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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. I never thought that. The cost of setting up solar panels is too high. It's like paying 10 years of electricity in advance and then replacing them in the future for another upfront cost.
  2. I don't understand your question. Did something I wrote lead you to conclude I am an idiot? After nearly 20 years here, I can tell you exactly what I do at Songkran. I stay out of it. I didn't receive a single drop of water this year. I can tell you what I did when I returned from shopping at Foodland one night after 22:00 on a side street, trying to avoid water. That was probably about 10 years ago. A Thai person dumped a bucket of ice water on me after I asked him not to. I got off my motorcycle - grabbed the offending Thai person by the head and dunked him in his tank of ice water. He didn't enjoy the experience and wanted to fight. He was about half my size, so I returned to my bike and took off. He expected me to enjoy a bucket of ice water, but he couldn't see the joy of being dunked in his own water. Another time I was standing in traffic and a Thai menace pumped me directly in the face with a high-pressure gun. I grabbed his gun and took off with it. Do you get the point now? I stay at home to avoid getting into fights with idiots. The water is only one of the problems during Songkran.
  3. Yes, of course. I realized my error after I'd posted when it was too late to edit. I was waiting for someone to correct me. Thanks for the revised figures.
  4. You need to add some context. The member punched someone for throwing water at him when he asked him not to. I don't know about you, but if I'm "playing Songkran" as I have in the past, and someone asks me not to throw water, I don't. On the main Songkran day of course anyone who wants to stay dry should not be out, but there are many days leading up to the main day when people would prefer to stay dry as they might want to go shopping at a mall or eat at a restaurant.
  5. As much as I dislike Songkran, leaving the country to avoid it is a bit extreme. I just stay at home as I do most of the year. I only need to go shopping, and during the event, late at night, plenty of shops are open for my basic grocery needs. I didn't see a single water gun or bucket of water this year. The only change in my routine this year was not shopping at Big C Extra.
  6. This is nonsense. Although I don't go near the high-density beer bars areas during Songkran, it's Thai people that have caused me the most grief over the years. It's an excuse for Thai people with a chip on their shoulders to have a go at foreigners. Here are 3 examples that are probably quite familiar: 1. High-pressure water guns aimed directly at my face and/or ears when sitting on my bike waiting for the lights to change. 2. Huge buckets of ice water after 10 pm on side streets when trying to avoid water and carrying shopping. 3. Asking politely not to be splashed and getting drenched. They only really have fun when they find dry people who don't want to be wet, and in particular, foreigners. There's no fun wetting people who are already wet and out to play.
  7. Assuming the cost is 600k with installation, that's equivalent to 20 years' PEA charges at my current usage, not considering rising electricity prices in the next 20 years. I'd be curious about how long these panels and batteries will last, and the ongoing maintenance costs of such a system.
  8. More than working... Bangkok with a metro population of over 11 million, 13 road fatalities in 5 days. That's minuscule.
  9. Nonsense! It depends on what pathogens are in the water. Plenty exist that could put even heroes like you on their backs. Maybe one day you'll get a brain-eating amoeba up your nose. In your case, there might not be much to eat.
  10. Many years ago in my early days in Thailand, I used the middle finger (in Pattaya) to show my feelings about being deliberately cut off. The offending Thai drove on the wrong side of the road for nearly a kilometer to catch up with me. The risk he took to himself and other road users to catch up with me on my motorcycle was incredibly shocking. He caught up and stopped his car in the middle of an intersection. I was lucky enough to slip by him and disappear. I've never used it again, in nearly 20 years here. That was the first and last time. I think the foreigner was lucky to meet a rather mild-mannered lady in this incident. It might have ended up badly for him had he met an aggressive Thai woman in Pattaya. I've seen the venom of some of them... and in most cases, there would have been some Thai guys (motorcycle taxi drivers, for example) coming to help. He deserved a thorough flogging.
  11. The problem is with the kidney function test using creatinine blood levels as the indicator for kidney health. They use it because it's quick and cheap. If you're muscular, and taking creatine, you will have higher creatinine levels. If you're using a lot of creatine, you should consider more advanced kidney function testing. Testing Kidney Function
  12. There is no need to cycle it if you're taking 3 - 5g per day.
  13. On my iPhone I always get ? when I dictate "question mark"... but I often have to edit the words that come out. Maybe it has trouble with my accent.
  14. I just found some information on it. They are trying to change the law to allow unidentified or unclaimed bodies to be cremated, but at the moment, they are still buried. They are running out of space to bury them. Law change sought for unknown bodies
  15. If they cremate your body, that's cool, but I don't think they do. Do you have any references to the procedure?
  16. What happens if the deceased has no family in Thailand or abroad? The Embassy would have no one to contact in the home country. From what I can gather, they dump the body in an unmarked grave. I'm asking, because I'm in this situation after a divorce.
  17. It's a wild animal doing what wild animals do - get food when and from wherever they can. The only way to solve the problem is to capture and relocate it. If it was near my restaurant, I'd start feeding it regularly as it would be a crowd-pleaser for tourists. They feed soi dogs here daily, but begrudge one ape a decent meal?
  18. The monkey can't pay, so what else can he do? It's not stealing.
  19. No problem whatsoever - I'm an avid weightlifter with good joints who trains 6 days a week - I can throw you out! Just tell me where you are and I'll come and get you and throw you in a cab headed for Bangkok. Fortunately, you won't be able to see my toes as I wear shoes when I go out.
  20. You have no idea about food courts. Food courts are places where people who shop in busy shopping malls go to pick up a low-cost meal on their shopping trips. It's about convenience. The Thai customers (at Big C Extra) outnumber expats and tourists by a large percentage. The OP is trolling here to wind up expats. He's the "Cheap Charlie". There are other restaurants there for higher-priced restaurant meals - Fuji, MK, Santa Fe Steakhouse, Black Canyons, along with KFC and Subway. There is no need to eat at the food court. Fuji and MK sell good quality food, but his bill will be closer to 1000 baht (for 2).
  21. The sooner the better - would you like a hand?
  22. Dude - I'm living in Thailand and don't give a sh*t - nothing is going to change, so just relax and watch the show.
  23. I'm not a US citizen, so I have no skin in the game, but I hope Trump wins. The never-Trumpers provide endless entertainment.
  24. Nonsense! It was ugly from the very start.
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