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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. How do you get on with Thai dining etiquette? Have you ever made a mistake? Here are a few: - let the old people eat first - don't eat the food furthest away from you. it is reserved for someone else usually the most expensive dish. - only drink water or maybe coke. don't ask for anything hot. - only take 10 minutes to eat the meal. yes it took us ten hours to drive here, but wolf it down and don't look around. - don't remove the bones from fish. just eat it down. - don't leave any meat on the bone. eat it down and chew the ends off. if you leave anything you will get ''why did you leave everything!!'' - say everything is delicious - don't go to the kitchen area - wash your hands before eating - never bring bread to the table - don't add or change anything. only use the sauces provided. - eat fruit after the meal - chew loudly - speak while chewing - always use a phone - bring the soup to the rice, don't put the rice in the soup - roll sticky rice in your hand. make it into a ball. - sit on the floor at the slightest opportunity - put soft drinks into the deep freeze solid - put cakes into the cooler so it is melted and ruined
  2. Most people are stupid. Do what's right not what most people want. Most people are aged 60 to 80 and find stairs too much.
  3. Should have driven a car. You wouldn't have a mark on you.
  4. Black because it can be used for business or leisure. And those super dark tinted windows as. They are illegal in the UK but okay in Thailand.
  5. It is it true that the tablets and phones rot your child's mind? Human interaction is important during the critical period ages 0 to 5. If you try to talk to the child they hold the phone and just drool. When the phone is gone they start speaking more and socializing. The devices give an illusion of learning but this is not how children learn. They need social interaction and feedback. I have noticed that devices hinder large motor skills, fine motor skills and speech development. One also has to realize that reciting the alphabet and singing songs does not build speech. There are also behavioral problems. One mother in my Thai family, puts the phone next to the child so it falls asleep. As soon as it woke up the child refused to talk to anyone and started crying so she stuck the phone there again 3 inches in front of its face. Perhaps even more frightening is many children refuse to eat when the phone is in front of them. I have watched parents try to feed their child and they child just stares at the screen and doesn't eat. I would often teach the child using worksheets and objects. The parents would come in and turn on a huge 50 inch television with cocomelon playing on a loop. The child was unable to do the lesson or even move its hands anymore. Even the most basic tasks such as coloring didn't happen. Research done by Patricia Kuhl involved teaching mandarin to an American child using a TV Screen and it showed no result; however, doing the same material with a human teacher brought the child up to the same level as a Taiwanese child. Do you let your children use phones, tablets and devices all day?
  6. The people in the picture are just lazy though. Not related to the story.
  7. Because they want to get Wednesday Dad, Prison Dad and Third Wife Dad and get UNO.
  8. The English test is a paper based exam. The cat is __ the mat. a) on b) on c) for d) banana And yes many students fail these tests.
  9. They're all the same from the cheapest to the most expensive. They all have to meet the same standards. The actual classwork at school is useless anyway. You will need to sit down with her at home and go thought the material again.
  10. You've been teaching for 6 years illegally? Just go to university you would have finished by now.
  11. It's been like this for decades just a degree in any field will do. Most universities don't even do ''a bachelor in Education''.
  12. It means 'just this'. So they are finished with you.
  13. Khun maw ja tam luad awk. the doctor will take the blood out. หมอ จะ ทำ เลือด ออก
  14. I have been fired. The person has been fired from a job.
  15. Cabbage soup. Just a few more days and then Jay Festival is over.
  16. She risked her life to bear children. You sound like a selfish prick.
  17. It works well. In England we won't have this and the country is a <deleted>heap.
  18. I can perfectly balance my feet so that I glide down stairs without walking. The rear foot drops down but it is caught by the front foot and the cycle continues.
  19. The blue suit <deleted> is starting to get annoying. Just endless PR.
  20. In Russia aligned Thailand and eating pies. No one will cart me off to war I am useless. 🥳
  21. ''cyberster'' the curse of dreadful car names continues. They had every language in the world ancient and new to choose from and the might of AI to pick a name and that is it. The cyber stir cybersex dumbster.
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