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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. Well this is pretty sad, after 87 pages, no one has any idea about getting the vax you want in Pattaya....
  2. Well I have blood issues in the past so I figure Sinovac would be the safest.......But I am not sure about how to go about finding it...
  3. So where would someone go to get a Sinovac vax in Pattaya? I am only interested in Sinovac......Can you just walk into a hospital and ask for a appointment?
  4. Why do many guys think girls like or even profit much from on-line freelance.....It has many disadvantages and a few advantages..... Disadvantages #1 .....No lady drinks or bar fines #2... You can't check out the guys beforehand... #3...Its not particularly fun #4...Not making new friends like in a bar #5..Many guys just will not pay GoGo prices #6.. Girls who are not young and hot can't win over guys with their personality...... Advantages... #1......Freelancing is great for girls who don't like to work too much... #2....Freelancing is great for girls who don't like to work too much... I don't see freelancing taking over bars EVER....
  5. Its hard to predict walking streets future, but in the 3 or 4 drawings I have seen of what a make-over might look like, the drawings had a sterilized Singaporean look to them.....So its clear this is the direction they want to head towards.....
  6. If you want to know the future you need to also look at the present and the past......Look at Khao San road.......The powers that be hated that place......But they could not very well block the streets off and let it die.....So they did the next best thing, they sanitized and neutered the place, and totally killed the freewheeling vibe.....Sure there are a few street bars still there but just a few..... My guess for Walking Street is that it will also be sanitized and neutered, and there will also be a few bars left for old times sake...
  7. Nice one......It sounds like all kids are in the control test group....
  8. So why not just board up the window? Why leave it open? If I ran the mall I would do it for sure...
  9. This parking garage was funded through the city's construction slush fund that can be spent on any project, I am pretty sure......The mall never really had time to make money because of covid, so I doubt they funded the parking garage...
  10. I agree 100%........There must be thousands of other disease in the world, and I guess all those disease put together don't match the vicious covid that almost everyone survives.......Its all very strange....
  11. Well this is great except once the vax is in someone there is no way to get it out if there is a problem.....And a few years, don't qualify as long term studies....Considering kids have almost a zero chance to get covid,who would think it's a good idea to risk a child's health?
  12. I would not give the vax to a child no way........Get creative....Say your child is allergic to the vax components...Demand a exemption....Threaten to sue them, but a simple exemption would make all the nastiness go away ......Say you are waiting a year and then another year etc........There are many options......
  13. Farangs have mostly given-up on wine......The wine section in grocery stores is deserted almost every time I am there......They use to do a pretty good trade...
  14. I bought a bottle of the Thai cooking wine to see if it was ok to drink.... Save your money.....It's not just bad but it's undrinkable....Even a desperate alcoholic could not stomach this wretched stuff..
  15. Well with all this bad news I sure hope you plan the keep wearing your mask for a very long time...
  16. I think anyone what wants a vax should be forced against their will not to get one... It would not bother me the least if this happened...
  17. The thing about Thais is they want to park as close to where they are going as possible, so I really question if they will want to use this parking garage at all..
  18. I paid close attention to the traffic flows on beach road when I heard about the 2013 remodel disaster in the making in 2012.... I saw that about 21-22 hours a day traffic WAS NOT backed up on beach road when it was 2 lanes........Traffic only backed up for a few hours in the evening....
  19. Well your right the view was not spectacular before, but at least you did not feel like you dinning in a prison mess hall......I and I am sure plenty of other people will be giving the food court a pass or at least not going as often because of this new parking garage...
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