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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Again I refer to the Thai PM's comment from June 8th where he says flowers are still considered a narcotic. So the PM is not clear on the law?
  2. This is where I am with it all as well. Shame as I would grow my own in a heartbeat if I know I can legally grow and smoke it and have no bother from the cops.
  3. I ate two of them the other day and went out for a meal at a Thai restaurant. An hour after consumption I was wiped out 555. Should have stayed home and anticipated what was gonna happen.
  4. "The use of cannabis flowers and floral clusters must be controlled by law because they contained narcotic substances." - PM Prayut Chan-o-cha on June 8th 2022.
  5. Thailand should be ashamed of itself. It really is a filthy country if you look under the surface. Still rooted firmly in the third world because of poor education and mentality.
  6. Yup. There's a reason that buds and flowers were previously kept on the class 5 narcotics list when all this started in 2019. Now they are removed but the 0.2% THB extract rule and the PM's statement that they need to control buds and flowers make it clear what the intention is. Plenty of leeway for the Thai Police to extort young and 'confused' recreational users as you have already highlighted.
  7. *yawn* Yes it is current. I have posted plenty of stuff here in this thread. You have posted nothing of value.
  8. Correct. Very simple to understand. Glad someone gets it.
  9. That info is current. Seems your arguments are based on wishful thinking rather than anything else. Those of us that have been here longer than ten minutes know exactly what is going to happen here. And to clarify; I am not against the decriminalisation or legalisation of cannabis use for recreational purposes.
  10. You can grow six plants at home, but can't use the bud or extracts thereof as they are still classified as narcotics.
  11. In 2022, the Ministry of Public Health is pushing for legalization of all cannabis parts. And this is seen as the last remaining hurdle for the full use and commercialisation of cannabis. Previously, Thailand removed stems, roots, leaves and sprigs of cannabis from its Category 5 narcotics list, but kept flowers and buds on it. Under the new Narcotics Code, cannabis and hemp are no longer in the list. However, one form of cannabis will remain in the list i.e. cannabidiol (CBD) extracts with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) of more than 0.2%. https://localiseasia.com/is-marijuana-legal-in-thailand/
  12. You and others are only 'confused' because you are not getting what you want i.e. the bits of the plant that get you high being declassified as a narcotic. The law is clear, statements from the PM are clear... not sure what else will clarify it for you?
  13. It's a week old. What are you confused about? The law is perfectly clear. Less than 0.2% THC content; stems, leaves, etc. used for medicinal and other purposes = legal. More than 0.2% THC content including buds, flowers and products thereof used to get high are classified as narcotics = illegal.
  14. It's perfectly clear. "The use of cannabis flowers and floral clusters must be controlled by law because they contained narcotic substances" - PM Prayuth yesterday.
  15. The extortion has already started, and although these officers were subsequently reprimanded, a leopard never changes its spots.
  16. Scaffy pole or rebar probably. Too heavy to wield effectively, better off with something like this:
  17. You can't read or write Thai but you want permanent residency? Proficiency in the local language including reading and writing should be (and is, thankfully) the first mandatory step in obtaining any sort of permanence here.
  18. Gonna get messy when casual users start getting 'arrested' and extorted by the local Police. They must be rubbing their hands with glee. They like nothing better than a bit of vague legalese which both induces people to commit crimes thinking they are doing nothing wrong, and gives the Police an avenue for additional revenue through threats, extortion and bullying.
  19. I saw two bad motorbike accidents last week on the same day, one was almost certainly a fatality. This morning on the main Sukhumvit road in Bang Lamung outbound I saw the aftermath of another. They will never, ever learn.
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