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Everything posted by DaLa

  1. Thanks for the update Ryan. I was told that the certificate from where I received my vaccinations was incorrect and advised to return to Bang Sue station (not a hospital) to collect the correct 'colour' certificate. I made the journey back to Bang Sue and was advised they did not issue any other certificate. When you say the 'right vaccine certificate' , is there any chance you could post a copy ( obviously with your details omitted ). Thanks.
  2. Absolutely correct. The 'banking' crises of 2007-08 (GFC) proved this. I had funds with an Icelandic bank and several others as I had just sold my property in the UK. At the time the UK bank deposit scheme only protected the first £2000 and then 90% of the next £30,000. I had £50k in the Icelandic bank invested as a 1 year bond returning 7% Interest. The UK government paid me the £50k and also honoured the 7% interest.
  3. I went to pick mine up 10 days ago. I approached it from Thanon Tiwanon, then walked up soi Tiwanon 14 about 600-700 Metres. Then turn right into the main complex and apprx 200 Metres along this main roadway on my left were signs to 'Covid passport'. I followed the signs for about 100 M to the building where there is a tent and seating set up whilst awaiting your appointment. Despite having my UK passport and paperwork from Bang Sue with my vaccine certificate , I was told it was the 'wrong' paperwork......wrong colour etc. Good luck hope you have a more successful outcome tomorrow.
  4. DaLa

    New Laptop

    Just create a backup of your files on a stick or disc and then load them into your new laptop. Or post them up to a cloud and then download them onto your new laptop. I Have a mac here in Thailand and windows laptop in the UK and transfer them across accordingly when I travel. The only problem maybe the version of Word / excell etc you 'buy' / acquire with your new lap top. Personally I use LibreOffice which creates .xlsx files that can be manipulated to work with various versions of MS applications.
  5. Dependant on your 'visa' entry status in Thailand.
  6. Totally agree, works for me . If I had an understanding 'wife' I would also add in taking a 19 year old uni student on the trip to help alleviate the symptoms.
  7. I understand your angst and anger, but hasn't the weather been reasonable today don't you think. Drying up a 'tad' at last.
  8. Although that tends to lead to being 'sedated' by wine. One of the problems I foresee with this 'prohibition' is a recoil effect and 'party' time. Oh well, we'll cope, bring it on.
  9. If you take your own beer (ByO - Bring your own ) and pay 'corkage' , are they 'serving' beer ??
  10. I consider myself a 'cup half full' type. I keep reading this to see if there's any good news and I'm struggling.
  11. Went to this place today and there are signposts to a counter where it says you can apply for your international vaccine passport. I had my yellow vaccination certificate and my passport with me and went to collect a card with a waiting number on it. Was then informed that I didn't have the correct 'colour' vaccination certificate and would have to go back to Bang Sue with the specific instructions to go to gate 2 and acquire this 'new' certificate. Mr Help couldn't expand on the name of the new certificate or even which colour. I went back to Bang Sue station and went to the desk at gate 2 and guess what, they only have the 1 certificate of proof of vaccine and hadn't a clue what was required. I made them call the above department on the number provided. No answer. Back to Ministry of Health tomorrow and I hope I've calmed down.
  12. An update on my initial post at the very beginning of this exercise. I emailed the Department of Disease Control and have not had a response. I luckily found a young lady at Bang Sue station where they have a large vaccination operation underway and she created an account for me using the Line app. All my details and the details of my 2 vaccines are recorded accurately and I then progressed to requesting an 'International Certificate'. That was reasonably simple , however I cant acquire an appointment until the 2nd of November. The address to collect is misleading as it only states 'Division of Communicable Diseases' without any other detail, so I guess I'll just wander around Bangkok on the 2nd looking for this department. I can't believe there are that many people requiring an international passport so urgently that there is a 2 week waiting list. If anyone thinks they need one just to get a beer in a bar when they finally re-open, you don't, your MS word fake document will suffice.
  13. I applied last Thursday for my wife and received an appointment for the next day. In as much as the procedure appears to change every year in some form or another it was ostensibly the same as 2 years ago. The IT system has fouled up on me numerous times in the past and I've complained , however reporting the problem has always proven fruitless.
  14. Emirates have posted on their site that as long as you fulfil the requirements of the country you are flying to then they do not need any extra tests. I understand that as being if you are flying to the UK: 1. Have to have received one of the 4 acceptable vaccines 2. Have to have had 14 days from 2nd vaccine to date of travel 3. Have to have documentary proof (in English) of receipt of the vaccine. 4. Passenger location form.....address of where you are planning to stay I welcome any corrections or additions to that as I'm planning a return at the beginning of November. https://www.emirates.com/th/english/help/covid-19/dubai-travel-requirements/tourists/
  15. Just this minute sent an email to the Nonthaburi address requesting an appointment. I'll update on the response as soon as I hear anything.
  16. So that's a 'however' an 'if', a 'likely' and a 'barring' to consider in 1 sentence. I'm moving my furniture upstairs now!
  17. Correct. For those technically minded it's 98.3% Water and 1.7% Dihydrogen Monoxide. First injection I have had in my whole life that had zero affect on me. On a serious note, if you are thinking of travelling it's the paperwork that you also need to focus on.
  18. Better make plans to consider installation. Cold season about to descend on CM and temperatures dropping to 19 degrees. Or you can always resort to the thermals you shipped from the UK.
  19. Which particular generation are we referring to? My excess indulgences today are making up for the following: Born when food rationing from WWII was still in place. Public transport finished at 10 PM so would walk 4 miles home. Walked 1 mile to school back and forth twice a day for 11 years in all weathers. No phone ( LANDLINE !) until I was 25. 1 Television between 9 of us. First (and only 1) personal television at 28. No central heating. Parents did provide a makeshift ice scraper for the inside bedroom windows thoughtfully. Ate in a restaurant for the first time at 18 years of age (usually 3 times a year). First plane journey at 23 and then only 1 trip per year. No walkman/laptop/mobile/trainers or clothes with fancy labels. Some guys in my youth were so poor they couldn't afford shoes, they were the lucky ones, I couldn't afford feet. Look out planet, I'm now about to unleash untold damage on you.
  20. I hope to travel via Dubai shortly with Emirates and I am following information from these sites: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/countries-with-approved-covid-19-vaccination-programmes-and-proof-of-vaccination https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-to-england-from-another-country-during-coronavirus-covid-19 https://www.boots.com/covid-19-testing/covid-19-test-to-release https://www.emirates.com/th/english/help/covid-19/dubai-travel-requirements/tourists/ The one answer I can't get a solid reply to is the Covid-19 vaccine document that is acceptable to both Emirates and UK immigration. Emirates do not require Covid PCR test if you have a vaccine 'passport' and are travelling to the UK.
  21. Apologies if I have missed this in the previous comments and advice. Does anyone know if this 'Health Pass' is in English and acceptable to immigration (health authorities etc) in the UK as part of their 'Vaccinated and no requirement to quarantine' visitor regulations?
  22. I'd sooner have it permanently attached than have some builder from Myanmar with a 9 inch angle grinder come to 'help'.
  23. The security guard ( and his trusty dog ) will arrive at 8 PM to open up for the night. After a hectic night swatting mossies and playing 'The Simsons Tapped out' on his iPhone he will lock up again at 6 AM. Or maybe someone has bought him an Oxford concise (OED), in which case that leaves these options.
  24. I have had businesses both as as a Landlord and as a 'builder'. Makes my blood boil when I see programmes titled 'Cowboy builders ' or 'Slum landlords'. I have every sympathy for any tenant that has had their deposit retained or has to live with a leaking roof , but I challenge anyone to have to deal with customers that don't pay or tenants that use your property as a dumping site. I've seen and witnessed it all.
  25. I'm sorry to hear that; however, coming from the 4th largest city in the UK that lost 20% of its workforce's business and income. They will have to deal with it. Airports are aggressively engaged and preoccupied with money grabbing, and absolutely totally uninterested in the customers experience. Gatwick airport could fall into the sea for me and I wouldn't shed 1 tear. PS. Ive used about 100 airports in 40 years of travel and 90% would fail my 'customer experience' test. Birmingham airport in the UK just about passes as 'doing what it says on the tin' but is still far from value for money. We've all been conned by a succession of governments and restricted choice in how we use this 'service'.
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