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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Correct. The F-35 is not made to engage in dogfights, but it will have a kill ratio of 25 to 1 due to its weapons systems being so advanced. It will also be able to control squadrons of drones, which will give it a further advantage over rivals.
  2. They paid a billion Baht for novelty golf ball finders sold in British tabloid newspapers for 300thb each. No Thai ever punished for the procurement as far as I am aware. The English guy that sold them was jailed in the UK. Current PM, then as Army chief said they worked and kept using them in the South against insurgents, many of whom were innocent but locked up due to these fraudulent devices.
  3. Saw another victim of of a road accident this morning on the Motorway 7 frontage road heading towards Laem Chabang. Guy had come off his bike and was lying supine receiving CPR from a rescuer, specifically chest compressions. He had a mouthpiece in which indicates to me that they had been at it for a while. There was a bit of blood next to his body and his damaged motorcycle was lying nearby. Could not ascertain if he had been wearing a helmet. It could have been removed by the rescuers. Poor guy, hope he survived but it did not look good. I saw it as traffic filtered into a single lane to go around. Didn't really want to gawp but took a quick look as we moved past.
  4. I know the former owner of a large logistics company in Thailand, one evening when we were all in our local bar in Sukhumvit in Bangkok, he was explaining to us that all his drivers were trained not to leave living witnesses, through a wry smile. Still don't know if he was serious or not but we all took him on his word.
  5. The Police will be salivating at the amount of tourists and hangers-on they will be able to extort who will be under the mistaken impression ganja will be legal for recreational use. Not even considering the amount of people that will grow plants at home for whatever reason. It's a total joke as usual from these uneducated muppets.
  6. 30% of the budget is skimmed so the incentive is to just get on with it so they can trouser the cash Some projects simply are not necessary or worthwhile at the time (see above) They are a stopgap measure rather than a effective solution to a problem They are unable to plan projects effectively They don't properly understand the work-scope Contractors are eager to commence work so they can receive payments, less eager however to finish Poor management of project and workers Workmanship is shoddy and end-quality is poor which means more work required in future to correct mistakes Etc.
  7. He bought rocks from a rock shop that were used to weigh the body down apparently. That's about as much information as I have on the details of the evidence.
  8. Yes it is very odd that he apparently now admits guilt. It has been the case previously that confessions have been coerced by torture, not suggesting that is the case here, as they could easily have him bang to rights and he copped to it rather than risk a longer sentence, in the hope he may still get released someday.
  9. Are they arranged marriages or were they free to choose their partners?
  10. What castes are allowed to travel to Thailand? Are the lower castes and untouchables allowed or it is reserved for the higher castes only?
  11. Just when you thought his buffoonery could not get any worse.
  12. Sorry to nitpick but 'ancient' refers to the history of the civilizations of the Mediterranean area and the Near East up to the fall of the Western Roman Empire in AD 476.
  13. I would imagine that is a requirement of the airline's pre-fly checks.
  14. I fully understand what they do as when I worked for companies based in Singapore or elsewhere with Thai subsidiaries that was what they were doing also. Drilling contractors being the worst offenders. They have been cracking down on the tax avoidance by expats in the petroleum sector recently, few mates have come a cropper, probably due to everything being nationalised under PTT.
  15. Offshore worker? If so, see what I posted above. It still applies to rig pigs (of which I used to be one, now don't have to go offshore as I am the boss). ????
  16. You have to be paid in Thai Baht as per Thai law unless you have a legal document consenting to be paid in USD. If you were working legally, you will have also have to have paid taxes, and file an annual tax return with the revenue dept.
  17. Passport removed and deported once sentence is served, whether that is a financial penalty as implied here, jail time or both. No reason at all to keep this criminal and his ilk here. Get rid.
  18. Incorrect. As per Immigration you are a "temporary visitor for purposes other than tourism."
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