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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. i beg to differ there, im not a fan of facial moles, find the accent cloying, and find them mercenary aand unsubtle.
  2. not sure why an iteectualpursuit would need gender segregation. Physical activities sure, but why does chess need a womens league?
  3. while i agree the op's posts are tedious, he is certainly not alone in that respect. for example: https://aseannow.com/topic/1303528-how-much-monthly-salary-should-you-pay-for-rescuing-a-bar-girl/ What's so good about Thailand? https://aseannow.com/topic/1303739-underrated-band/ and then there this festival of delusion, and thats just page one https://aseannow.com/topic/1303933-whats-good-about-the-philippines/ looking again, pretty much anything relegated to the pub is <deleted>
  4. no. two storey house in the middle of lower sukhumvit, bangkok. hear a bit of music at nght, and the odd partier whooping, but im used to it.
  5. she was driving her car on a public highway. where else should she have driven it?
  6. Nice stairs, good effort, but the woman was well beyond mildly impaired. a travel warning would not have helped. Thanks for coming out tho.
  7. in this instance "enjoyed a few drinks" means a blood alcohol level of .35. Sad to say she was paralytic. it is surprising she was able to leave the bar under her own power.
  8. wouldn't it just be easier to buy ketamine? there is no bloody shortage of that around.
  9. red hot chili peppers have rendered me impotent since i first heard them in univeristy
  10. errr, boomers are called the most affluent generation of all time
  11. you would need to step away from the keyboard for that. At the rate you post, it seems unlikely.
  12. nobody could care less. good thing you stick around to remind us you are here every chance you get.
  13. good to see you have avoided using that confusing punctiation as well.
  14. Since you bring up POTY, all anyone needs to remember is you grovelling for the win several years in a row. Not sure who was more laughable, you or Jingthing
  15. anyone worth reading was chased away years ago,
  16. because a 350 pound man hitting a much smaller fellow is so very honourable
  17. i cannot conceive of any corcumstances where these two fat pidgin english speaking ass clown s could be considered my own. their behavior has no relevance to me of my life, and does not affect how i am percieved. calling them the asshats they clearly are spells no trouble for me. As to their being in the right, i see only evidence to contradict that.
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