Take the clip of this incident and report it to the police at Hua Mak Police Station at 10:00 a.m. after receiving a complaint from the mother of the unfortunate child, stating that her 1 year old son was attacked by his real father (ex-husband) and beaten until he suffered. As for the reason she had to break up with her ex-husband because of violent behavior. At first, she had taken her son and escaped from the residence. But she was attacked by her ex-husband. Then he took his son back to raise him at a worker's house in the Hua Mak area. https://news.ch7.com/detail/680244
  14. Creative like 'put up some lights'. Wow I gotta see this one off event.
  15. I avoid people whenever I can. I spent 4 months in a small condo. Just a bed and desk and not a human in sight. I only went home at the weekends. Absolute bliss. I did meet one human. A little guy. Something was very wrong with him as he couldn't speak English. He asked to see my proof that I paid the rent. So I showed it to him. He went away.
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