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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. This is American Presidential politics. Any high ground was ironed out long ago; moral, whatever has that got to do with it!
  2. Reform UK, and Farage, would be fools to get involved with Trump/Musk. It would kill the movement stone dead.
  3. Well that one went over his head and ricocheted off down the range!
  4. I tried using nylon sheets, supposed to be less susceptible to tearing. Awful elbow burns when cornering though!
  5. The taller chap seems to anticipate trouble, appears to have a donor card stuck in his waistband!
  6. Hunter Biden was found guilty, convicted. He has been pardoned. The pardon does not remove the conviction, or change the fact that he was found guilty. You can quite happily clutch your pearls and swoon because someone on the fringes of public life, and someone, whose family ties it is not entirely unreasonable to consider played a significant part in his sentencing, has been pardoned. Similarly, the January 6th crowd were either found guilty in a trial or pleaded guilty. Exactly the same will apply, they remain convicted, they remain guilty, they will have been pardoned. It can be argued, and I would argue, that the pardon of 1 person cannot really be compared in political significance and the integrity of the rule of law, to the mass blanket pardon of people convicted and sentenced for a wide variety of crimes on that January 6th. Better reserve that comparison for the inevitable individual pardons which will be issued to Mr Trump's cronies... I would also suggest, in the cause of common humanity; Mr Biden knows that he is, frankly, quite likely to die soon. He understandably does not want to die whilst his son is in jail. I don't really expect that last argument to gain much traction on this forum!
  7. You mean rather like velcroing your name tape on upside down in the military - so in moments of great excitement you can glance down and remind yourself what your name is! I think you have cracked it!
  8. The world is infinitely more interconnected in this century than it was when the USA last went through "isolationism". The risk is that he/USA ends up rather like apartheid era South Africa - militarily and politically unassailable but widely regarded ( racial policies aside, although there perhaps wait and see) as a rather bizarre set up, verging on a pariah.
  9. The trouble with making massive trumpeted bluffs is that the other side realises it too, and maybe tempted to call that bluff!
  10. In retrospect, perhaps a more conventional means of entry might have been appropriate?
  11. Teenage girls changing rooms at beauty pageants...
  12. I don't think so. Just get ICE to pick him up - no papers on you? Oh dear, off you go into the "system", off course we will tell your family, but it might take some time before we know exactly where you are! Nacht und Nebel...
  13. They quite possibly are, but the USA under its new "leader" appears determined to overtake them!
  14. So, nothing will actually be done, we should move on...
  15. I'm not the one who raised his religion, or the possibility of his holding an Israeli passport as reason to discount his arguments.
  16. Aha, I apologise for my slackness. I have mislaid my copy of "Der Ewige Jude", and likewise my "Facial Recognition Charts" which would have allowed me to ascertain his Jewishness!
  17. The whole point is that Professor Rose argued that the evidence comes nowhere near the burden of proof (hence inverting said requirement); a subsidiary point he makes is that the court has no authority to issue arrest warrants as Israel is not a party to It. It is a bit like the Police taking you away in the belief that the initials "JB" stand for "Jolly Bad"!
  18. 'Tis a "non gender specific computing component" now! "Board" is also jolly suspect as well, due to connotations of "boards" being used to grade people's abilities and academic results, which is an inherently discriminatory process!
  19. So is a motorcycle when you take the exhaust/silencer/muffler off; doesn't make it legal!
  20. It would make an impressive headline, if a bit of a nightmare for the sub editors! "Failed multiple Casino owner, failed steak vendor, failed airline operator, failed university magnate, failed vodka producer, multiple bankrupt property developer, failed lothario; to apologise for accusing NYT of being a failed newspaper!"
  21. He argues that the ICC is overreaching it's jurisdiction since Israel is not party to the ICC, he also argues that the court has discounted evidence ( which by its constitution it is required to consider) that Israel has already carried out, appropriate and adequate investigations, ant that it has reversed the principal of the burden of proof. He also remarks on the itself remarkable fact that of the three judges who would try the case, one has been involved in constructing the prosecution! You know those sound very much like legal, not political arguments to me!
  22. That particular falling chip may backfire spectacularly! https://images.app.goo.gl/ssRC8Q9T91FieBMi7
  23. I wouldn't like to offer an opinion on @Lacessit's smugness, not least because the smugness and associated triumphalism trumpeted by the MAGA campaign on here over the last couple of weekends has distorted the scale! Perhaps (on the matter of the wrecking ball) they did vote for that, but it was not (we now learn) a majority, and I can't but wonder what they feel when they survey the debris of smashed and demolished health and social provision, and realise the scale of the task of recreating it, if indeed it can be!
  24. No need to seek it I would have thought. There are plenty of diagnoses being made on here, presumably those qualified to offer diagnostic services are also qualified to offer treatment?
  25. The gag orders were imposed to stop Trump from threatening jurors, witnesses and the families of the Judge. The judges have bent over backwards to accommodate Trump. The indictments were in many of the cases a result of Grand Jury deliberations; the crimes for which he was charged and convicted ( by a jury remember) were crimes which could have been charged as either misdemeanors or felonies, the decision was taken to charge them as felonies. You look forward and state "Trump's Department of Justice", and his "FBI Director" will prosecute and jail those who gained what were entirely proper convictions against him. That in itself more than hints that such prosecutions will be politically driven and a form of revenge. Of course everyone knows that to be the case, he has trumpeted that loud and often, and it is obviously what is driving his attempts to install his cronies in those posts - but perhaps ponder, such political prosecutions, if forced through, will be the "coup de grace" for an already greviously wounded judicial system. Do you, or perhaps more pertinently 50% of the country, want to believe, and approve of the use of the FBI and the DOJ to get such blatant political revenge convictions? You may, but I think most of the American public won't.
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