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G Rex

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Everything posted by G Rex

  1. Yes - it is a case moth (or bag-worm) larva. They are totally harmless. They will feed until they are ready to pupate - generally on some type of vegetation - (varies depending on species of moth - as there are many different species of these guys) . They do not eat dust, fluff or clothes! Interestingly - the female is flightless. The male develops normally, pupates , leaves his bag , then uses his (very) long abdomen to mate with a receptive female in her bag. She will then lay eggs in her bag , the larvae emerge, leave the bag - and the cycle continues!!
  2. very important amino acid - if you are a cat....
  3. You can download the forms online. All are in Thai - and it takes about 30 minutes to fill them in.(for my wife - I am not proficient enough in written Thai to do it) If possible it is easier to go to DLT with the purchaser and get them to sort it out. Easier - but far more stressful , 555.
  4. we had Hitachi inverter units in our last house - 3 24btu units. no problems with 3 years use - though did need to remove rotary fan and clean about once a year. have just installed 4 samsung inverter 24btu and 18btu units in our new house. very quiet operation and work very well. Powerbuy had a very good discount on Samsung last month. All units come from the shop with 'installation included' - although we ALWAYS have had to pay something extra to the installer (from 1500 to 3k baht per unit) - with them citing extra costs for extra plumbing, installation higher off the ground etc.. It still comes out as a good deal. Last week I had a small (9000btu) TCL inverter unit put in my office (5x2.5x2.7). It is whisper quiet and works very well.
  5. My wife had one camera fine - we paid that one.(I was driving) Hooray for us!. We have received another 7 (seven) speeding fines to our address - but it is not us! Some other farang that has his mail addressed to our (new) property - with pretty photos of his BMW 7 series doing the wrong thing. We contacted DLT after first one. They shrugged. Now we bin them all. The system is terminally broken!
  6. Are you itchy as well? or is it just a crawling sensation on your skin? Tiny midges - similar to sandflies give me a hiding here at times - and a single bite will make me itchy all over for a day or 2.
  7. `Yes - Wise is the go, rather than transfer direct from Westpac, though you will still need a dongle as pictured above to make your first transfer to Wise - as they will be a new recipient. I have successfully used my dongle/token for the last 5 years for Westpac transactions performed in Thailand.
  8. Now THAT is a stunning looking pussy!
  9. Third World country - Third World politics...
  10. Our 4 dogs all get Royal Canin Dry food twice daily. Not cheap, but premium dog food brands (such as Royal Canin or Hills) give definite benefits for dental health, skin and general health. The other benefit is that the better quality feeds generally have less residue - meaning less landmines in the yard to clean up!
  11. I took my pink ID card , Passport & Bank book to my local Krungsri Bank a few days ago. In typical Thai style they took a myriad of photocopies - all of which I had to sign- and then took a few pics of my hansum face. The whole process took about 10 minutes. My wife tells me I can do the facial recognition stuff online for my Kasikorn account. I’ll report back on that in due course.
  12. I agree - but maybe okay for your cousin - crouchpotato
  13. @jaiyenyen Sorry - attempted humour - it is an old Australian joke. “I am a country member” - responded by “oh yes - I remember”
  14. Oh yes. I remember. 555
  15. Love the gun ????. Installed one back in rural southern Australia before I moved here permanently. My wife and I had no problems during the Covid induced toilet paper crisis - other than rectal freezing during the winter!!
  16. Scatman John’s sister? I little bit of Monica…..
  17. Not sure how AI (artificial insemination) can help monitor international criminals… ????
  18. And therein lies the basis of the problem - and many of the issues in the LOS - when we try to compare things with life in the ‘civilised’ West.
  19. I understand your sentiments , but people need to take responsibility for their actions. This is Thailand , not the West - where people make a (dis)honest living by tripping over at Bunnings,Tesco or Walmart. I often stumble on broken footpaths , or have issues with my cars/motorbikes traversing potholes deeper than the San Andreas Trench - but the onus is on me to be careful. There is not the funding in this low taxing, welfare devoid society to fund such issues.
  20. https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Capital-gains-tax/Foreign-residents-and-capital-gains-tax/Your-residency-status-and-CGT/#:~:text=If you are a foreign,lodge your Australian tax return. You should get the right answer here. ????
  21. My wife likes to buy gold from Aurora. (Actually she likes to buy gold from anywhere - lol) We have had no issues selling gold back to them - but there were 2 occasions where it took them 24 hours to reimburse money to wifes bank account. This was apparently because everything had to be organised by head office - and we don't live in Bangkok. For variety and quality of product - Wife prefers 'Chin' gold
  22. If this stalling event only happened on one occasion - and the car has been okay since then - I think you are worrying unnecessarily - possibly overreacting? Enjoy your new car.
  23. I need a stronger lens for my right eye - but was unable to configure this with Zenni when I ordered through them. Have others managed to do this? Is there a work-around? - or am I just weird?
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