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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. All and I mean all alternative forms of energy are nonsense,,,,,Oil is nonsense too... Zero point energy is free and unlimited....And they are sitting on it and will not let this happen....
  2. I guess you need to do some studying up on The Flat Earth.......No one will ever go to the moon..
  3. I think Flybird the rock bottom for cheap condos.......... Let's say you're already 65, 70 years old..... Would anyone really want to spend the last 10-25 years of their life living in a depressing dump? Just rent....
  4. Best seller!! Kief (Kief) high quality, planted in air conditioning 24 hours. https://www.lazada.co.th/-i4199702127-s16527410716.html?
  5. Smart Citys .....bla bla bla..... See all the comments here.........No one gives a rats azz..... Smart cities are only dreamed about by bureaucrats who dream of top down control of the sheep, on a giant sheep farm...
  6. Well you do bring up one good point..... and that is the overhead to operate a ferry.... Why did they bail out from the Hua Hin Pattaya ferry route?..... I will tell you why...... Because the overhead expenses were killing them....... Even when the boats were not running all employees must still be paid, insurance still must be paid. maintenance must still happen etc etc.... My point here is operating a ferry is very expensive... So you're right about a very loooong return on investment.... When a engine part blows out, you don't just go to Home Pro and buy another one..........Nope... You have that part shipped in from overseas at great expense...The ongoing ferry cost are never ending.... So unless you have a Cherrie and hugely popular route like the Pattaya Koh Larn run.......I think it is a risky busisness......
  7. When I order with a app, most things I order cost around 210 220 230 240....I always check for discounts and I often can knock 20-30-40 baht off this price.......My only exception to this price range is I on occasion order a pizza from Outlaw pizza for 350 , you chose 10 toppings......
  8. Cash is king......Always has been,always will be....
  9. I am pretty sure some members of this forum have already been infected...
  10. You gotta hand it to them......They can make cherry trees grow out of concrete and bloom in December......We are very lucky to have tree loving magicians like this in charge of walkway rebuild.... And to think I said they only loved those bloody eye sores called Palm trees.......Shame on me...
  11. I support this guy 100%.......A major investigation of the vaxes should have happened long ago........Shine the light and watch the cockroaches scurry..
  12. Yes from 10 years ago....lol I think about at least 60-70% should be added to this....
  13. If this was my ship I think I would try and turn it into a gamboling party ship.. I think this would be waaaaaaaaaay more successful than the trip to Koh Samui...... Even the Pattaya to Hua Hin run I think would be better..
  14. I think the reason more people do not take a interest in the promenade and this thread....Is because there is starting to not be enough people who were in Pattaya back before 2013 when the promenade was a fantastic place....It was beautiful and lovely back then..... Newer people only know the promenade as it is now......Treeless, uninteresting, very hot during the day, uninspiring and just plain boring.....
  15. 500 baht ST 1000 LT..........Your money goes far here
  16. I see Palm trees like giant weeds........Nondescript with very little personality.. Palm trees give hardly any shade.....And at noon when shade is needed most they give almost no shade at all.... But for some unknown reason they seem obsessed with Palm trees.............Flowers, shrubs,plants or any other kind of tree, they have ZERO interest in..........Its only Palm trees 24/7/365........
  17. I sure hope they are not planting more Palm trees..
  18. Every single news article from the last 2-3 years about the new walkway rebuild, stated the main purpose of the rebuild was to ADD PARKING... No news updates that I have seen say there will now be no parking.. They did manage to chop down almost all the shade trees in 2 days last year and removed 100% of the seating in a single day.......So they can certainly work at lighting speed if it involves making the promenade more ugly, more sterile, and more of a unpleasant place....
  19. Gee......I sure hope Pattaya's new beach walkway looks like this.....
  20. And Pattayas next park to be destroyed?...........There are no parks left to be destroyed......None.......Not a single patch of grass in the city anywhere...
  21. Yep its very hard to believe Pattaya does not have even one park.....Not one.... Beach front promenade.....Destroyed Bali Hi park......Destroyed......Now a parking garage Fish market park......Destroyed Jomtien beachfront.....Most trees cut down.....Very close to being destroyed... And that's it folks.......No other parks at all.........Zero......... And without a motorcycle you can forget about Pratamnack Hill too, unless your very very motivated to go there....
  22. However, for now, concerts and food festivals set for the Countdown will continue. And why allow everything but the fireworks?
  23. Yep for LOADS of Thais the masks are here to stay until death do them part...But like you say even the death part is questionable....
  24. Well it sounds like someone will be getting a nice fireworks money bonus this year......The booths pay money so they are ok.....But no money to be made from fireworks....
  25. Some of us don't feel the need to follow the herd....A brain was put in our head for a reason...We use it to think........ I myself am quite happy to be the only person in a room without a mask....And if others get uncomfortable that's fine by me..
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