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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. I just try to un-see the title of this forum. The name is so bad it hurts my eyes.
  2. Apparently we don't have a cuisine or specific British food in England. So here is twenty minutes worth of it:
  3. My last neighbors placed piled of dog <deleted> along the side of his house. Could smell it all day especially when the sun hit. I guess the fact that they bark all day everyday wasn't enough for him. Not sure how you could communicate cutting over hanging branches. Maybe some diagrams on a chalk board, a gift of coconuts and some dancing.
  4. Women in England never leave the bus route locations and taking a short cut though the park is the most culturally rich thing they will do. I don't think they will come to Thailand.
  5. Work shoes and no trousers drinking from a bottle and screaming. Well at least he does his 90s days on time.
  6. The last taxi I took the man screamed at me multiple times and called me an ''Ai Hia''. They really need to line up the taxi drivers and march them back to the slums. Tossing useless.
  7. Had this happen a few times but every time the zip was broken on my bag. Asok - two guys walked near me, one on each side, and I felt my bag moving so I turned and looked. I just saw his hand on it then one guy walked off into the dark soi and another walked past quickly. Chitlom - a young girl was walking really close behind me. I stopped to look at my phone and she bumped into me and then just stood there. Beach place cafe area - We had a picnic and walked a few metres to take a photo. When we got back picnic has gone. They took all the fried chicken and left the rice. Which is funny because the way it was packed they would have to take out the rice first in that order so not a stray dog. Lucky for me I laced it with poison.
  8. You can't own land, so it's not your backyard.
  9. My girlfriend has won the lottery twice in a row, back to back and got 2,000 baht a time. Not sure if this is money laundering but the Thai government seem to be giving out free money.
  10. The ones in my garden fruit all the time. I was the one up the ladder and climbing on the wall. Huge bunches of bananas everytime. We filled the back of a car up with bananas and took it to the slum. Not sure what you're on about. These things keep growing like weeds.
  11. There is an irony and power in blending the together one time.
  12. Wrong type of ink. Pay the fine.
  13. My religion is more peaceful than yours. You take that back my religion is more peaceful! Lets have a war and find out. What a bunch of tards.
  14. So why did you leave unusually early that morning Mr. Baker?
  15. She looks like a corpse.
  16. Well I'm a normal human so I drank a hot coffee as quick as I can and eat some revolting Thai donuts for my breakfast. It was raining and I didn't want to walk far so I had mama for lunch. And another <deleted> weird 'sponge donut' this time.
  17. So he gets no punishment at all, but I get an 11,000 baht visa fine from some bent cops?
  18. Have you ever been completely lost in translation while talking to a Thai person, either due to language barriers or cultural differences? I used to go to restaurant often and there was always a child that would take the order and bring the plates. She even took the bill at the end. She must have been about 8 years old. Once day the little girl was not there so I said the twenty year old ''where is the little girl'' she had no idea what I meant. So I said ''she is so cute''. She just said thank you. So now I am the stalker that likes the twenty year old and thinks she is cute. Or she thinks the shop had a ghost girl in it. Have you ever had a misunderstanding that you wish could just time travel and have the conversation again?
  19. Not a day goes by without an electrical problem in my house. Absolute <deleted> show.
  20. When you left gangs didn't have knives? When did you leave the Lower Paleolithic era?
  21. They can't even tell each other apart if you ask them. They all look the same.
  22. All that magical monk power and you get defeated by a teenager using AI.
  23. The only one time they had a decent reason to break traffic rules and they just sit their look at the angry naked man.
  24. Here is a summary: Me: If I jump in an elevator fall will I get less injured? AI: No, jumping in a falling elevator will not make you less injured. In fact, it could make you more injured. Me: If I jumped exactly when the elevator hit the floor and landed after it had stops, would I be less injured? AI: No, jumping exactly when the elevator hit the floor and landing after it had stopped would not make you less injured. In fact, it could make you more injured. Me: No because I use muscles in the jump to counter gravity. AI: While it's true that your muscles can momentarily oppose the force of gravity while you're jumping, this effect would be too small to significantly reduce your velocity and impact force. Me: Why would I be injured if I jumped exactly when the elevator hit the floor and landed after it had stopped? AI: Conservation of Momentum: The momentum of an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its velocity. Me: If I had a jet pack and an AI that could adjust my hover speed depending on the elevator fall, would I get injured? AI: Theoretically, using a jetpack and an AI to adjust your hover speed while an elevator is falling could prevent you from getting injured. Me: So why isn't my jump the same as a jet pack? Muscles are a force just like a jet pack. AI: While muscles are indeed capable of generating force, the amount of force they can produce is significantly limited compared to a jetpack. Me: If the elevator was falling really slowly from floor 1 to ground and I jumped just before the elevator hit the ground and landed after it had hit, would I still get injured? AI: The severity of your injuries in this scenario would depend on the exact speed of the elevator at the moment of impact. Me: The elevator is move 0.5 mph. AI: 0.5 mph is a very slow speed, and it is unlikely that you would be injured if you jumped in an elevator that was falling at that speed. How about you? Do you get tired of Thai women mashing the close button when they see the foreigner waiting?
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